论文:An Underwater Colour Image Quality Evaluation Metric
链接: https://github.com/JOU-UIP/UCIQE
Trained coefficients are c1=0.4680, c2=0.2745, c3=0.2576.
UCIQE= c1*var_chr+c2*con_lum+c3*aver_sat
var_chr is σc : the standard deviation of chroma
con_lum is conl: the contrast of luminance
aver_sat is μs : the average of saturation
coe_metric=[c1, c2, c3]are weighted coefficients.
When you want to use the uciqe function, you must give the values of two parameters,
one is the nargin value you calculated and the location and name format of the image
you want to calculate the uciqe value.The format of the function is UCIQE.uciqe(nargin,loc)
The input image must be RGB image
import cv2
import numpy as np
def uciqe(nargin,loc):
img_bgr = cv2.imread(loc) # Used to read image files
img_lab = cv2.cvtColor(img_bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB) # Transform to Lab color space
if nargin == 1: # According to training result mentioned in the paper:
coe_metric = [0.4680, 0.2745, 0.2576] # Obtained coefficients are: c1=0.4680, c2=0.2745, c3=0.2576.
img_lum = img_lab[..., 0]/255
img_a = img_lab[..., 1]/255
img_b = img_lab[..., 2]/255
img_chr = np.sqrt(np.square(img_a)+np.square(img_b)) # Chroma
img_sat = img_chr/np.sqrt(np.square(img_chr)+np.square(img_lum)) # Saturation
aver_sat = np.mean(img_sat) # Average of saturation
aver_chr = np.mean(img_chr) # Average of Chroma
var_chr = np.sqrt(np.mean(abs(1-np.square(aver_chr/img_chr)))) # Variance of Chroma
dtype = img_lum.dtype # Determine the type of img_lum
if dtype == 'uint8':
nbins = 256
nbins = 65536
hist, bins = np.histogram(img_lum, nbins) # Contrast of luminance
cdf = np.cumsum(hist)/np.sum(hist)
ilow = np.where(cdf > 0.0100)
ihigh = np.where(cdf >= 0.9900)
tol = [(ilow[0][0]-1)/(nbins-1), (ihigh[0][0]-1)/(nbins-1)]
con_lum = tol[1]-tol[0]
quality_val = coe_metric[0]*var_chr+coe_metric[1]*con_lum + coe_metric[2]*aver_sat # get final quality value
# print("quality_val is", quality_val)
return quality_val
if __name__ == "__main__":
d_1 = uciqe(1,"data/demo/2.jpg")
d_2 = uciqe(1,"data/demo/res_2.jpg")
论文:Human-Visual-System-Inspired UnderwaterImage Quality Measures
链接: https://github.com/xueleichen/PSNR-SSIM-UCIQE-UIQM-Python
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
from skimage import io, color, filters
import math
def nmetrics(a):
rgb = a
lab = color.rgb2lab(a)
gray = color.rgb2gray(a)
p1 = 0.0282
p2 = 0.2953
p3 = 3.5753
#1st term UICM
rg = rgb[:,:,0] - rgb[:,:,1]
yb = (rgb[:,:,0] + rgb[:,:,1]) / 2 - rgb[:,:,2]
rgl = np.sort(rg,axis=None)
ybl = np.sort(yb,axis=None)
al1 = 0.1
al2 = 0.1
T1 = np.int_(al1 * len(rgl))
T2 = np.int_(al2 * len(rgl))
rgl_tr = rgl[T1:-T2]
ybl_tr = ybl[T1:-T2]
urg = np.mean(rgl_tr)
s2rg = np.mean((rgl_tr - urg) ** 2)
uyb = np.mean(ybl_tr)
s2yb = np.mean((ybl_tr- uyb) ** 2)
uicm =-0.0268 * np.sqrt(urg**2 + uyb**2) + 0.1586 * np.sqrt(s2rg + s2yb)
#2nd term UISM (k1k2=8x8)
Rsobel = rgb[:,:,0] * filters.sobel(rgb[:,:,0])
Gsobel = rgb[:,:,1] * filters.sobel(rgb[:,:,1])
