英文 | 中文 |
Since I was a kid I've been able to sleep through anything. | 我从小就是一个睡神 |
Storms, sirens, you name it. | 暴风雨 汽车喇叭 都不算什么 |
Last night, I didn't sleep. | 可是昨晚 我失眠了 |
I guess I get a little goofy when I'm nervous. | 可能我紧张的时候就会变得疯疯癫癫 |
You see, today isn't just any other day. | 今天 是个特殊的日子 |
It's my first day. | 今天是我工作的第一天 |
I'm the man. | 我长大了 |
And four years of pre-med, four years of med school | 四年医学预科加上四年医学本科 |
and tons of unpaid loans have made me realise one thing... | 和助学贷款 教会了我一件事 |
Good, could you go drop an NG tube on the patient in 234 | 你能给234床的病人插根鼻胃管 |
and then call the attending if the lavage is positive? | 如果洗胃可行的话就把主治医生叫过来 |
...I don't know Jack. | 我啥都不知道 |
So this is my story. | 这就是我的故事 |
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I'm supposed to be up in intensive care. | 我本来应该去重症病房的 |
Good, we just turfed him there. | 很好 我们刚把他转过去 |
Look, I became a doctor because I wanted to help people, | 我当医生是为了帮助别人 |
but orientation yesterday | 但昨天的入职培训 |
It didn't really focus on patient care. | 重点根本不是关心病人 |
The hospital doesn't wanna be sued. | 院方不希望被起诉 |
Being sued is not a good thing. | 被起诉不是什么好事 |
- Hey, Turk? - What's up? | - 嘿 Turk- 干嘛 |
You know how I'm totally down with the rap music? | 你知道我很喜欢说唱音乐吧 |
Dude, be whiter. | 老兄 好好当白人 |
Chris Turk's my best friend. | Chirs Turk是我的死党 |
We roomed together in college, we roomed together in med school. | 我们在大学和医学院都是室友 |
Hell, we even got accepted by the same hospital. | 我们甚至被同一所医院录用 |
Here's the thing. Tupac, DMX, Dr.Dre, | 是这样的 Tupac DMX Dr.Dre |
in most of their songs, | 他们的大部分歌曲 |
these artists use an extremely volatile racial slur. | 都用了极端种族歧视的词语 |
- The "N" word. - I got it. | - N开头那个- 我知道 |
Right, my question is this: if we're both singing along, | 我想问 如果我们一起唱他们的歌 |
and knowing that otherwise I would never use the word, | 而且我其他时候一定不说这词 |
- am I allowed to say... - No. | - 我可以说吗- 不行 |
See, that's good for me to know. I didn't know that. | 幸亏你告诉我 我都不知道 |
Finally, doctors, if there is a mistake, | 最后 医生们 如果出现医疗事故 |
don't admit it to the patient. | 千万别向患者承认错误 |
Of course, if the patient is deceased, and you're sure, | 当然 如果你确定患者已经挂了 |
you can feel free to tell him or her anything. | 那你想说什么就说什么 |
Hey, listen, I found us an apartment. | 听着 我找了间公寓 |
OK, gang, I'm Dr Bob Kelso, and I'm your Chief of Medicine, | 大家好 我是Bob Kelso医生 是你们的内科主任 |
so I just want to encourage | 我想鼓励你们大家 |
you all to think of me as your safety net. | 把我当做你们的保护伞 |
Because I promise you, we're a family here. | 因为我保证 我们会亲如一家 |
Now, then, go get 'em, doctors. | 好了 开始工作吧 医生们 |
So surgical interns are gonna go grab a beer. | 外科的实习医生要去喝啤酒庆祝 |
The medical interns are having a Pac-Man tournament. | 内科实习医生在玩吃豆人游戏 |
Apparently we're all twelve. | 不分伯仲啊 |
I love Pac-Man. | 我喜欢吃豆人 |
Me, too. I love watching it, I love playing it, I love all of it. | 我也是 喜欢看 喜欢玩 怎么都喜欢 |
