
用法:i2c-test <参数>

	-b : Set the bus number for this transaction.  Defaults to 0
	-mm : Puts the device in Slave-Recieve mode and reponds to the message request
	-mmd : Puts the device in Slave-Recieve mode and show the receive data
	--sethost :	Set the host slave address
	--gethost:	Get the current host slave address for the specified bus
	--reset:	Reset the I2C controller
	--sysreset:	Emergency Reset the I2C controller Module
	--setspeed :	Set the bus speed
			(Supported speed modes are: Standard - 0x64(100Kbits/sec), Fast - 0x190(400Kbits/sec)
	--scan:		Scan the I2C bus and show the slave addresses
			that respond
	-s slave:	Communicate with the specified slave address in 7-bit format (in
			Defaults to 0x5a
	-d :	Send any number of data bytes to the specified slave.
			Separate hexadecimal data bytes with spaces.  If this
			flag is used, it must be the last one on the
			command line.
			EG: i2c-test -m 1 -d 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03
	-rc count:	Read the specified number of bytes.  Defaults to 1
	-r:		Just read from the specified address, don't do a write.
	-w:		Just write to the specified address, don't do a read.
	-m mode:	Send and receive in the specified mode:
			0: Write a data byte, then receive a data byte in
			   separate operations
			1: Combined write and read using repeated start
			Default mode is 0
	-f:		Repeat the specified test forever (stress test mode)
	-sbd:		Don't display any output unless there is an error
	--delay:	Specify the delay in milliseconds between tests in run forever mode
	--getrecinfo:	Get the current recovery info

