多表查询 多个数据库表做连接查询
使用场景: 查询的数据来源为多个表
select * from emp;
select * from dept;
--使用关联条件 过滤无效数据
select * from emp,dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno
内连接 隐式内连接 select * from A,B where A.列=B.列
显式内连接 select * from A inner join B on A.列=B.列
特点 做关联查询的两个表 必须双方条件数据完全匹配 才会提取
select * from emp inner join dept on emp.deptno = dept.deptno
左外连接 select * from A left join B on A.列=B.列
以左表为基准 左表数据全部显示 右表数据作为补充显示
如果没有数据 显示空
右外连接 select * from B right join A on A.列=B.列
以右表为基准 右表数据全部显示 左表数据作为补充显示
如果没有数据 显示空
--查询部门信息和部门下的员工信息 没有员工的部门也要显示
select * from dept left join emp on dept.deptno = emp.deptno
select * from emp right join dept on dept.deptno = emp.deptno
select dept.*,emp.* from emp right join dept on dept.deptno = emp.deptno
语法:使用符号(+) 实现外连接
使用方法:根据需求 将符号放在 作为补充显示的表的列后面
select * from A,B where A.列=B.列(+)
--使用oracle数据库特有外连接 跟等号左右无关
select * from emp,dept where emp.deptno(+)=dept.deptno
select * from emp,dept where dept.deptno=emp.deptno(+)
自连接 自己跟自己做关联查询
自连接查询 别名必须加
select * from A A1,A A2 where A1.列=A2.列
select e.empno,e.ename,
m.empno mgr_no,m.ename mgr_name
from emp e,emp m where e.mgr = m.empno
--在上面基础上 再查询员工的部门信息 dept
select * from dept
select e.empno,e.ename,d.dname,
m.empno mgr_no,m.ename mgr_name
from emp e,emp m,dept d
where e.mgr = m.empno and d.deptno = e.deptno
--在上面基础之上 再查询员工的工资等级 salgrade
select * from salgrade
select e.empno,
m.empno mgr_no,
m.ename mgr_name
from emp e, emp m, dept d, salgrade s1
where e.mgr = m.empno
and d.deptno = e.deptno
and e.sal between s1.losal and s1.hisal
select e.empno,
m.empno mgr_no,
m.ename mgr_name,
s2.grade mgr_grade
from emp e, emp m, dept d, salgrade s1,salgrade s2
where e.mgr = m.empno
and d.deptno = e.deptno
and e.sal between s1.losal and s1.hisal
and m.sal between s2.losal and s2.hisal
--根据查询的数据 一张表一张表加的时候 分析表之间的关联关系
select e.empno,
decode(s1.grade,1,'一级',2,'二级',3,'三级',4,'四级','五级') emp_grade,
m.empno mgr_no,
m.ename mgr_name,
s2.grade mgr_grade
from emp e, emp m, dept d, salgrade s1,salgrade s2
where e.mgr = m.empno
and d.deptno = e.deptno
and e.sal between s1.losal and s1.hisal
and m.sal between s2.losal and s2.hisal
select e.empno,
m.empno mgr_no,
m.ename mgr_name,
s1.grade mgr_grade
from emp e, emp m, dept d, salgrade s1
where e.mgr = m.empno
and d.deptno = e.deptno
and e.sal between s1.losal and s1.hisal
and m.sal between s1.losal and s1.hisal
子查询 在查询语句中嵌套查询语句
单行子查询 select * from A where A.列= sql返回的唯一值
多行子查询 select * from A where A.列 in sql返回单列多个值
select * from A,(sql语句返回多行多列临时表) t
where A.列 = t.列
--1.查询数据 员工信息
--2.数据来源 emp表
--3.查询条件 工资>7654的工资 工作=7788的工作
select sal from emp where empno=7654 --1250
select job from emp where empno=7788 --ANALYST
select * from emp where sal > 1250 and job = 'ANALYST'
select * from emp where
sal > (select sal from emp where empno=7654)
and job = (select job from emp where empno=7788)
--查询每个部门的最低工资,和最低工资的雇员 及他的部门名称
--1.查询数据 员工信息 最低工资 部门名称
select deptno,min(sal) d_min from emp group by deptno
--2.数据来源 emp sql语句得到的临时表 dept
--3.查询条件 员工工资=部门最低工资 本部门
select e.empno,e.ename,e.sal,d_m.d_min ,dept.dname
from emp e,
(select deptno,min(sal) d_min from emp group by deptno) d_m,
where e.deptno = d_m.deptno and e.sal = d_m.d_min
and e.deptno = dept.deptno
select * from emp where sal =
(select min(sal) d_min from emp group by deptno)
select * from emp where sal = (800,950,1300)
select * from emp where sal in
(select min(sal) d_min from emp group by deptno)
--子查询空值问题 空值判断 用is null is not null 其余判断结果为UNKNOW
select * from emp where empno not in( select mgr from emp )
select * from emp where empno not in( select mgr from emp where mgr is not null )
select * from emp where empno not in( select nvl(mgr,0) from emp )
select * from emp where empno not in( select mgr from emp where mgr >0 )
exists 存在 表达式 (sql语句)
判断结果集是否存在 如果存在 exists表达式返回true
不存在 返回false
select * from emp where exists(select * from dept)--所有员工信息
select * from emp where exists(select * from dept where deptno=123)-- 没有记录
select deptno from emp; ---得到了有员工的部门编号
