
DB2中,在安装的过程中为数据库创建user和指定id的地方有两处,一个是在操作系统初始化的时候,或者说db2安装之前,用系统的useradd,还有一个是在response file中指定id

原本想的是:如果os指定了,response file中又指定id的话或许会冲突



DBI1702E The specified service name or port number conflicts with existing values in the TCP/IP services file. Explanation: The service name or port number conflicts with existing values in the services file. The service name might already be used with a different port number, or the port number might already be used with a different service name. User response: Specify a service name and port number that does not conflict with existing entries in the services file. A major error occurred while installing "DB2 Server Edition " on this computer. The installation cannot continue. If the problem persists contact your technical service representative. For more information see the DB2 installation log at "/tmp/db2setup.log"."

