mid-term exam, class average, Discouraged,project, Assignment, quiz

How did you do on your mid-term exam?你的期中考试怎么样?

I didn't do well this time,I don't like online class.这次没考好,我不喜欢网课。

That's okay.没关系 I know it's hard to learn everything online.How was the class average?我知道在网上努力学习很难,班级平均分是多少?

The class average was only around 70%班级平均分只有70。

don't be discouraged,it's only one mid-term exam.You still have other projects,assignments and quizzes. Exam score is important,but it's not everything.别灰心,他只是一次期中考试。你还有项目 作业和测评成绩。考试成绩很重要。但那不是所有。

I will work hard on my projects and assignment,I hope we can go back to class in the near future.我会在我的项目和作业上努力。,我希望我们可以回到教室在近期的未来。

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