

  • 前言
  • 1. 概念
  • 2. 功能示例
  • 3. Demo示例



1. 概念


2. 功能示例

功能 作用 示例
join(Object[] array, String separator) 将数组中的元素用指定的分隔符连接成一个字符串。 join(new String[]{“a”, “b”, “c”}, “-”) 返回 “a-b-c”。
join(Iterable iterable, String separator) 将可迭代对象中的元素用指定的分隔符连接成一个字符串。 join(Arrays.asList(“a”, “b”, “c”), “-”) 返回 “a-b-c”。
decapitalize(String string) 将字符串的首字母转换为小写,除非字符串以多个大写字母开头 示例: decapitalize(“Hello”) 返回 “hello”。
isNullOrEmptyString(String value) 检查字符串是否为null或仅包含空格 isNullOrEmptyString(" ") 返回 true。
toShortString(Member member) 创建成员对象的紧凑字符串表示形式,用于调试或toString()方法。 toShortString(someMethod) 返回方法的紧凑字符串表示。
toShortString(Type type) 创建类型对象的紧凑字符串表示形式,用于调试或toString()方法 toShortString(String.class) 返回 “java.lang.String”。



3. Demo示例


public class StringHelper {

	private static final Pattern DOT = Pattern.compile( "\\." );

	private StringHelper() {

	 * Joins the elements of the given array to a string, separated by the given separator string.
	 * @param array the array to join
	 * @param separator the separator string
	 * @return a string made up of the string representations of the given array's members, separated by the given separator
	 *         string
	public static String join(Object[] array, String separator) {
		return array != null ? join( Arrays.asList( array ), separator ) : null;

	 * Joins the elements of the given iterable to a string, separated by the given separator string.
	 * @param iterable the iterable to join
	 * @param separator the separator string
	 * @return a string made up of the string representations of the given iterable members, separated by the given separator
	 *         string
	public static String join(Iterable<?> iterable, String separator) {
		if ( iterable == null ) {
			return null;

		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
		boolean isFirst = true;

		for ( Object object : iterable ) {
			if ( !isFirst ) {
				sb.append( separator );
			else {
				isFirst = false;

			sb.append( object );

		return sb.toString();

	 * Returns the given string, with its first letter changed to lower-case unless the string starts with more than
	 * one upper-case letter, in which case the string will be returned unaltered.

* Provided to avoid a dependency on the {@link java.beans.Introspector} API which is not available on the Android * platform (HV-779). * * @param string the string to decapitalize * * @return the given string, decapitalized. {@code null} is returned if {@code null} is passed as input; An empty * string is returned if an empty string is passed as input * * @see java.beans.Introspector#decapitalize(String) */ public static String decapitalize(String string) { if ( string == null || string.isEmpty() || startsWithSeveralUpperCaseLetters( string ) ) { return string; } else { return string.substring( 0, 1 ).toLowerCase( Locale.ROOT ) + string.substring( 1 ); } } /** * Indicates if the string is null or is empty ie only contains whitespaces. * * @param value the string considered * @return true if the string is null or only contains whitespaces */ public static boolean isNullOrEmptyString(String value) { return value == null || value.trim().isEmpty(); } /** * Creates a compact string representation of the given member, useful for debugging or toString() methods. Package * names are shortened, e.g. "org.hibernate.validator.internal.engine" becomes "o.h.v.i.e". Not to be used for * user-visible log messages. */ public static String toShortString(Member member) { if ( member instanceof Field ) { return toShortString( (Field) member ); } else if ( member instanceof Method ) { return toShortString( (Method) member ); } else { return member.toString(); } } private static String toShortString(Field field) { return toShortString( field.getGenericType() ) + " " + toShortString( field.getDeclaringClass() ) + "#" + field.getName(); } private static String toShortString(Method method) { return toShortString( method.getGenericReturnType() ) + " " + method.getName() + Arrays.stream( method.getGenericParameterTypes() ) .map( StringHelper::toShortString ) .collect( Collectors.joining( ", ", "(", ")" ) ); } /** * Creates a compact string representation of the given type, useful for debugging or toString() methods. Package * names are shortened, e.g. "org.hibernate.validator.internal.engine" becomes "o.h.v.i.e". Not to be used for * user-visible log messages. */ public static String toShortString(Type type) { if ( type instanceof Class ) { return toShortString( (Class<?>) type ); } else if ( type instanceof ParameterizedType ) { return toShortString( (ParameterizedType) type ); } else { return type.toString(); } } private static String toShortString(Class<?> type) { if ( type.isArray() ) { return toShortString( type.getComponentType() ) + "[]"; } else if ( type.getEnclosingClass() != null ) { return toShortString( type.getEnclosingClass() ) + "$" + type.getSimpleName(); } else if ( type.getPackage() == null ) { return type.getName(); } return toShortString( type.getPackage() ) + "." + type.getSimpleName(); } private static String toShortString(ParameterizedType parameterizedType) { Class<?> rawType = ReflectionHelper.getClassFromType( parameterizedType ); if ( rawType.getPackage() == null ) { return parameterizedType.toString(); } String typeArgumentsString = Arrays.stream( parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments() ) .map( t -> toShortString( t ) ) .collect( Collectors.joining( ", ", "<", ">" ) ); return toShortString( rawType ) + typeArgumentsString; } private static String toShortString(Package pakkage) { String[] packageParts = DOT.split( pakkage.getName() ); return Arrays.stream( packageParts ) .map( n -> n.substring( 0, 1 ) ) .collect( Collectors.joining( "." ) ); } private static boolean startsWithSeveralUpperCaseLetters(String string) { return string.length() > 1 && Character.isUpperCase( string.charAt( 0 ) ) && Character.isUpperCase( string.charAt( 1 ) ); } }
