
Mrs. Wang sent for Baochai, who came to greet her. Mrs. Wang said, "Your three sisters are going to be married now. It is your sisters'affection that you, as your sister-in-law, enlighten and enlighten them. Besides, he's an understanding child, and I think you two are very compatible. But I heard that Baoyu heard his three sisters go out and cry. You should also persuade him. Now my body is suffering from ten illnesses and nine pains, and your two sisters-in-law has three good days and two bad days. You know better that you should take care of everything, let alone swallow it, and refuse to offend people. In the future, all this housework will be your burden." Baochai promised. Mrs. Wang also said, "One more thing, your second sister-in-law brought the maid of Liu's daughter-in-law to your house yesterday and said to mend it." Baochai said, "Pinger brought it here today and said it was the idea of his wife and second grandmother." Mrs. Wang said, "Yes, your second sister-in-law and I said, I don't think it matters. It's inconvenient to reject him. It's just one thing. I don't see that kid's eyebrows are very settled. At first, as a fox-like girl in Baoyu House, I banished several of them, and then you naturally knew that before moving back home. Now you are, of course, no better than before. I'll tell you, but just be careful. In your house, even the child who attacked someone can make it." Baochai agreed, said a few more words, and came. When we arrived at Tanchun after dinner, we had some kind words of solicitude, which need not be elaborated. The next day, Tanchun will get up and come to worship Baoyu. The precious jade is inseparable. The general words of Tanchun's general generals were that Baoyu first bowed his head and said nothing, then turned to sadness and joy, which seemed to have the meaning of awakening. So Tanchun was relieved to say goodbye to all, and boarded the sedan chair and went off by boat and land vehicle. Previously, all the sisters lived in the Grand View Garden. Later, after Jia Fei clicked, they did not repair it. When Baoyu married, Lin Daiyu died and Shi Xiangyun returned. Baoqin lived at home with few people in the garden. In the cold weather, Li Qi's sisters, Tanchun and Cherishing Spring all moved back to their old homes. When it comes to flowers, we still play together. Nowadays, as soon as we go to Tanchun, Baoyu doesn't go out of the house after she is ill, and there are no happy people. So the garden is lonely, only a few homekeepers live in it. On that day, Youshi came to see Tanchun and got up. Because he saved his car every night, he walked past the petty door that opened Ningfu in the garden the year before. Feeling desolate and full of eyes, Taixie is still, women's walls are planted around the garden in general, the heart is sad if there is a loss. Some people get fever when they get home. After struggling for a day or two, he fell down. Fever in the day, abnormal body heat at night, delirium. Jia Zhenhurriedly invited the doctor to see, said that the cold, now entangled in the Foot Yangming Stomach Canon, so delirium is not clear, if you see, have a big dirty can be safe. Youshi took two doses, did not reduce slightly, more mad. Jia Zhen was anxious, so she called Jia Ronglai, "Ask if there is a good doctor outside, and invite a few more to see it." Jia Rong answered, "The doctor of the former son is the most popular, just afraid that my mother's illness is not cured well." Jia Zhen said, "Nonsense, don't take medicine, is it up to him?" Jia Rong said, "It's not that she died. It's because her mother went to Xifu the day before yesterday and came back dressed in the garden. Once you get home, you have a fever. Don't bump into a customer. Outside there is a Mao Banxian, a southerner, who is very clever in divination. It's better to invite him to take charge. If you have any letters, follow him; if they don't work, invite another good doctor." When Jia Zhen heard this, she immediately called for someone to come. After sitting in her study and drinking tea, she said, "Call me from the house, I don't know what's the matter?" Jia Rong said, "My mother is ill, please tell me a hexagram." Mao Banxian said, "Nevertheless, take clean water and wash your hands. Set up a scent case. Let me take a lesson to see it." At that moment, when the arrangement was made, he took out the hexagram box in his arms and went up to it. He respectfully made a cuddle. He shook the hexagram box in his hand and said in his mouth, "The two instruments of Fu-Yi-Tai Chi, the two instruments of Fu-Yi-Tai Chi, the sense of sympathy, the books come out in endless changes, and the sacred works are answered in good faith." There are four saints, Fu Xi, Wen Wang, Zhou Gong and Confucius, who are called upon by Jia Mou, a believer because of his mother's illness. Their presence is inspired by sincerity, and good fortune is rewarded by bad news and bad luck. Firstly, the inner image of Sanyu. Say, pour the money in the canister into the plate, and say, "Spiritual, the first Bang is to hand in." Take it up and shake it again. Pour it out and say "single". The third is "Jiao". When he picked up the money, he said in his mouth, "The inner part has already been shown, but also the outer appearance of Sanyu, to complete a hexagram." Come out, it's "separate bill". The Mao Banxian took the hexagrams and copper