

PocoPocoPoco 中的通知,是消息源通过中间载体将消息发送给观察者,通知可以分为


2.1 消息

class Notification: public RefCountedObject
	typedef AutoPtr<Notification> Ptr;
	virtual std::string name() const;
	virtual ~Notification();

2.2 消息的发送者 source

类 NotificationCenter 类扮演了一个消息源的角色。下面是它的定义:

class  NotificationCenter	
		/// Creates the NotificationCenter.

		/// Destroys the NotificationCenter.

	void addObserver(const AbstractObserver& observer);
		/// Registers an observer with the NotificationCenter.
		/// Usage:
		///     Observer obs(*this, &MyClass::handleNotification);
		///     notificationCenter.addObserver(obs);
		/// Alternatively, the NObserver template class can be used instead of Observer.

	void removeObserver(const AbstractObserver& observer);
		/// Unregisters an observer with the NotificationCenter.

	bool hasObserver(const AbstractObserver& observer) const;
		/// Returns true if the observer is registered with this NotificationCenter.

	void postNotification(Notification::Ptr pNotification);
		/// Posts a notification to the NotificationCenter.
		/// The NotificationCenter then delivers the notification
		/// to all interested observers.
		/// If an observer throws an exception, dispatching terminates
		/// and the exception is rethrown to the caller.
		/// Ownership of the notification object is claimed and the
		/// notification is released before returning. Therefore,
		/// a call like
		///    notificationCenter.postNotification(new MyNotification);
		/// does not result in a memory leak.

	bool hasObservers() const;
		/// Returns true iff there is at least one registered observer.
		/// Can be used to improve performance if an expensive notification
		/// shall only be created and posted if there are any observers.
	std::size_t countObservers() const;
		/// Returns the number of registered observers.
	static NotificationCenter& defaultCenter();
		/// Returns a reference to the default
		/// NotificationCenter.

	typedef SharedPtr<AbstractObserver> AbstractObserverPtr;
	typedef std::vector<AbstractObserverPtr> ObserverList;

	ObserverList  _observers;
	mutable Mutex _mutex;

通过定义可以看出它是目标对象的集合std::vector _observers
通过调用函数 addObserver(const AbstractObserver& observer),可以完成目标对象
的注册过程。调用函数 removeObserver()则可以完成注销。函数 postNotification 是一个消息传递的过程,其定义如下:

void NotificationCenter::postNotification(Notification::Ptr pNotification)
	poco_check_ptr (pNotification);

	ScopedLockWithUnlock<Mutex> lock(_mutex);
	ObserverList observersToNotify(_observers);
	for (ObserverList::iterator it = observersToNotify.begin(); it != observersToNotify.end(); ++it)


2.3 消息的接收者 target

class  AbstractObserver
	AbstractObserver(const AbstractObserver& observer);
	virtual ~AbstractObserver();
	AbstractObserver& operator = (const AbstractObserver& observer);

	virtual void notify(Notification* pNf) const = 0;
	virtual bool equals(const AbstractObserver& observer) const = 0;
	virtual bool accepts(Notification* pNf, const char* pName = 0) const = 0;
	virtual AbstractObserver* clone() const = 0;
	virtual void disable() = 0;



template <class C, class N>
class Observer: public AbstractObserver
	typedef void (C::*Callback)(N*);

	Observer(C& object, Callback method): 
	Observer(const Observer& observer):
	Observer& operator = (const Observer& observer)
		if (&observer != this)
			_pObject = observer._pObject;
			_method  = observer._method;
		return *this;
	void notify(Notification* pNf) const
		Poco::Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);

		if (_pObject)
			N* pCastNf = dynamic_cast<N*>(pNf);
			if (pCastNf)
	bool equals(const AbstractObserver& abstractObserver) const
		const Observer* pObs = dynamic_cast<const Observer*>(&abstractObserver);
		return pObs && pObs->_pObject == _pObject && pObs->_method == _method;

	bool accepts(Notification* pNf) const
		return dynamic_cast<N*>(pNf) != 0;
	AbstractObserver* clone() const
		return new Observer(*this);
	void disable()
		Poco::Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
		_pObject = 0;

	C*       _pObject;
	Callback _method;
	mutable Poco::Mutex _mutex;

Observer 中存在一个类实例对象的指针_pObject,以及对应函数入口地址_method。


template <class C, class N>
class NObserver: public AbstractObserver
	typedef AutoPtr<N> NotificationPtr;
	typedef void (C::*Callback)(const NotificationPtr&);