Bsobel = rgb[:,:,2] * filters.sobel(rgb[:,:,2])
Reme = eme(Rsobel)
Geme = eme(Gsobel)
Beme = eme(Bsobel)
uism = 0.299 * Reme + 0.587 * Geme + 0.114 * Beme
#3rd term UIConM
uiconm = logamee(gray)
uiqm = p1 * uicm + p2 * uism + p3 * uiconm
return uiqm
def eme(ch, blocksize=8):
num_x = math.ceil(ch.shape[0] / blocksize)
num_y = math.ceil(ch.shape[1] / blocksize)
eme = 0
w = 2. / (num_x * num_y)
for i in range(num_x):
xlb = i * blocksize
if i < num_x - 1:
xrb = (i + 1) * blocksize
xrb = ch.shape[0]
for j in range(num_y):
ylb = j * blocksize
if j < num_y - 1:
yrb = (j + 1) * blocksize
yrb = ch.shape[1]
block = ch[xlb:xrb, ylb:yrb]
blockmin = np.float_(np.min(block))
blockmax = np.float_(np.max(block))
# # old version
# if blockmin == 0.0: eme += 0
# elif blockmax == 0.0: eme += 0
# else: eme += w * math.log(blockmax / blockmin)
# new version
if blockmin == 0: blockmin += 1
if blockmax == 0: blockmax += 1
eme += w * math.log(blockmax / blockmin)
return eme
def plipsum(i,j,gamma=1026):
return i + j - i * j / gamma
def plipsub(i,j,k=1026):
return k * (i - j) / (k - j)
def plipmult(c,j,gamma=1026):
return gamma - gamma * (1 - j / gamma)**c
def logamee(ch, blocksize=8):
num_x = math.ceil(ch.shape[0] / blocksize)
num_y = math.ceil(ch.shape[1] / blocksize)
s = 0
w = 1. / (num_x * num_y)
for i in range(num_x):
xlb = i * blocksize
if i < num_x - 1:
xrb = (i + 1) * blocksize
xrb = ch.shape[0]
for j in range(num_y):
ylb = j * blocksize
if j < num_y - 1:
yrb = (j + 1) * blocksize
yrb = ch.shape[1]
block = ch[xlb:xrb, ylb:yrb]
blockmin = np.float_(np.min(block))
blockmax = np.float_(np.max(block))
top = plipsub(blockmax, blockmin)
bottom = plipsum(blockmax, blockmin)
m = top / bottom
if m == 0.:
s += 0
s += (m) * np.log(m)
return plipmult(w, s)
论文:A Patch-Structure Representation Method for Quality
Assessment of Contrast Changed Images
每个patch中计算平均强度(mean intensity),信号强度(signal strength)和信号结构 (signal structure).并在这三个角度对图像的失真进行评价。。
链接: https://github.com/deepxzy/PCQI-python
import cv2
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
def PCQI(img1, img2):
window = np.multiply(cv2.getGaussianKernel(11, 1.5), (cv2.getGaussianKernel(11, 1.5)).T)
L = 256
window = window / np.sum(np.sum(window))
mu1 = scipy.signal.correlate2d(img1, window, 'valid')
mu2 = scipy.signal.correlate2d(img2, window, 'valid')
mu1_sq = mu1 * mu1
mu2_sq = mu2 * mu2
mu1_mu2 = mu1 * mu2
sigma1_sq = scipy.signal.correlate2d(img1 * img1, window, 'valid')- mu1_sq
sigma2_sq = scipy.signal.correlate2d(img2 * img2, window, 'valid') - mu2_sq
sigma12 = scipy.signal.correlate2d(img1 * img2, window, 'valid') - mu1_mu2
C = 3
pcqi_map = (4 / np.pi) * np.arctan((sigma12 + C) / (sigma1_sq + C))
pcqi_map = pcqi_map * ((sigma12 + C) / (np.sqrt(sigma1_sq) * np.sqrt(sigma2_sq) + C))
pcqi_map = pcqi_map * np.exp(-abs(mu1 - mu2) / L)
mpcqi = np.mean(pcqi_map)
return mpcqi, pcqi_map
if __name__ == '__main__':
ref = np.array(cv2.imread("data/demo/2.jpg",0).tolist())
raw = np.array(cv2.imread("data/demo/res_2.jpg",0).tolist())
mpcqi, pcqi_map=PCQI(ref,raw)