coins and sat down and asked, "Sit down, please sit down, let me have a closer look. This hexagram is the hexagram of "no help". Shiyu is the third one. The brothers robbed money at noon. The bad luck must be there. Nowadays, respecting driving for mother and asking for sickness with God is the beginning. It's really parents who stir up officials and ghosts. There is another layer of officials and ghosts on the Wuyi. I think Mrs. Lingtai's illness is not mild. Fortunately, fortunately, now the water of Zihai is in prison, and Yinmu makes a fire. It is a ghost to move a descendant from the world. In addition, the sun and the moon were born, and two days later, the officials and ghosts of Zishui fell into the sky, just handed over to Xuri. But I'm afraid your father's parents have some obstacles when they turn into ghosts. Even if the world is heavier than the robbery itself, the days when the water is prosperous and the soil is declining are not good either." After that, he sat with his beard on. Jia Rong at first listened to his tricks, but he couldn't help laughing; listened to his hexagrams, and said that he was afraid of his father's bad, he said: "Hexagrams are very clever, but I don't know what my mother's disease is?" Mao Banxian said, "According to this hexagram, Shiyu's noon fire changes into water phase, which must be the condensation of cold and fire. If you want to make a clear decision, you don't understand it very well, unless you use "Big Six Ren" to make a correct decision. Jia Rong said, "Are all the gentlemen smart?" Mao Banxian said, "Know something." Jia Rong asked for advice and reported an hour. Mr. Mao then drew the plate and calculated that the God would put the white tiger on it. "This lesson adds a bold lesson." Every white tiger is a fierce general, and if it is restrained by vigorous elephant spirit, it cannot be harmed. Nowadays, it is hungry tigers and hurting people who take advantage of the spirit of death to make prisoners die in time. Just as the spirit is frightened and dissipated, so it is called "boldness". The lesson is that people are deprived of their soul, they still suffer from misery, they often die of illness, and they are apprehensive about lawsuits. As if there were evening tigers, they must be ill in the evening. The elephant said,'Whoever occupies this lesson, there must be a curse or a tangible noise in the old house'. Nowadays, respectful driving is occupied by adults, just in line with the tiger in the Yang worrying men, in the Yin worrying women, this lesson is very dangerous. Jia Rong did not listen to the whole story. He blurred his face and said, "Sir, what he said is true, but it doesn't match the hexagram very well. Is there any hindrance in the end?" Mao Banxian said, "Don't panic, wait for me to see it slowly." After bowing his head and muttering for a while, he said, "Okay, there's a savior. Calculate that there is a noble God to rescue, so-called "soul soul soul returning". It's okay to worry first and then happy, as long as you are careful. Jia Rong offered the divinatory gold and sent it back to Jia Zhen, saying, "Mother's illness was acquired in the evening of the old house, in order to bump into what's the"white tiger with dead body". Jia Zhen said, "You said your mother came back from the garden the day before yesterday, but it wasn't a collision! You remember that your two aunts went to the garden and came back sick? He didn't see anything. Later, the wives all said that there was a hairy thing on the hill, with big eyes and lanterns, and they could talk. He drove her back. Come on, bluff out a disease." Jia Rong said, "Why don't you remember! I also heard Uncle Bao's baking tea say: Qingwen has become the God of lotus flowers in the garden; Miss Lin is dead and there is music in the air, so he must also care about what flowers. I think many of these monsters are in the garden, but they are all right. There are many people in the head who are full of sunshine and often don't pay attention to each other. Now when they are cold, their mothers beat them there and don't know what flowers they kicked, or they bumped into that one. The hexagram is also true. Jia Zhen said, "Is there any hindrance in the end?" Jia Rongdao said, "According to him, it's just the day of the Xu Dynasty. Only two days earlier, or two days later." Jia Zhen said, "What does that mean?" Jia Rong said, "If the gentleman is so accurate, I'm afraid the master is a little uncomfortable." Just then, the inside shouted, "Grandma is going to sit in the garden over there, and the girls can't help it." Jia Zhenwaited for comfort, only heard Youshi's murmur: "Call me in red! Come and chase me in green!" Underground people are scared and funny. Jia Zhen ordered people to buy some paper money and send it to the garden to burn. Sure enough, it sweated that night, so be quiet. By the end of the day, it will gradually get better. By the way, one person handed down ten, ten people handed down a hundred. They all said that there were monsters in the Grand View Garden, which frightened those who looked at the garden not to mend flowers, repair trees and irrigate fruits and vegetables. At first, they dared not walk at night, so that the birds and beasts were threatening; recently, even in the daytime, they walked with arms. After some time, if Jia Zhen was ill, she did not ask for medical treatment. She