

Q:Thank you very much for an inspirational speech. As you mention all things should be equal. But in reality they're actually a lot of inequalities and injustice around the world. Sometimes people want to make a change or to help but they would always have a mentality that actually the existent of human, of an individual is so small and the impact that they can bring to the world is actually so small and they ended up doing nothing to help or to make a change.


So from your perspective, what should be the right attitude or mentality for those people who really want to help to make a change to these inequalities and injustice?

Radanath Swami:谢谢,非常好的问题。在当今的世界,我们更多的被灌输着重视数量高过品质,对么?

Radhanath Swami: Thank you that's beautiful. In the world we live today we are very much almost indoctrinated to value quantity over quality. Yes?


You know, How big? How much? But the heart actually values quality not necessarily quantity. There is a simple analogy and then I will explain it.


In the Ramayana, one of the great scriptures of India, there was a bridge being built across the ocean with rocks. And Hanuman who was an extremely powerful incredible warrior, who had such deep love for God, or Rama, he was bringing gigantic rocks from the mountains that weighed tons to build the ocean. 


And his beloved Lord Rama, who was an avatar, who was walking behind him, happened to see Hanuman stop because there was a little squirrel. And the squirrel jumped in the water then rolled around in the sand and then shook his body and made the litter grains of sand go on the bridge.


And Hanuman didn't want to step on the squirrel. So he told the squirrel please move. And Rama said, he said, "That squirrel is doing as much as you. Cause you are doing your capacity to help and that squirrel is doing his capacity to help, or her capacity, I don't really know whether it was a boy or a girl squirrel. But suppose it was a girl. She's doing her capacity, so for me it's equal, I don't see the result, I see the intent."


And many of the greatest things that happen in the world begin really small. But if we just think I'm so small I can't make a difference, then we won't make a difference. But if we can even help one person in our life, that's a tremendous accomplishment. That's greater than winning the world cup, or being a world champion. If you can help one person in this world, that's a great thing. What to speak of two or three or a million. The quality is really important. And we could all make a difference big or small.
