- Swift于2015年开源,GitHub地址为:https://github.com/apple/swift
- 源码的常见目录:
- docs:文档;
- stdlib:Swift源码;
- lib:C++源码;
- include:C++头文件;
- map,filter,flatMap,reduce,compactMap
- 在swift-main/stdlib/core中搜索 func xxx
public func map(_ transform: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T] {
let initialCapacity = underestimatedCount
var result = ContiguousArray()
var iterator = self.makeIterator()
// Add elements up to the initial capacity without checking for regrowth.
for _ in 0..
public func _filter(_ isIncluded: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Element] {
var result = ContiguousArray()
var iterator = self.makeIterator()
while let element = iterator.next() {
if try isIncluded(element) {
return Array(result)
public func flatMap(_ transform: (Element) throws -> SegmentOfResult) rethrows -> [SegmentOfResult.Element] {
var result: [SegmentOfResult.Element] = []
for element in self {
result.append(contentsOf: try transform(element))
return result
public func reduce(
_ initialResult: Result,
_ nextPartialResult:
(_ partialResult: Result, Element) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result {
var accumulator = initialResult
for element in self {
accumulator = try nextPartialResult(accumulator, element)
return accumulator
@inlinable // protocol-only
public func compactMap(
_ transform: (Element) throws -> ElementOfResult?
) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult] {
return try _compactMap(transform)
// The implementation of compactMap accepting a closure with an optional result.
// Factored out into a separate function in order to be used in multiple
// overloads.
@inlinable // protocol-only
public func _compactMap(
_ transform: (Element) throws -> ElementOfResult?
) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult] {
var result: [ElementOfResult] = []
for element in self {
///可选项绑定 筛选出nil
if let newElement = try transform(element) {
return result
public func map(_ transform: (Wrapped) throws -> U) rethrows -> U? {
switch self {
case .some(let y):
return .some(try transform(y))
case .none:
return .none
public func flatMap(_ transform: (Wrapped) throws -> U? ) rethrows -> U? {
switch self {
case .some(let y):
return try transform(y)
case .none:
return .none
// (age1? == age2?)
public static func ==(lhs: Wrapped?, rhs: Wrapped?) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case let (l?, r?):
return l == r
case (nil, nil):
return true
return false
// (age? == nil)
public static func ==(lhs: Wrapped?, rhs: _OptionalNilComparisonType) -> Bool {
switch lhs {
case .some:
return false
case .none:
return true
// (nil == age?)
public static func ==(lhs: _OptionalNilComparisonType, rhs: Wrapped?) -> Bool {
switch rhs {
case .some:
return false
case .none:
return true
public func ?? (optional: T?, defaultValue: @autoclosure () throws -> T)
rethrows -> T {
switch optional {
case .some(let value):
return value
case .none:
return try defaultValue()
- Metadata存储的是类(类型)的信息,以前分析swift实例对象的内存布局,可以知道实例对象的堆空间地址的前8个字节存储的是Metadata的内存地址;
- https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/main/docs/ABI/TypeMetadata.rst
- 反射是编程语言中一项强大的能力,比如java语言的反射机制;
- 对于任意一个类型,都能动态的获取这个类的所有属性和方法信息;
- 对于任意一个实例,都能动态调用它的任意方法和属性;
import Foundation
class Person {
var age: Int = 0
var name: String = ""
init(age: Int,name: String) {
self.age = age
self.name = name
var person: Person = Person(age: 20, name: "liyan")
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: person)
print(mirror.superclassMirror as Any)
for case let (label?,value) in mirror.children {