select * from dept where deptno in (select deptno from emp)
普通子查询 执行顺序是 先执行子查询得到结果用于主查询
select * from dept where
exists(select * from emp where emp.deptno = dept.deptno)
mySql 使用limit 提取特定记录条数
oracle 使用 rownum 实现提取记录 用于分页使用
rownum 是oracle数据库查询到记录 生成的一系列的数值 (1,2,3,4)
rownum用于做大于判断 没有结果 必须使用子查询先生成rownum
rowunm的执行原理 :
1: 执行sql语句;
2: 取到第一条记录,赋值rownum为1;
3: 判断rownum是否满足条件,如果不满足放弃该行,满足返回该行.(不满足条件,rownum还是从1开始进行判断)
4: 继续提取记录,继续生成rownum;
5: 循环步骤3;
select rownum,emp.* from emp where rownum >5 --没有任何记录
select rownum,emp.* from emp where rownum <5 --前四条记录
select rownum,emp.* from emp where rownum =1 --只有一条
select rownum,emp.* from emp where rownum >1 --没有
select rownum,emp.* from emp where rownum >=1 --所有记录
--先生成rownum 再使用rownum过滤5条记录以后
select * from (select rownum r,emp.* from emp) where r>5
--查询员工表中 工资最高的前三名
select * from emp order by sal desc
select rownum,emp.* from emp order by sal desc
--先按照工资排序 再排序基础之上生成rownum
select rownum,t.* from (select * from emp order by sal desc)t
select rownum,t.* from (select * from emp order by sal desc)t where rownum<4
select * from (
select rownum r,t.* from (select * from emp order by sal desc)t) tt
where r> 5 and r <11
select deptno,avg(sal) d_a from emp group by deptno
--3.工资>部门平均工资 必须本部门
Total 1980 1981 1982 1987
14 1 10 1 2
1: 尝试竖起一列
2: 使用聚合函数处理空值
select *
from emp e, (select deptno, avg(sal) d_a from emp group by deptno) d_avg
where e.sal > d_avg.d_a
and e.deptno = d_avg.deptno
select to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') hire_year,count(*) hire_count
from emp group by to_char(hiredate,'yyyy')
--对结果集格式处理 先竖起来一列
select decode(t.hire_year,'1987',t.hire_count) "1987" from
(select to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') hire_year,count(*) hire_count
from emp group by to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') ) t
--把空值的记录过滤掉 聚合函数忽略空值的记录
select sum(decode(t.hire_year,'1987',t.hire_count)) "1987" from
(select to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') hire_year,count(*) hire_count
from emp group by to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') ) t
select sum(decode(t.hire_year,'1980',t.hire_count)) "1980",
max(decode(t.hire_year,'1981',t.hire_count)) "1981",
min(decode(t.hire_year,'1982',t.hire_count)) "1982",
avg(decode(t.hire_year,'1987',t.hire_count)) "1987"
(select to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') hire_year,count(*) hire_count
from emp group by to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') ) t
select sum(t.hire_count) total,
sum(decode(t.hire_year,'1980',t.hire_count)) "1980",
max(decode(t.hire_year,'1981',t.hire_count)) "1981",
min(decode(t.hire_year,'1982',t.hire_count)) "1982",
avg(decode(t.hire_year,'1987',t.hire_count)) "1987"
(select to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') hire_year,count(*) hire_count
from emp group by to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') ) t
补充知识点:Oracle 中的分页查询
交集 取两个集合共同的部分 intersect A(1,2,3) B(2,3,4) A交B (2,3)
并集 取两个集合最大的部分 union A(1,2,3) B(2,3,4) A并B (1,2,3,4)
union all A并B (1,2,3,2,3,4)
差集 从一个集合去掉另外一个集合剩余的部分 minus A差B (1)
select * from emp where sal>1500 or deptno=20
--使用集合实现 --不包含重复记录
select * from emp where sal>1500
select * from emp where deptno=20
--union all
select * from emp where sal>1500
union all
select * from emp where deptno=20
select * from emp where sal>1500 and deptno=20
select * from emp where sal>1500
select * from emp where deptno=20
select * from emp where '1981' = to_char(hiredate,'yyyy')
and job not in ('MANAGER','PRESIDENT')
select * from emp where '1981' = to_char(hiredate,'yyyy')
select * from emp where job in ('MANAGER','PRESIDENT')
必须合并的列的数量一致 列的数值类型相同
select empno buisiness_no,ename buisiness_name from emp
select mid,mname from manager;
select empno buisiness_no,ename buisiness_name from emp
select mname,mid from manager;
create table manager(
mid number(9),
mname varchar(10)
insert into manager values(1,'zs');
insert into manager values(2,'lisi');