airplay 安卓接收
I'm continually amazed at the usefulness of a small but complete $35 computer that is the size of a deck of cards. I'm coming up with all sorts of uses for the three Raspberry Pi devices in our house. I talk about our experiences in Top 10 Raspberry Pi Myths and Truths, but right now I want to share what I did with a Raspberry Pi over lunch today.
小型但完整的$ 35大小的计算机(一副纸牌大小)的实用性让我感到惊讶。 我想出了我们家中三种Raspberry Pi设备的各种用途。 我谈论了我们在Raspberry Pi十大神话和真相中的经历,但是现在我想分享一下今天午餐时使用Raspberry Pi所做的事情。
I've got a lot of video on my iPad and iPhone and I've always wanted to be able to use "AirPlay." Basically AirPlay is a simple way to "throw" video or music at a device. I'm always plugging my iPad into the TV with an HDMI cable.
我的iPad和iPhone上有很多视频,我一直希望能够使用“ AirPlay” 。 基本上,AirPlay是在设备上“扔”视频或音乐的简单方法。 我总是使用HDMI电缆将iPad插入电视。
At some point in the future more receivers and TVs will include AirPlay built-in. I could buy an Apple TV for $99 as it includes AirPlay. However, I don't want AirPlay $99-dollar-bad. Maybe $35-dollar-bad. Since a Raspberry Pi with Ethernet is $35, ahem. It's on.
在将来的某个时候,更多的接收器和电视将内置AirPlay。 我可以花99美元购买一台Apple TV,因为其中包括AirPlay。 但是,我不希望AirPlay坏到99美元。 也许$ 35美元不好。 由于带有以太网的Raspberry Pi售价为35美元,因此价格不菲。 开了
Back during the original Xbox days when folks were rooting their Xboxen left and right, the most useful thing you could install on it was XBMC. It turned your Xbox into a complete, flexible and modular Media Center. Fast-forward almost 10 years to today and XBMC is an ecosystem on its own, long separated from the Xbox. You can get XBMC for Android, even! There's XBMCs for Mac, Linux, Windows, iOS and more. Even Apple TVs themselves can be rooted and run XBMC.
在最初的Xbox时代,人们左右左右扎根他们的Xboxen时,您可以在其上安装的最有用的东西是XBMC。 它使Xbox成为一个完整,灵活和模块化的Media Center。 XBMC到现在已经快10年了,它本身就是一个生态系统,与Xbox长期隔离。 您甚至可以获取适用于Android的XBMC ! 有适用于Mac,Linux,Windows,iOS等的XBMC。 甚至Apple TV本身也可以扎根并运行XBMC。
The most promising new entry into the XBMC space is Raspbmc. Yes, a complete XBMC install for a the tiny Raspberry Pi. The most amazing part is the clean Windows installer for Raspbmc in my opinion. You run it on your Windows machine with an SD card plugged in and the installer does all the work of downloading, formatting and prepping your SD Card to run on the Raspberry PI. The whole operation took a few minutes. Then I put the SD Card in the Pi and waited maybe 15 and then I was looking at the boot screen. Very painless.
Raspbmc是XBMC领域中最有前途的新入口。 是的,为小型Raspberry Pi安装了完整的XBMC。 我认为,最令人惊讶的部分是Raspbmc的干净Windows安装程序。 您可以在Windows计算机上插入SD卡来运行它,然后安装程序会完成下载,格式化和准备SD卡以在Raspberry PI上运行的所有工作。 整个操作花费了几分钟。 然后,我将SD卡放入Pi中,并等待了15分钟,然后我看着启动屏幕。 非常无痛。
Raspbmc is full featured and virtually includes all the XBMC functionality - which is an amazing feat given the limitations of the hardware. The most recent Raspbmc Release Candidate 4 added a lot of new improvements that made this the perfect time to jump in.
Raspbmc具有全功能,并且几乎包括所有XBMC功能-考虑到硬件的限制,这是一个了不起的壮举。 最新的Raspbmc Release Candidate 4添加了许多新的改进,使之成为完美的学习时机。
I just want AirPlay, so note that while there's WAY WAY more in Raspbmc and XBMC than this ONE feature (and technically I could probably make a very stripped down distro that included only this one feature if I wanted to be a purist) I'm only interested in AirPlay. I want AirPlay with a high WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor.) That means she needs to press a button on the Receiver, hit play on her iPad and it needs to Just Work©.
我只想要AirPlay,所以请注意,尽管Raspbmc和XBMC中的功能比该功能更丰富(从技术上讲,如果我想成为一名纯粹主义者,我可能会制作一个精简的发行版,其中仅包含此功能)只对AirPlay感兴趣。 我希望AirPlay具有较高的WAF(妻子接受因子)。这意味着她需要按一下Receiver上的按钮,在iPad上点击播放,并且它需要Just Work©。
After installing Raspbmc I used a USB keyboard to go into the System > Network menu and checked "Allow XBMC to receive AirPlay content."
If you want to use your iOS or Android device as a remote control to control your Raspbmc you can ditch the keyboard after initial setup. There are iOS and Android versions of the Official XBMC Remote. Just make sure you've enabled your Raspbmc in System > Network to be controlled by a Remote application. If you are feeling extra snazzy you can even get a real remote control and use one of those via USB IR. Perhaps you have a remote control lying around from an older Xbox or ATI Video Card like I did.
如果您想使用iOS或Android设备作为遥控器来控制Raspbmc,则可以在初始设置后抛开键盘。 官方XBMC遥控器有iOS和Android版本。 只需确保已启用“系统”>“网络”中的Raspbmc,即可由远程应用程序进行控制。 如果您感觉格外时髦,甚至可以使用USB红外遥控器获得真正的遥控器并使用其中之一。 也许像我一样,您可以在较旧的Xbox或ATI视频卡上放一个遥控器。
After setup, I needed to setup video, power, and networking. Here's what I ended up with.
设置后,我需要设置视频,电源和网络。 这就是我最后得到的。
Here's my little Pi behind the TV, and my iPad saying it's playing video on the "XBMC raspbmc."
这是我在电视后面的小树莓派,我的iPad说它正在“ XBMC raspbmc”上播放视频。
Here's me using an iPad as a remote (although since I'm just throwing video at it, I won't need the remote except for configuration, and I'll SSH into the Pi to do system updates) and finally watching 1080p video on my TV, at last.
Because any video app within the iOS ecosystem gets AirPlay support this also means I can throw YouTube videos or whatever HTML5 video I find up on the TV as well. All for $35 and a lunch hour. Such fun!
由于iOS生态系统中的任何视频应用程序都获得了AirPlay支持,因此这也意味着我可以将YouTube视频或我在电视上找到的任何HTML5视频都扔出去。 全部花费$ 35和午餐时间。 好好玩!
airplay 安卓接收