How To Spot Fake Merchandise Online

If you have your heart set on the latest Fendi bag or Gucci sunglasses -- but these luxury items aren't in your monthly budget -- you may consider going online to find bargains on these hot items. While the majority of online sellers are honest and reliable, the sale of counterfeit items Herve Leger Dress on the Web has been dramatically increasing the past few years. Unfortunately, luxury goods providers cannot authenticate items unless they were purchased from their own store, Web site or authorized Discount Dresses dealer, so it is up to the buyer to choose wisely when purchasing higher-end items online.

Here are some great tips to protect you from online fakes:

Don't buy based on price alone. We all know that if the price is too good to be true, it probably is. Not all knockoffs sell for cheap, however. High Herve Dress prices can add a sense of legitimacy, and many knockoff Prada shoes for men sellers know this. Just Prada handbags sale because the price is high doesn't mean it's authentic.
Pictures are not always worth a thousand words. If a seller only has a few pictures, and won't share more, you know you're dealing with someone illegitimate. Anyone selling high-value goods cheap prada shoes -- used or new -- understands the importance of authenticity. If the merchant is selling something genuine, they will have nothing to hide.
Read the fine print. Some etailers or auction sellers will lure prada sale you in with words that you're likely to search for like "Chanel" or "Gucci". Many sites also use overkill -- "authentic," "genuine" and other enticing adjectives -- to describe their fashion items. It's only by reading carefully through the descriptions that you will see comments like "Inspired by..." to let you know that the merchandise isn't an exact copy (which then affords etailers immunity from trademark infringement.)
Return or get burned. prada shoes>Make sure the seller offers a return policy, or ensure that they use a buyer protection prada handbags program. This means that if Gucci outlet online the seller doesn't keep to the terms of the deal by providing the product as promised, the buyer is protected.
Louis vuitton outlet store> The extras. Designers love to provide value-added extras, such as boxes, identity cards, and storage bags. But be vigilant. As always, the counterfeiters are one step ahead, and know how to fake packaging and ID cards, or provide you with fake photos of the like, so don't let your guard down.
Recent reports have stated that counterfeiters are even buying fake receipts to prove authenticity.

At the end of the day, it's caveat emptor. If you have that queasy feeling in your stomach before you click 'buy', don't. - wholesale louis vuitton

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