Dailydigest 1: What has become of the Republican Party 1


今天读的是The Economist 2018年4月21日刊的封面文章《What has become of the Republican Party》,打算分几天选几段精华把阅读笔记分享给大家。

众所周知,作为liberal旗舰杂志,The Economist 对特朗普一直不怎么瞧得上,这篇文章也不例外,主要是攻击特朗普搞个人崇拜、任人唯亲、美帝药丸,呼吁有良知的共和党人进行反思和反击。当然,立场问题向来是狗咬狗,不作讨论,主要关注本文中满满的几乎要溢出来的、姿势多样的嘲讽。


All presidents, Republican and Democrat, seek to remake their party in their own image. Donald Trump has been more successful than most. From the start, the voters he *mesmerised* in the campaign embraced him more *fervently* than congressional Republicans were ready to admit. After 15 months in power, as our briefing explains, he has taken ownership of _their_ party. It is an extraordinary achievement from a man who had never lived in Washington, DC, never held public office, who boasted of groping women and who, as recently as 2014, was a donor to the hated Democrats. 

[Section 1: Words]

mesmerize  (v.)  BrE /ˈmezməraɪz/  - mesmerizing (adj.)

(usually passive) mesmerize somebody to have such a strong effect on you that you cannot give your attention to anything else;  迷住,吸引,迷惑

fervently (adv.) BrE /ˈfɜːvəntli/ - fervent (adj.)

in a way that shows very strong and sincere feelings about something;热忱地;热烈地

[Section 2: Sentences]

S1: All presidents, Republican and Democrat, seek to remake their party in their own image. 


第一句话呼应标题‘what has become of the Republican Party’。假惺惺地提了一下‘all presidents’,实际上暗藏杀机,暗示下文是特朗普执政会给共和党的形象带来怎样(毁灭性的)影响。

S2: From the start, the voters he mesmerised in the campaign embraced him more fervently than congressional Republicans were ready to admit.


‘mesmerise’ 有被催眠、被迷惑之意,用词辛辣;‘were ready to admit’中‘ready’ 一词表现出特朗普在大选中受欢迎对共和党人来说也是猝不及防,暗含也非他们所乐见的, ‘admit’ 嘲讽满分。

S3: After 15 months in power, as our briefing explains, he has taken ownership of _their_ party.


为什么用 take ownership of 而不是 ’control‘(控制)或 ’dominate‘ (统治)?原因在后面的 ’their‘,指代的是上文中 ’were not ready to admit (trump’s popularity)’ 的 ‘congressional republicans’。因此,本句的意思衔接上文,指特朗普从这些不乐见特朗普受欢迎的国会共和党人手中【夺走】(take ownership of)了共和党的控制权。再次嘲讽满分。

S4: It is an extraordinary achievement from a man who had never lived in Washington, DC, never held public office, who boasted of groping women and who, as recently as 2014, was a donor to the hated Democrats. 


这个句子很长,但主要是一连串的嘲讽。拆解下结构,典型的 ‘who…, who…, and who…’ 平行并列,第一个who里内含一个’never… never…’的小平行(学了Gmat SC的同学看了这句话可能特别有亲切感)。


第二个who:攻击特朗普性别歧视,”grab her by the pussy’的梗




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