	NObserver(C& object, Callback method): 
	NObserver(const NObserver& observer):
	NObserver& operator = (const NObserver& observer)
		if (&observer != this)
			_pObject = observer._pObject;
			_method  = observer._method;
		return *this;
	void notify(Notification* pNf) const
		Poco::Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);

		if (_pObject)
			N* pCastNf = dynamic_cast<N*>(pNf);
			if (pCastNf)
				NotificationPtr ptr(pCastNf, true);
	bool equals(const AbstractObserver& abstractObserver) const
		const NObserver* pObs = dynamic_cast<const NObserver*>(&abstractObserver);
		return pObs && pObs->_pObject == _pObject && pObs->_method == _method;

	bool accepts(Notification* pNf) const
		return dynamic_cast<N*>(pNf) != 0;
	AbstractObserver* clone() const
		return new NObserver(*this);
	void disable()
		Poco::Mutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
		_pObject = 0;


	C*       _pObject;
	Callback _method;
	mutable Poco::Mutex _mutex;

2.4 使用例子

#include "Poco/NotificationCenter.h"
#include "Poco/Notification.h"
#include "Poco/Observer.h"
#include "Poco/NObserver.h"
#include "Poco/AutoPtr.h"
using Poco::NotificationCenter;
using Poco::Notification;
using Poco::Observer;
using Poco::NObserver;
using Poco::AutoPtr;
class BaseNotification: public Notification
class SubNotification: public BaseNotification

class Target
	void handleBase(BaseNotification* pNf)
		std::cout << "handleBase: " << pNf->name() << std::endl;
		pNf->release(); // we got ownership, so we must release
	void handleSub(const AutoPtr<SubNotification>& pNf)
		std::cout << "handleSub: " << pNf->name() << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	NotificationCenter nc;
	Target target;
	 Observer<Target, BaseNotification>(target, &Target::handleBase)
	 NObserver<Target, SubNotification>(target, &Target::handleSub)
	nc.postNotification(new BaseNotification);
	nc.postNotification(new SubNotification);
	 Observer<Target, BaseNotification>(target, &Target::handleBase)
	 NObserver<Target, SubNotification>(target, &Target::handleSub)
	return 0;


3. 异步通知

3.1 介绍

Poco 中的异步通知是通过 NotificationQueue 类来实现的,同它功能类似还有类PriorityNotificationQueue 和 TimedNotificationQueue。不同的是 PriorityNotificationQueue类中对消息分了优先级,对优先级高的消息优先处理;而 TimedNotificationQueue 对消息给了时间戳,时间戳早的优先处理,而和其压入队列的时间无关。所以接下来我们主要关注NotificationQueue 的实现。

class Foundation_API NotificationQueue
	/// A NotificationQueue object provides a way to implement asynchronous
	/// notifications. This is especially useful for sending notifications
	/// from one thread to another, for example from a background thread to 
	/// the main (user interface) thread. 
	/// The NotificationQueue can also be used to distribute work from
	/// a controlling thread to one or more worker threads. Each worker thread
	/// repeatedly calls waitDequeueNotification() and processes the
	/// returned notification. Special care must be taken when shutting
	/// down a queue with worker threads waiting for notifications.
	/// The recommended sequence to shut down and destroy the queue is to
	///   1. set a termination flag for every worker thread
	///   2. call the wakeUpAll() method
	///   3. join each worker thread
	///   4. destroy the notification queue.
		/// Creates the NotificationQueue.

		/// Destroys the NotificationQueue.

	void enqueueNotification(Notification::Ptr pNotification);
		/// Enqueues the given notification by adding it to
		/// the end of the queue (FIFO).
		/// The queue takes ownership of the notification, thus
		/// a call like
		///     notificationQueue.enqueueNotification(new MyNotification);
		/// does not result in a memory leak.
	void enqueueUrgentNotification(Notification::Ptr pNotification);
		/// Enqueues the given notification by adding it to
		/// the front of the queue (LIFO). The event therefore gets processed
		/// before all other events already in the queue.
		/// The queue takes ownership of the notification, thus
		/// a call like
		///     notificationQueue.enqueueUrgentNotification(new MyNotification);
		/// does not result in a memory leak.

	Notification* dequeueNotification();
		/// Dequeues the next pending notification.
		/// Returns 0 (null) if no notification is available.
		/// The caller gains ownership of the notification and
		/// is expected to release it when done with it.
		/// It is highly recommended that the result is immediately
		/// assigned to a Notification::Ptr, to avoid potential
		/// memory management issues.

	Notification* waitDequeueNotification();
		/// Dequeues the next pending notification.
		/// If no notification is available, waits for a notification
		/// to be enqueued. 
		/// The caller gains ownership of the notification and
		/// is expected to release it when done with it.
		/// This method returns 0 (null) if wakeUpWaitingThreads()
		/// has been called by another thread.
		/// It is highly recommended that the result is immediately
		/// assigned to a Notification::Ptr, to avoid potential
		/// memory management issues.

