English Oral Practice Notes::Bar

1. 您要点什么酒

  • Would you like something to drink?
  • What would you like to drink?
  • Would you like a refill/one more?
  • Make it two.

2. 干杯

  • Let’s forget about work and have some fun.
  • Cheers/bottoms up/to your health
  • please allow me to propose a toast to your health

3. 我酒量很小

  • I get drunk easily/quickly. I can’t drink like a fish.
  • I feel like a tipsy -> I’m loaded/wasted
  • I’m still sober
  • Don’t overdo it = drink moderately

4. 这里有点死气沉沉的

  • The atmosphere here is a little dead/cheerful/hopping
  • I really like to go bar-hopping


A: Would you like a refill
B: It’s too strong and goes to my head. I should have drunk less.
A: You’re kidding. You usually drink like a fish.
B: Well, I might be. But I feel a little bit tipsy.

  • I shouldn’t have drunk that much
  • You usually eat like a horse/bird
  • He slept like a log.


A: What is a resonable tip to leave the bartender?
B: It’s up to you. I usually leave 20% of the tab. But I think the bartender would like you to invite him for a cup of carlet.
A: A good idea.
B: The service was very good tonight.

  • Here is the bill / keep the change
  • How much should I tip him?
  • Here is a tip for you.
  • This is just a tip of the iceberg
  • You’re the boss / Your call.
  • I’ll pick up the tab.
  • At your service.


  1. Brandy
  2. Whisky
  3. Vodka
  4. Gin
  5. Rum
  6. Tequila
  7. Sake
  8. Spirits


1. 您想点什么酒?

  • 您想来点什么喝的吗?
  • 您想喝点什么?
  • 需要再来一杯吗?
  • 再来两杯吧。

2. 干杯

  • 让我们忘掉工作,开心一下。
  • 干杯/仰起/为您的健康
  • 允许我为您的健康干杯。

3. 我酒量很小

  • 我很容易就喝醉了。我可没办法大饮大嚼。
  • 我觉得自己有些微醺了。
  • 我还清醒着。
  • 别喝过头了 -> 适量饮酒。

4. 这里气氛有点沉闷

  • 这里的气氛有点死气沉沉/很活跃/很热闹。
  • 我确实很喜欢酒吧跳。


A: 想要再来一杯吗?
B: 它太烈了,直冲脑门。我本应该少喝一点的。
A: 你开玩笑吧。你平时可是豪饮如海。
B: 可能是吧。但我现在有点晕乎乎的。

  • 我不应该喝那么多。
  • 你平时吃得像马/鸟一样。
  • 他睡得像死木头一样。


A: 给调酒师留多少小费合适呢?
B: 这要看你。我通常会留账单的20%。不过我觉得调酒师会希望你请他喝一杯血腥玛丽。
A: 好主意。
B: 今晚的服务真的很棒。

  • 这是账单 / 不用找零了。
  • 我应该给他多少小费呢?
  • 这是给你的小费。
  • 这只是冰山一角。
  • 由你决定 / 你说了算。
  • 我买单。
  • 乐意效劳。


  1. 白兰地(Brandy)
  2. 威士忌(Whisky)
  3. 伏特加(Vodka)
  4. 杜松子酒(Gin)
  5. 朗姆酒(Rum)
  6. 龙舌兰(Tequila)
  7. 清酒(Sake)
  8. 烈酒(Spirits)
