

To cut a long story short(长话短说)

To tell the main and important parts of story-not all the details

Eg1: I spoke to the boss and to cut a long story short, I got a promotion.


Even in the darkness, you will see the truth.



A new study finds how pesticide(农药) exposure causes obesity

BEIJING -- A new study has found that the use of pesticides increases the risk of developing obesity(肥胖) by impairing gut(肝脏) and gut microbiota(微生物群). 

Chlorpyrifos has been a residential insecticide(杀虫剂) since the late 19th century, and it is still among the most commonly used type of pesticide around the world due to its ideal bioactivity(生物活性:杀虫剂等对生物体的影响). Previous studies show that exposure to the pesticide may cause obesity and diabetes(糖尿病), but the underlying(潜在的) mechanism(机制) of how it works remains unknown. 

Researchers from China Agriculture University focused on the human gut microbiota, the most important micro-ecosystem(微生态系统) in the body. 

Gut microbiota, containing tens of trillions(万亿) of microorganisms(微生物界), has important effects including in immunity and body weight. It can help the body digest certain foods that the stomach and small intestine(肠) have not been able to digest. 