	Notification* waitDequeueNotification(long milliseconds);
		/// Dequeues the next pending notification.
		/// If no notification is available, waits for a notification
		/// to be enqueued up to the specified time.
		/// Returns 0 (null) if no notification is available.
		/// The caller gains ownership of the notification and
		/// is expected to release it when done with it.
		/// It is highly recommended that the result is immediately
		/// assigned to a Notification::Ptr, to avoid potential
		/// memory management issues.

	void dispatch(NotificationCenter& notificationCenter);
		/// Dispatches all queued notifications to the given
		/// notification center.

	void wakeUpAll();
		/// Wakes up all threads that wait for a notification.
	bool empty() const;
		/// Returns true iff the queue is empty.
	int size() const;
		/// Returns the number of notifications in the queue.

	void clear();
		/// Removes all notifications from the queue.
	bool hasIdleThreads() const;	
		/// Returns true if the queue has at least one thread waiting 
		/// for a notification.
	static NotificationQueue& defaultQueue();
		/// Returns a reference to the default
		/// NotificationQueue.

	Notification::Ptr dequeueOne();
	typedef std::deque<Notification::Ptr> NfQueue;
	struct WaitInfo
		Notification::Ptr pNf;
		Event             nfAvailable;
	typedef std::deque<WaitInfo*> WaitQueue;

	NfQueue           _nfQueue;
	WaitQueue         _waitQueue;
	mutable FastMutex _mutex;

定义可以看到 NotificationQueue 类管理了两个 deque 容器。其中一个是 WaitInfo对象的 deque,另一个是 Notification 对象的 deque。而 WaitInfo 一对一的对应了一个消息对象 pNf 和事件对象 nfAvailable,毫无疑问 Event 对象是用来同步多线程的。

Notification* NotificationQueue::waitDequeueNotification()
	Notification::Ptr pNf;
	WaitInfo* pWI = 0;
		FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
		pNf = dequeueOne();
		if (pNf) return pNf.duplicate();
		pWI = new WaitInfo;
	pNf = pWI->pNf;
	delete pWI;
	return pNf.duplicate();

消费者线程首先从 Notification 对象的 deque 中获取消息,如果消息获取不为空,则接返回处理,如果消息为空,则创建一个新的 WaitInfo 对象,并压入 WaitInfo 对象的deque。 消费者线程开始等待,直到生产者通知有消息的存在,然后再从 WaitInfo 对象中取出消息,返回处理。当消费者线程能从 Notification 对象的 deque 中获取到消息时,说明消费者处理消息的速度要比生成者低;反之则说明消费者处理消息的速度要比生成者高。

void NotificationQueue::enqueueNotification(Notification::Ptr pNotification)
	poco_check_ptr (pNotification);
	FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
	if (_waitQueue.empty())
		WaitInfo* pWI = _waitQueue.front();
		pWI->pNf = pNotification;

生产者线程首先判断 WaitInfo 对象的 deque 是否为空,如果不为空,说明存在消费者线程等待,则从 deque 中获取一个 WaitInfo 对象,灌入 Notification 消息,释放信号量激活消费者线程;而如果为空,说明目前说有的消费者线程都在工作,则把消息暂时存入Notification 对象的 deque,等待消费者线程有空时处理。

3.2 例子

#include "Poco/Notification.h"
#include "Poco/NotificationQueue.h"
#include "Poco/ThreadPool.h"
#include "Poco/Runnable.h"
#include "Poco/AutoPtr.h"
using Poco::Notification;
using Poco::NotificationQueue;
using Poco::ThreadPool;
using Poco::Runnable;
using Poco::AutoPtr;
class WorkNotification: public Notification
	WorkNotification(int data): _data(data) {}
	int data() const
		return _data;
	int _data;

class Worker: public Runnable
	Worker(NotificationQueue& queue): _queue(queue) {}
	void run()
		AutoPtr<Notification> pNf(_queue.waitDequeueNotification());
		while (pNf)
			WorkNotification* pWorkNf = dynamic_cast<WorkNotification*>(pNf.get());
			if (pWorkNf)
			// do some work
			pNf = _queue.waitDequeueNotification();
		NotificationQueue& _queue;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	NotificationQueue queue;
	Worker worker1(queue); // create worker threads
	Worker worker2(queue);
	ThreadPool::defaultPool().start(worker1); // start workers
	// create some work
	for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
		queue.enqueueNotification(new WorkNotification(i));
	while (!queue.empty()) // wait until all work is done
	queue.wakeUpAll(); // tell workers they're done
	return 0;



