【学习笔记】懂你英语 核心课 Level 7 Unit 3 Part 1(IV)Being a Global Citizen 4

TED Talk What does it mean to be a citizen of the world? 成为一位世界公民意味着什么?  Speaker: Hugh Evans     第四课

But despite all of this momentum, we face some huge challenges.  【跟读】    但是,尽管有这样的势头,我们仍面临一些巨大的挑战。

See, you might be thinking to yourself, how can we possibly persuade world leaders to sustain a focus on global issues? 【跟读】      看,你可能在想,我们怎么能说服世界领导人继续关注全球问题呢?

Indeed, the powerful American politician Tip O'Neill once said, "All politics is local." 事实上,这位美国政界有实力的政治家曾说:“所有的政治都是地方性的。”

That's what always got politicians elected: to seek, gain and hold onto power through the pursuit of local or at very best national interests.  这就是政客们的选择:通过追求地方或国家的最佳利益来寻求、获得和掌握权力。

I experienced this for the first time when I was 21 years old. 我在21岁的时候第一次体验到了这一点。

I took a meeting with a then-Australian Foreign Minister who shall remain nameless.【跟读】    我和一位澳大利亚外交部长开会,此处保留其姓名。

And behind closed doors, I shared with him my passion to end extreme poverty. 在紧闭的门后,我和他分享了结束极端贫穷的热情。

I said, "Minister -- Australia has this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals. We can do this." 我说,“部长——澳大利亚有这个千载难逢的机会来帮助实现千年发展目标。我们可以这样做。”

And he paused, looked down on me with cold, dismissive eyes, and he said, "Hugh, no one gives a funk about foreign aid." 他停了下来,用冷漠而轻蔑的目光看着我,他说:“休,没有人会对外国援助感到恐惧。”

Except he didn't use the word "funk." He went on. He said we need to look after our own backyard first. 除了他没有用“funk”这个词。他接着说,他说我们需要先照顾好自己的后院。

This is, I believe, outdated, even dangerous thinking. Or as my late grandfather would say, complete BS. 我认为,这是过时的,甚至是危险的想法。或者像我已故的祖父所说的那样,完成BS。

Parochialism offers this false dichotomy because it pits the poor in one country against the poor in another. It pretends we can isolate ourselves and our nations from one another. 狭隘主义提供了这种错误的二分法,因为它使一个国家的穷人与另一个国家的穷人对立。它假装我们可以孤立我们自己和我们的国家彼此。

The whole world is our backyard, and we ignore it at our peril. 【跟读】 整个世界都是我们的后院,我们忽视它是危险的。

See, look what happened when we ignored Rwanda, when we ignore Syria, when we ignore climate change. 看,当我们忽视了叙利亚,当我们忽视了气候变化时,我们忽略了卢旺达,我们会看到发生了什么。

Political leaders ought to give a "funk" because the impact of climate change and extreme poverty comes right to our shore.由于气候变化和极端贫困的影响,政治领导人应该给我们一个“恐惧”。【跟读】 The impact of climate change and extreme poverty comes right to our shore.

Now, global citizens -- they understand this. 现在,全球公民——他们明白这一点。

We live in a time that favors the global citizen, in an age where every single voice can be heard. 【跟读】 我们生活在一个有利于全球公民的时代,在这个时代,每一个声音都可以听到。

See, do you remember when the Millennium Development Goals were signed back in the year 2000?你还记得2000年千年发展目标是什么时候签署的吗?

The most we could do in those days was fire off a letter and wait for the next election. 在那些日子里,我们能做的最多的事情就是发一封信,等待下一次选举。

There was no social media. 没有社交媒体。

Today, billions of citizens have more tools, more access to information, more capacity to influence than ever before. 今天,数以亿计的公民拥有更多的工具,更多地获得信息,比以往任何时候都更有影响力。

Both the problems and the tools to solve them are right before us. 问题和解决这些问题的工具都摆在我们面前。

The world has changed, and those of us who look beyond our borders are on the right side of history.  【跟读】 世界已经改变,我们这些超越国界的人站在历史的正确一边。

【选择】-According to Evans, in what way has the world changed?   -Social media has made it easier for individuals to inspire change.

【选择】When Evans says we ignore the rest of the world "at our own peril" he means...Other countries' problems are also related to us.  

So where are we?那么我们在哪里?

So we run this amazing festival, we've scored some big policy wins, and citizens are signing up all over the world. 因此,我们举办了这个令人惊叹的节日,我们取得了一些重大的政策胜利,而公民们也在全世界报名。

But have we achieved our mission?但我们实现了我们的使命吗?

No. We have such a long way to go.没有。我们还有很长的路要走。

But this is the opportunity that I see. The concept of global citizenship, self-evident in its logic but until now impractical in many ways, has coincided with this particular moment in which we are privileged to live.   【填空】但这是我所看到的机会。全球公民权的概念在其逻辑上是不言自明的,但直到现在在许多方面都是不切实际的,与我们有幸生活的这一特定时刻正好吻合。

We, as global citizens, now have a unique opportunity to accelerate large-scale positive change around the world. 【跟读】 作为全球公民,我们现在有一个独特的机会来加速全球范围内的大规模积极变革。

So in the months and years ahead, global citizens will hold world leaders accountable to ensure that the new Global Goals for Sustainable Development are tracked and implemented. 因此,在今后的几个月和几年里,全球公民将对世界各国领导人负责,以确保对可持续发展的新的全球目标进行跟踪和执行。

Global citizens will partner with the world's leading NGOs to end diseases like polio and malaria. 全球公民将与世界领先的非政府组织合作,以消灭小儿麻痹症和疟疾等疾病。

Global citizens will sign up in every corner of this globe, increasing the frequency, quality and impact of their actions. 全球公民将在这个世界的每个角落登记,增加他们行动的频率、质量和影响。

These dreams are within reach. 这些梦想是遥不可及的。

Imagine an army of millions growing into tens of millions, connected, informed, engaged and unwilling to take no for an answer.  想象一下,一支数以百万计的军队正在成长为数以千万计的、有联系的、知情的、参与的、不愿意接受任何答案的军队。

Over all these years, I've tried to reconnect with Sonny Boy.  这些年来,我一直在努力与桑尼男孩重新联系。

Sadly, I've been unable to. 可惜我一直无法联系上。

We met long before social media, and his address has now been relocated by the authorities, as often happens with slums. 我们在社交媒体前很久就认识了,他的地址现在已经被当局重新安置了,就像经常发生在贫民窟里一样。

I'd love to sit down with him, wherever he is, and share with him how much the time I spent on Smoky Mountain inspired me. 我愿意和他坐在一起,无论他在哪里,和他分享我在烟雾缭绕的山上花了多少时间激励我。

Thanks to him and so many others, I came to understand the importance of being part of a movement of people --  多亏了他和其他许多人,我才认识到成为一个运动的一员的重要性--

the kids willing to look up from their screens and out to the world, the global citizens.孩子们愿意从屏幕上抬起头来,向世界、全球的公民们看。

Global citizens who stand together, who ask the question "Why?," who reject the naysayers, and embrace the amazing possibilities of the world we share.站在一起的全球公民,谁问“为什么?”,谁拒绝了反对者,并拥抱我们所分享的世界的惊人的可能性。

I'm a global citizen.  我是一个全球公民。

Are you?  是吗?

Thank you.  谢谢。

【选择】-What does Evans expect global citizens to do in the near future?   -to bring about larger-scale positive changes more efficiently.

【跟读】 Asking "why" influences people to take action and bring about change.

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