I'm Elliot. | 我叫Elliot |
- Ell-i-ot - Yeah, don't do that. | - Ell-i-ot- 好了别搞那个 |
I'm JD. This is Turk. | 我是JD 这位是Turk |
Elliot, are you medical or surgical? | Elliot 你是内科还是外科 |
Medical. | 内科 |
Hello. | 有戏 |
So every male in my family is a doctor. My dad, my granddad, my brother | 我家里每个男的都是医生 我爸爸 我爷爷 我哥哥 |
Guess that's why Dad gave me a guy's name, | 所以我父亲给我起了个男人的名字 |
made me play sports, date girls. Joking. | 想让我搞运动 泡女人 开个玩笑 |
I know. I would've laughed if you'd paused. | 我懂 你停下来我就准备笑的 |
Anyway, I know what you're thinking. | 我知道你在想什么 |
Your butt looks like two Pringles hugging. | 你的屁股像两个山丘紧抱在一起 |
No, you don't. | 你不知道的 |
I'm probably Miss "Hyper-Competitive." | 我大概是"超级好胜"小姐 |
I mean it used to be a big problem for me. Used to. Past tense. | 这曾经是我的问题 不过都过去了 |
Are we like...racing? | 这是要赛跑吗 |
Yes! | 没错 |
Please, I'm not that desperate. | 拜托 我有那么饥渴吗 |
No! | 不 |
So, you do a lot of cardio or? | 你锻炼得多吗 |
Oh, yes. | 是的 |
Elliot Reid? John Dorian? Great. | Elliot Reid John Dorian 很好 |
One, I am your resident, Dr Jeffrey Steadman. | 首先 我是你们的住院医生 Jeffrey Steadman医师 |
Not "Jeff". | 别叫我Jeff |
Two, here are your manuals. | 其次 这是你们的员工手册 |
Do you ever notice how quickly some people make an impression? | 有些人能迅速给人留下深刻印象 |
I am a tool. I am a tool. I am a tool, tool, tool. | 我是个蠢货 我是蠢货 蠢货蠢货蠢货 |
An unbelievably annoying tool. | 不可理喻的令人讨厌的蠢货 |
Yeah. | 确实 |
Yeah, finally. These are your beepers. | 是吧 这是你们的寻呼机 |
From now on, they control your entire life. | 现在开始 它掌控你们的生活 |
Ok, Thanks. Move it. | 谢谢 让开 |
Back to today. | 回到今天来 |
I was paged. | 有人呼我过来 |
Oh, first day, Bambi, Carla will take care of you. | 第一天啊 小鹿斑比 我会罩着你的 |
Don't look at me when we're moving someone. | 推病人的时候别盯着我看 |
Why? | 为啥 |
We're waiting for Dr Cox. | 我们要等Cox医生来 |
- Hi, doctor. I'm... - Place an IV for me. | - 嗨 医生 我是- 插根静脉注射管 |
We'll talk later. | 等会儿再聊吧 |
Carla, can I ask you a personal question? | Carla 能问你个私人问题吗 |
do you spray the perfume on | 你是把香水喷身上了 |
or you just fill your bathtub up at home and splash around in it? | 还是泡在香水池里洗了个澡 |
I smell nice. | 我闻着不错呀 |
Come on. You've done this to cadavers before. | 加油 你以前在尸体上都做过 |
So this guy's alive. Just poke it through his skin. | 活人也没问题 刺进皮肤就行了 |
Poke it through. Now! | 刺进去啊 快 |
Time's up. Carla, will you do it for him, please? | 时间到 Carla你能帮他吗 |
I'm also gonna need a A.P.G. | 我还要做个APG |
- Why are you telling her? - Shut up and watch. | - 为什么要她来- 闭嘴看着 |
Be nice to Bambi. | 对斑比好一点 |
Why's this gomer got to try and die every day during my lunch? | 为什么这老家伙总是在我午饭时间寻死 |
That's insensitive. | 真无情 |
Mistake. | 我错了 |
Man's 92 years old, he has full dementia, hedoesn't know we're here. | 他92岁了 有老年痴呆 他都不知道我们在这儿 |
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He is inches from Carla's rack and he hasn't even flinched. | 他眼前就是Carla的美乳 却毫无反应 |
