《Travel Writing》culture share event talking rule

今晚19:20, 我们将举办《游写天涯》大咖世界文旅盛会,在嘉宾分享、提问环节禁言,请大家给予理解和支持。其它互动、福利环节没有要求。同时, 请非本班007er战友的朋友们修改自己的群昵称为围观字样. 比如:围观|张三.  分享嘉宾请设置自己的群昵称为:分享嘉宾|嘉宾姓名.

Today 19:20, we will hold《Travel Writing》culture share event, please do NOT chat during the sharing and the Q & A part, other parts will be OK. If you are not a classmate of 007 class 26, please changer your group nickname to listener|Name. And if you are a special friends to do share, please change your name to sharing|Name.

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