
2019/5/19 Writing

1.    如何写body paragraph


It well organizedand well developed

using appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and / or details.


Well developed:

ü Explanations: 解释

ü Exemplifications: 举例

ü Details: 细节

每个主题句可以拆成A-----B的形式,A是topic word,B是结果。



ü (X)AàB

ü AàB(X)

ü AàC

ü AàB-(没有写到B)


In addition, scientists can help us make a peaceful world. For an instance. In the WWII, Japan and German waged a war and yearned for controlling the world. They contrived Blitzkrieg and raided many peripheral countries. At that time, the scientists invented many high-tech devices like the calculator with was the prototype of the computers. These scientists made profound contribution to the victory of this war.




Admittedly, universities could prepare their students for life after graduation by teaching them about careers and jobs.



-Students, ready, enter the job market, unprepared, no jobs.

-E.g. a friend of mine


[主题句] Admittedly, universities could prepare their students for life after graduation by teaching them about careers and jobs.

[解释说明] By receiving good career education, students can get ready to enter the job market once they graduate; on the contrary, if they are unprepared, they might have trouble hunting jobs.

[举例] A friend of mine serves as a good example here. He, utilizing the skills he learned from newly established internship course of his school, was successfully hired as computer programmer by Dell as soon as he graduated. 

[总结] Therefore, by focusing primarily on future careers, the students will ge more chances to excel at their jobs.



Use specificreasons and examples to support your answer.






1. Now everyone owns a mobile phone.

2. We can do almost all the things on cellphone, such as reading, chatting and playing games.

3. For instance, when I was in Japan I bought a beautiful necklace made from a black pearl. I wouldn’t have been able to buy if I never went to Japan!

4. Living with their families for too long will be a good idea because they could get used to it and tend to be less independent.

5. In this artificial intelligence age, the cutting-edge technology posts a threat to employment.

6. The future would will be changing even faster than ours in terms of technology and lifestyle.

7. For example, my dad always taught my little brother some skills in order to let him deal with some problems in life.

8. The phone now is much more powerful and convenient. 

9. A good roommate is fun.

A good roommate is fun.

Supporting details:

1.    Invites you to parties and concerts

2.    Introduces you to friends

3.    Plan free time activities with you

A good coworker is cooperative

Supporting details:

1.    Gets along with others

2.    Tries to do her parts, otherwise affect other people

3.    Has a positive attitude

Gifts remind us of special people in our lives

Supporting details:

1.    Remember good times with the giver

2.    Think of good feelings about the giver

3.    A reminder whenever we see the giver frequently or infrequently

2.    分类法概述


ü Topic Sentence

-       Direct support

-       Direct support


-        想出来2-3种具体表达方式

-        评估后可以合并的时候

-        一段只写一个对象的时候


Example: Eating at home is much healthier than eating at restaurant.

Be allergic to 

Skip the washing step

Seasoning; spice

Have a checkup

On the one hand…on the other hand 只能表示对比,不能表示并列

Supporting details:

1.    Restaurants meals high in fat and calories.

2.    At home, you control ingredients.

3.    Restaurants big plates of food.

4.    At home, you control portion size.

3.    顺序常用连接词



4.    例证分类

ü 例证数量:一例(详细展开)/多例(简略展开)

ü 例证内容:

-        一般性例证:General example

Children tend to consume junk food while watching television. For example, when they watch television, fried chips and Coca-Cola are their favorites.

-        个人经历:Personal experience

First, working experiences help students gain various essential skills, such as communication skills, organizing skills and leadership skills. One of my personal experiences is an example. In the senior year in high school, I took a part time job as a waiter at McDonald’s. In one instance, a customer came to me and asked for Chinese spring scroll, which do not sell. I told him very politely that we did not sell the food and maybe he could try some other Chinese restaurants. But the man was rude and persistent. Finally, I showed him in person where he could buy the food and the man left satisfied. By this instance, I learned that the key of successful communication is to always respond to others in a positive and polite way.

