[ECE]1.4 System concept

**Q: What are encoders and decoders in digital circuits?**

**A: Encoders and decoders are essential components in digital circuits for data conversion and signal processing. 

1. **Encoder:**
   - **Purpose:** An encoder is used to convert multiple input signals into a smaller set of output signals.
   - **Function:** It encodes information in a way that makes it more compact, often used in data transmission or multiplexing applications.
   - **Example:** In a priority encoder, the highest-priority active input is encoded into binary code, simplifying the representation of multiple inputs.

2. **Decoder:**
   - **Purpose:** A decoder performs the reverse function of an encoder by converting binary information into a set of output signals.
   - **Function:** It is commonly used to select one of multiple outputs based on the binary code received as input.
   - **Example:** In a binary-to-decimal decoder, a 3-bit binary input is decoded to activate one of eight output lines representing decimal numbers 0 to 7.

**Common Features:**
   - Both encoders and decoders are often implemented using combinations of basic logic gates (AND, OR, NOT).
   - They play crucial roles in data communication, memory systems, and control circuits.

Q: What is the role of storage in digital circuits, and how are flip-flops and registers involved in this process?

A (English):

  • Storage in Digital Circuits:

    • Storage in digital circuits refers to the ability to retain binary data for a specific duration.
    • This is crucial for holding information temporarily, facilitating various operations within a digital system.
  • Flip-Flops:

    • Definition: Flip-flops are bistable logic circuits capable of storing one bit at a time, representing either a 1 or a 0.
    • Function: They retain their state until directed to change, providing a stable memory element in digital systems.
    • Applications: Used for sequential logic, memory cells, and in building registers.
  • Registers:

    • Definition: Registers are collections of flip-flops, capable of storing multiple bits of binary data simultaneously.
    • Function: They act as data storage units, often used for temporary storage during arithmetic and logic operations.
    • Applications: Commonly found in CPUs, holding data for processing and facilitating communication between different parts of a digital system.

Q (Chinese):

  • 数字电路中存储的作用是什么,Flip-Flops和寄存器在这个过程中的作用是什么?

A (Chinese):

  • 数字电路中的存储作用:

    • 存储在数字电路中指的是保持二进制数据一段时间的能力。
    • 这对于在数字系统内进行各种操作时暂时保存信息至关重要。
  • Flip-Flops(触发器):

    • 定义: Flip-Flops是一种双稳态逻辑电路,可以一次存储一个比特,表示为1或0。
    • 功能: 它们保持它们的状态直到被指示更改,为数字系统提供稳定的存储元素。
    • 应用: 用于时序逻辑,存储单元,以及构建寄存器。
  • 寄存器:

    • 定义: 寄存器是由多个Flip-Flops组成的集合,能够同时存储多位二进制数据。
    • 功能: 它们充当数据存储单元,通常用于在算术和逻辑操作期间进行临时存储。
    • 应用: 在中央处理器(CPU)中常见,用于保存待处理的数据,并促进数字系统不同部分之间的通信。

Q: What is a shift register and how does it function in digital circuits?


  • Definition:

    • A shift register is a digital circuit that can shift its stored binary data in one or both directions.
    • It consists of a chain of flip-flops, where each flip-flop holds one bit of data.
  • Functionality:

    • Shift Operation: The primary function is to perform serial shifting of data. Data can be shifted left or right through the register.
    • Parallel Load: Allows parallel loading of data into the register.
    • Serial Input/Output: Enables serial input and output of data.
  • Types of Shift Registers:

    • Serial-In, Serial-Out (SISO): Data is shifted in and out serially.
    • Serial-In, Parallel-Out (SIPO): Data is shifted in serially but read out in parallel.
    • Parallel-In, Serial-Out (PISO): Data is loaded in parallel but shifted out serially.
    • Parallel-In, Parallel-Out (PIPO): Allows both parallel loading and parallel output.
  • Applications:

    • Data Storage: Used for temporary storage in various applications.
    • Data Transfer: Facilitates the transfer of data serially or in parallel.
    • Shift Operations: Useful in tasks like multiplication, division, and other sequential processes.
  • Shift Register Example:

    • For a simple 4-bit shift register:
      • Data: 1101
      • Shift Right: (0110)
      • Shift Left: (1011)

Shift registers are versatile components used in various digital systems for tasks such as data storage, data transfer, and sequential operations.


For example, in the 8-bit binary number 11011010:

  • The leftmost bit (1) is the MSB.
  • The rightmost bit (0) is the Least Significant Bit (LSB).

In digital systems, understanding the MSB is essential for interpreting the magnitude of a binary number and performing operations such as shifting and manipulation.
