
I don't procrastinate because I believe that tomorrow never comes. 我不会拖延,因为明天是靠不住的。

One minute after midnight, it's already today. 午夜一过就是今天。

Stagnant muscles and metal fears cause stagnant minds. 肌肉迟钝和心理恐惧会造成思想迟钝。

So don't let age dictate to you what you can and cannot do. 不要让年纪支配你能做或不能做什么。

“别等朽木堆积太多才去烧,每天让森林少量的自我焚烧”?1.及时的清除隐患,否则日积月累一发不可收拾;2. 每天或者每隔一段时间进行自我调整,去除positive的想法和观念

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. 爱所有人,信任少数人,不负任何人。-皆大欢喜《As You Like It》