went to garden paper to make a wish and worshipped the stars in detail. Jia Zhenfang is good, Jia Rong and others have been ill. After months of this, the two governments were terrified. Hereafter, the wind and the storms whispered, and all the plants and plants were demons. The garden is full of news, and the monthly cases of each house are added again. The Rongfu is even more difficult to deal with. Those who look at the garden have no idea. They want to leave here. Every time they say something, they will arrange the flower monsters and tree monsters. They will move out, seal the garden door, and no one dares to go to the garden. As a result, lofty buildings and lofty pavilions, Qiongguan Yaotai, are inhabited by animals. But Wu Gui, Qingwen's cousin, is living at the gate of the garden. Since Qingwen's death, his daughter-in-law has heard that she is a goddess of flowers. She dares not go out every night. Wu Gui went out shopping this day and came back late. The daughter-in-law had caught some cold. She took the wrong medicine during the day. In the evening, Wu Gui arrived home and died in Kang. Outside, because the daughter-in-law was improper, they said that the monster climbed over the wall and sucked the sperm to death. So the old lady was very anxious, and sent a lot of people to surround Baoyu's house and patrol and fight more. These little girls also said that some saw the red face, some saw very handsome women, noisy, scared Baoyu every day.

Thanks to Baochai's control, the rumors were slightly better when they heard the girls'confusion and threatened to fight. But the people in each room are suspicious and suspicious of the quiet, but also added people to sit more, so more food. Exclusive Jia Amnesty was not very convinced and said, "Good garden, what ghosts are there?" I picked out a day when the wind was clear and the sun was warm. I took several family members with instruments in my hands and went to the garden to kick and see what was going on. He was advised to disobey. When we got to the garden, we were overwhelmed with gloom. Jia Amnesty still struggled to move forward, and everyone with her was looking at her head. There was a young family member who was already frightened in his heart. He heard only a whip. Turning around, he saw a brilliant thing jumping over. With a bluff of "whimper", his legs weakened and he lay down. Jia Amnesty turned back and inquired. The boy gasped and said, "I saw a yellow-faced, red-bearded, green-dressed goblin! I went to the cave behind the woods." When Jia Amnesty heard this, he was also timid and asked, "Do you all see it?" Several pushing boats answered, "Why didn't you see it? Because the master was in his head, he dared not be shocked. Slaves can still hold their hands." Jia was afraid and dared not go any more. Come back in a hurry and tell the boys, "Don't mention it, just say it all over. There's nothing left." In my heart, I also believe that we should go to the real people's palace and ask the judge to exorcise evil spirits. Do you know that those families have nothing to do but to live? Now Jia forgives and fears. He not only hides it, but adds some chisels to it and makes everyone speak out. Jia forgiveness was impossible, so he had to invite Taoist priests to the garden to work as a way of exorcising evil spirits and demons. On the auspicious day, the altar was first laid out on the provincial main hall. The sacred statue of the Three Qing Dynasty is offered next to the 28-night-long horse, general Zhao, Wen and Thursday, and the 36-day image will be displayed in the lower row. The incense lanterns and candles are arranged in one hall, and the bells and drums are arranged on both sides, with five flags inserted. Dao Jisi appointed forty-nine deacons of Taoists to clean up the Temple of Heaven. Three judges took perfume and water, and then rolled drums. All the mages wore seven star crowns, put on the costume of nine palaces and eight trigrams, stepped on the clouds, held their teeth, and worshiped the table to invite the Holy Spirit. After another day's reading of the Dong Xuan Jing, which eliminates disasters and eliminates evil spirits and receives good fortune, he became a general. The book "Taiyi, Mixed Yuan and Lingbao Fu of the Three Realms of the Shang and Qing Dynasties" on the list is a great magician for performing and teaching. The wording commands the gods of this realm to listen to the altar. On that day, the men of the two governments captured demons by mages and went to the garden to watch them. They all said, "Great decrees, call the gods and send the generals to make a fuss, no matter how many demons are frightened away." Everyone crowded in front of the altar. The monks raised their banners and stood by the five sides to serve the mage's orders. Three mages, one with a sword, one with Fashui, one with a seven-star soap flag, and one with a peach whip, stood in front of the altar. The five flags were scattered as soon as the listener stopped, the top token was three times, and the curse was chanted in his mouth. The mage went down to the altar and asked his family to lead him to all the pavilions, galleries, houses, cliffs and rivers. He sprinkled French water and drew his sword and finger once. Come back, hit the token repeatedly and sacrifice the seven-star flag. The Taoist priests gathered the banners and took them down.