-        假设情况scenarios 

In many life situations, complaining in person is the superior choice. Let’s consider the following hypothetical situation. A person buys a defective product and s/he wants to return it. Suppose s/he writes a letter to the manufacturer to do so. It’ll take days or even weeks before the letter reaches responsible party. And even after receiving the letter, the responsible party might dismiss it out of the hand or bury it under bureaucratic procedures. In contrast, if s/he goes directly to the dealer or producer, his/her problem will get the proper attention immediately. 

-        名人,文学,历史celebrities/literature/history

Although it is good to stand out and make one’s own decisions, sometimes it is beneficial to take others’ advice. In Shakespeare’s play King Lear, Lear decides to divide his land amongst his three daughters according to how much each daughter loved him. Goneril and Regan, the two wicked daughters, exaggerate their love for him, while Cordelia, the youngest daughter, claims to love Lear only as much as a daughter should love her father. Lear becomes furious with this blunt answer and disowns Cordelia, leaving Goneril and Regan with the most land. These two sisters, who are the new rulers of the Kingdom, mistreat their father until he goes insane. If Lear had listened to his adviser Kent’s warning not to divide up the land the way he did, he would not have suffered such a miserable fate.

-        调查和研究survey & study

“According to the survey by American Research Group and UBS, 16.3 percent of consumers polled said they used credit cards, down from 30.9 percent last year, and the lowest percentage ever seen by the group’s chairman, Britt Beemer, who has tracked holiday shopping for more than two decades.”

ü 例证法结构

-        主题句--- 解释说明--- 举例证明(给出细节)--- 总结例子(重述论点)


题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship between people.

主题句:Sometimes, we are not expected to tell the truth for our friends. Hiding what we really think is a common behavior to make other people feel comfortable.

例子和总结: Girls often ask the question “How do I look? ”, and we all know that the only answer that fits their expectation is “You look fantastic!” no matter what we really think. Those who never lie should really pray to be asked by beauties, or the honest ones will not be appreciated by telling the truth. When people ask questions, it is wise to give them the answers they expect, and always telling the truth is a bad idea.

题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or new country because of the loss of old friends.

例子细节:My best friend Jack moved to Boston two years ago, and before he moved, we often argued because of some trifles like which actress is more beautiful and the arguments sometimes even led to “cold wars” and we would not talk to each other for several days. But since he moved, we just missed each other so much and never tried to pick a fight even if we disagree.


5.    比较对比法








First of all, jobs and social life have the same effect on happiness brought by the advantage of finance. As we all know, money talks, By working hard, people will undoubtedly feel more satisfied because of the increased income they will gain.


All of us have had- and will continue to have – difficult experiences and failures. It’s up to us to learn from them. One person who loses a job may become depressed, then withdraw, and finally start to blame others for his/her problems.

In sharp contrast, another person who does not make excuses for failure may try to identify his/her own weaknesses, choose to go back to school or go to a refresher course, switch to another career path that is better suited to his/her potential, or relocate to a more prosperous area. Even though these two people have had the same failure, they will end undertaking vastly different result.

Compared with working at home, working in office provides a more stimulating working environment. Working at home often makes people sleepy and passive because a comfortable environment fails to offer an effective stimulus. It is no wonder that home officers may easily fall asleep while trying to take a break in sofa. On the other hand, people in office will never do that no matter how exhausted they are, for they know that they are under the supervision of their bosses and colleagues. Under some circumstances taking a nap may even make them get fired.


People have a better material life today. Compared with people in the past, human beings today have ample food choices, beautiful residence and colorful clothes to enjoy. For example, when my grandmother was young, she was concerned about what to feed the family all day long because there were not enough food supplies; interestingly, she is still bothered by the same problem today when her children and grandchildren come by, but the difference lies in the fact that there are too many choices for her now.



Like A, B…

As…as…, not as…as.

A is similar to B, A resemble B,

It’s a similar story with B.


Equally, also, in the same manner/way/fashion, similarly, likewise



Unlike A, B…, B rather than A,

Contrary to A, B…

In contrast to A,B…

As opposed to A,B…

Instead of A,B…


But, however, in contrast, on the other hand, whereas, while/whilst, instead, conversely


ü Classification 分类法

ü TEEC 例证法

ü Comparison & Contrast 比较对比












