Daily Report 1

Daily Report 1


Show members: Zheng Luxi, Wu Chengbo
Performance genre: Conversation

Unfamiliar words & sentences

1. bored 无聊
2. knocking 敲
3. How are you doing? 你最近怎么样?
4. Not bad, huh? 还不错
5. Long time no see. 好久不见
6. thirsty 口渴的
7. ran run的过去式
8. I ran all the way from my house. 我一路从我家跑过来
9. I think so, too. 我也这样觉得
10. finish 完成
11. I felt fine. 我觉得还好
12. forgot forget的过去式(忘记)
13. See you soon. 待会儿见


(In the afternoon. At Wu Chengbo's home).

Wu Chengbo: I'm feeling so bored now!

("dong dong dong!" Zheng Luxi is knocking at the door)

Wu Chengbo: Who's knocking at the door?
Zheng Luxi: It's me. Your friend Zheng Luxi.
Wu Chengbo: Oh, I am coming now.

(Wu Chengbo is opening the door)

Wu Chengbo: Hey, how are you doing?
Zheng Luxi: Not bad, huh?
Wu Chengbo: Long time no see. Come in, please.
Zheng Luxi: Thanks.

(After a while.)

Wu Chengbo: Would you like to have some water?
Zheng Luxi: Thanks, I am thirsty now. I ran all the way from my house
Wu Chengbo: Here you are.
Zheng Luxi: Thank you.
Wu Chengbo: You're welcome.
Zheng Luxi: Today is Saturday. Did you finish your homework?
Wu Chengbo: No, there is so much homework on the weekend.
Zheng Luxi: I think so, too.
Wu Chengbo: What homework did you finish?
Zheng Luxi: I finished my English homework, science homework and math homework.
Wu Chengbo: Math is too difficult. How did you finish it?
Zheng Luxi: I felt fine.
Wu Chengbo: You did homework so fast. I have to do my homework now.

(After a while.)

Zheng Luxi: I am going to have a piano lesson. What time is it now?
Wu Chengbo: It's 14:20 now.
Zheng Luxi: Oh! I have to take a piano lesson. I have to go now. Bye!
Wu Chengbo: Goodbye! See you soon!
Zheng Luxi: OK!

(Zheng Luxi opened the door and left.)

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