- That is so sweet. - Yeah, it is. | - 你真会说话- 嗯 是的 |
What about his subconscious? | 那他的潜意识呢 |
Eisenhower was a sissy. | 艾森豪威尔总统是个娘娘腔 |
I think by the grace of god we're gonna be OK. | 老天开眼 我们应该没事 |
Oh, and from now on, whenever I'm in the room, | 从现在开始 只要我在病房里 |
you're definitely not allowed to talk. | 你就不许说话 |
Dr Dorian, can you tell me what ailment most often... | Dorian医生 你能告诉我什么疾病通常 |
I think I'm gonna love rounds, it's like being on a game show. | 我想我会喜欢上巡房的 就像是竞猜节目 |
What is uraemia? | 尿毒症 |
That's my boy. Nice clean job on the Foley catheter. | 好孩子 Foley的尿管插得不错 |
I had a nurse do it. | 我让护士帮我做的 |
Unfortunately, I'm still afraid to touch anybody. | 很不幸我还是害怕触碰任何病人 |
I've been thinking a lot about Elliot. A whole lot. | 我经常想着Elliot 经常想 |
Dr Reid, you're late. | Reid医生 你迟到了 |
I got puked on. | 病人吐我身上了 |
You're off the hook if you can | 要是你能告诉我 |
tell me what to look for in a uraemic patient. | 尿毒症有什么症状 这事就算了 |
Anyway, I'm going for it. | 不管如何 我要行动 |
- Infection. - Infection? | - 感染- 感染 |
That's my girl. | 好姑娘 |
Moving on. | 继续吧 |
- I knew the answer. - I'm sure you did. | - 我知道答案的- 你肯定知道 |
- I'm just frazzled. - How could you not be? | - 我只是有点累- 你当然累啊 |
Good, but thanks, if there's anything I can ever do for you... | 谢谢 要是我有什么可以帮你的话 |
You could let me take you to dinner tomorrow night. | 那让我明晚请你吃饭吧 |
Around seven? | 7点左右吧 |
Or eight? | 还是8点 |
Why not? | 行啊 |
Nice! | 赞 |
"Why not?" That's what she said. | "行啊" 她当时就这么说的 |
"Why not?" | "行啊" |
Daddy, why did you marry Mommy? | 爸爸 你为什么娶妈妈 |
Tiger, I gave her an answer during rounds | Tiger 我在巡房的时候告诉她一个答案 |
and she screwed my brains out. | 然后她把我的脑子都日出来了 |
You're the man. | 真汉子 |
What the hell are you doing? | 你他妈在干嘛呢 |
Did you actually just page me | 你刚才是不是呼叫我 |
to find out how much Tylenol to give to Mrs Lenzer? | 想知道给Lenzer夫人用多少剂量的泰诺 |
I was worried it could exacerbate the patients... | 我只是怕会加重病情 |
It's regular-strength Tylenol. Here's what you do. | 就是普通剂量的泰诺 教你怎么做 |
Get her to open her mouth, take a handful and throw it at her. | 打开她嘴巴 抓一把丢进她嘴巴 |
Whatever sticks, that's the correct dosage. | 留在嘴里的 就是正确的剂量 |
Under no circumstances are you to compromise | 在任何情况下你都不能说话 |
our no-talking agreement. | 这是我们的协议 |
Dr Kelso is always telling me you're gonna... | Kelso医生总是说 你要 |
I'm gonna go ahead and say this as carefully as possible, | 我现在负责任地告诉你 |
so I don't overstate it. | 我不是在夸大其词 |
Dr Kelso is the most evil human being on the planet | Kelso医生是这个星球上最邪恶的人 |
and may in fact be Satan himself. | 他可能就是撒旦本人 |
It's just that this isn't what I expected. | 我预料的情况不是这样的 |
Most of my patients are... | 我的大部分病人都是 |
older and sorta checked-out, mentally. | 年纪大精神还有问题的 |
Pumpkin, that's modern medicine. | 傻瓜 这就是现代医学 |
Advances that keep people alive who should've died a long time ago. | 好处是让早就该死了的人 能活得更久 |
Back when they lost what made them people. | 他们几百年前就该升天了 |