



Read one chapter of Thinking, Fast and Slow
Read one chapter of Margin of Safety.
Read one article on 北大金融学


Except Margin of Safety, all others are accomplished. I am going to read one chapter of Margin of Safety after I write this.


From Thinking, Fast and Slow

A lot of times people's decision aren't better than algorithms. In fact, most of the time is worse or inferior than algorithm. But people hate decision made by algorithm simply is not natural. It is like organic food compare to commercial food, they taste the same, have same nutrition. But people prefer organic food just because they are natural.
And we are constantly affected by our environment. Just think about the things we see everyday and things we hear everyday. Even people's action can also effect us, effect how we behave. So it is very important to be involve in a very active, optimistic environment. Or be involved with people who want to learn.


看了房产这一章节,我发现自己就错误估计了大城市的发展潜力,判断一件事情的根据可能还有问题。但是丹尼尔卡尼曼在思考快与慢里面也提到过有时候判断一件事情想要做到完全客观是不可能的。不过总体来说我认为房地产还是一个很好的投资项目,因为它能够为你带来现金流。这才是投资的根本,也是Margin of Safety 里面说过的。


Keep reading what you have been reading. And read 吴军的《科技史纲60讲》when you have free time.