They beat the demons and whipped the air three times. Everyone in the family said that they took the monster and scrambled to see it. When they came to the front, there was no sound. See the Master ask all Taoist priests to take bottles and cans, take down the demon, add seals, Master Zhu pen calligraphy, let people take back to the tower under the view, while withdrawing the altar to thank the general. Jia Amnesty thanked the Master respectfully. Jia Rong and other little brothers laughed behind their backs and said, "In such a big parade, I look at the monster and show us what it is. There I know it's such a search. Did the genie take it?" Jia Zhen heard this and scolded, "Muddleheaded things! Monsters were formed by gathering and dispersing, but now how many gods will be here and dare to show themselves? Just take this monster away, and it will be magic power." People will believe and doubt, and wait for no sound. Those descendants who only knew that the monster had been captured and were suspicious did not make a fuss, but no one mentioned the consequences. Jia Zhen and others recovered from illness, and all of them had the magic power of Dao Master. Only one kid laughed and said, "I don't know the noise in my head. It was on the day of the grandfather's entrance to the park that a big pheasant flew by. The tier was frightened away from his eyes. We all told him a lie, and the old man took it seriously. Look at a very busy altar. Though they heard it, they believed it, but no one dared to resist it. One day, Jia Amnesty had nothing to do, and was trying to get several family members to move to the garden to guard for fear of hiding adulterers at night. Fang wanted to get word out, but Jia Lian came in. Please say hello. He said, "When I went to my uncle's house today, I heard a ridiculous belief that my uncle was tempered to join us. It was for the purpose of missing inspectors, requisitioning grain and rice, and asking for dismissal." After hearing this, Jia Amnesty was shocked and said, "I'm afraid it's just a rumor. Your second uncle took a book with him and said that Tanchun arrived at his post on a certain day. When he chose a lucky day, he sent your sister to the sea. The road was quiet and the family did not have to worry about it." He also said that he should recognize his relatives at a moderate time and set up an inverted table to congratulate him. Where did some relatives mention it upside down? And without words, as soon as you get to the officials and understand it, you come back and forth to me." Jia Lian went out immediately and came back in less than half a day. He said, "Only then did he go to the official department to inquire about it, and sure enough, his second uncle was enrolled. On the inscription, thanks to the grace of the Emperor, without the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he issued a decree, saying:'The inspectors should be dismissed, they should have requisitioned grain and rice, harassed the people, remembered their first appointment, did not know how to govern, were deceived by their subordinates, downgraded to three levels, and Garn still walked outside the Ministry of Industry and ordered them to return to Beijing on the same day. The letter is correct. While the officials were talking, they came to a Zhixian county introduced by Jiangxi. It was very grateful to mention our second uncle. But it's a good supervisor. It's just the improper use of people. Those family members have spoiled their good reputation by cheating and bullying their subordinates. Adult Jiedu has known for a long time that our second uncle is a good man. I don't know how, but I'll join you again this time. I think it's too noisy for fear of catastrophe in the future, so if I borrow a careless incident, it's not clear what it means to avoid stressing others while neglecting others. Before Jia Amnesty heard about it, he called Jia Lian, "Go and tell your aunt first, and don't have to tell the old lady." Jia Lian went back to Mrs. Wang. What to say, decompose next time
