GFW=Great Firewall

无意发现GFW一词,使用Google搜索马上跳出页面无法显示,在wiki进一步了解到其真实意义原来是防火长城,也称长城防火墙、万里防火墙或中国国家防火墙(Great Firewall)。其用意在于对因特网访问进行监视、屏蔽作用,与金盾工程、绿**(竟然属于违禁内容)属于同胞兄弟。所以很多时间,我们无法访问的网站、发送的邮件被退信或显示不正常,其实都是这些家伙在作怪。


While, I used email to get the Tor tool and route configurations for it.

First, write a mail body “get bridges” and send it to After a few minutes, you will get a reply that includes a Tor software packaged in a .z file.

Now, install it on you computer. But you still can get pass the wall because your ISP disabled all connections to tor network. You should get a suitable route settings and add them to the tor software.

You can learn about ways on how to get a bridge address from tor software help. For me, I used my gmail account and send a mail to with the line “get bridges” by itself in the body of the mail. 5 minutes later, I got a reply with 3 lines of bridge replays in the mail body. Fill them to tor and try to connect tor network again, I find that the tor software icon in status bar turns to green.


Here is the proxy setting in internet explorer,

