




One winter day in1993, Bob, Giselle, and Dan proposed taking me out to dinner with the statedpurpose of “giving Ray feedback about how he affects people and companymorale.” They sent me a memo first, the gist of which was that my way ofoperating was having a negative effect on everyone in the company. Here’s howthey put it:

What does

Ray do well?

He is verybright and innovative. He understands markets and money management. He isintense and energetic. He has very high standards and passes these to othersaround him. He has good intentions about teamwork, building group ownership,providing flexible work conditions to employees, and compensating people well.

What Ray

doesn’t do as well:

Raysometimes says or does things to employees which makes them feel incompetent,unnecessary, humiliated, overwhelmed, belittled, oppressed, or otherwise bad.The odds of this happening rise when Ray is under stress. At these times, hiswords and actions toward others create animosity toward him and leave a lastingimpression. The impact of this is that people are demotivated rather thanmotivated. This reduces productivity and the quality of the environment. Theeffect reaches far beyond the single employee. The smallness of the company andthe openness of communication means that everyone is affected when one personis demotivated, treated badly, not given due respect. The future success of thecompany is highly dependent on Ray’s ability to manage people as well as money.If he doesn’t manage people well, growth will be stunted and we will all beaffected.

Ugh. That hurt andsurprised me. I never imagined that I was having that sort of effect. Thesepeople were my extended family. I didn’t want them to feel “incompetent,unnecessary, humiliated, overwhelmed, belittled, oppressed, or otherwise bad.”Why didn’t they tell me directly? What was I doing wrong? Were my standards toohigh? For Bridgewater to continue to be a one-in-ten-thousand–type company wehad to have exceptional people and hold them to extremely high standards. Was Idemanding too much?

This looked to me likeanother one of those fork-in-the-road cases in which I had to choose betweenone of two seemingly essential but mutually exclusive options: 1) beingradically truthful with each other including probing to bring our problems andweaknesses to the surface so we could deal with them forthrightly and 2) havinghappy and satisfied employees. And it reminded me that when faced with thechoice between two things you need that are seemingly at odds, go slowly tofigure out how you can have as much of both as possible. There is almost alwaysa good path that you just haven’t figured out yet, so look for it until youfind it rather than settle for the choice that is then apparent to you.

My first step was tomake sure I knew exactly what the problems were and how to handle them. So Iasked Bob, Giselle, and Dan what they thought was going on. I learned that theypersonally, and many others who knew me well, weren’t as demoralized by me assome others because they understood my heart was in a good place. If theyhadn’t known that they would have quit, because, as they put it, “I wasn’tpaying them enough money to put up with my crap.”

They knew that Iwanted the best for them and Bridgewater, and to get that I needed to beradically truthful with them and I needed them to be radically truthful withme. This wasn’t only because it produced better results, but also because beingtruthful with each other was fundamental to how I believed we should be witheach other. We agreed that being this way was essential, but since it wasmaking some people feel bad, something had to change.

While those people Ihad contact with understood me, liked me, and in some cases even loved me,those who had less contact with me were offended by my directness. It was clearthat I needed to be better understood and to understand others better. Irealized then how essential it is that people in relationships must be crystalclear about their principles for dealing with each other.

That began ourdecades-long process of putting our principles into writing, which evolved intothe Work Principles. Those principles were both agreements for how we would bewith each other and my reflections on how we should handle every situation thatcame up. Since most types of situations arose repeatedly with slightvariations, these principles were continually refined. As for our agreementswith each other, the most important one was our need to do three things:

1.Putour honest thoughts out on the table,

2.Havethoughtful disagreements in which people are willing to shift their opinions asthey learn, and

3.Haveagreed-upon ways of deciding (e.g., voting, having clear authorities) ifdisagreements remain so that we can move beyond them without resentments.

I believe that for anyorganization or for any relationship to be great, these things are required. Ialso believe that for a group decision-making system to be effective, thepeople using it have to believe that it’s fair.

Having our workprinciples written out and getting in sync about them in the same way we hadwith our investment principles were essential for our understanding each other,especially since our unique way of operating—this radical truth and radicaltransparency—that led to our unique results is counterintuitive and emotionallychallenging for some.

Trying to understandhow we could get our meaningful work and meaningful relationships through thisstraightforwardness led me to speak with neuroscientists, psychologists, andeducators over the decades that followed. I learned a lot, which I cansummarize as follows. There are two parts of each person’s brain: theupper-level logical part and the lower-level emotional part. I call these the“two yous.” They fight for control of each person. How that conflict is managedis the most important driver of our behaviors. That fighting was the biggestreason for the problems Bob, Giselle, and Dan raised. While the logical part ofpeople’s brains could easily understand that knowing one’s weaknesses is a goodthing (because it’s the first step toward getting around them), the emotionalpart typically hates it.
















2、深思熟虑 ,资源共享








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