【学习笔记】懂你英语 核心课 Level 7 Unit 3 Part 3(IV)David and Goliath 4

TED Talk    The unheard story of David and Goliath  大卫和歌莉娅的故事   Speaker: Malcolm Gladwell   第四课

There's a second piece of this that's important.  第二件事很重要.

It's not just that we misunderstand David and his choice of weaponry.  这不仅仅是我们误解了大卫和他选择的武器。

It's also that we profoundly misunderstand Goliath. 我们也深深地误解了歌利亚。

Goliath is not what he seems to be.   歌利亚并不是他看起来的样子。

There's all kinds of hints of this in the Biblical text, things that are in retrospect quite puzzling and don't square with his image as this mighty warrior.    在圣经经文中有各种各样的暗示,回想起来很令人困惑,也不符合他这个强大的战士的形象。

【词义】retrospect 回顾

To look at sth. in retrospect means...   to examine past events with better understanding.

So to begin with, the Bible says that Goliath is led onto the valley floor by an attendant. 【跟读】首先,圣经上说歌利亚被一个随从带到了谷底。

Now that is weird, right? 这很奇怪吧?

Here is this mighty warrior challenging the Israelites to one-on-one combat. 这里是一个强大的战士挑战以色列人一对一的战斗。

Why is he being led by the hand by some young boy, presumably, to the point of combat? 为什么他被一个年轻的男孩牵着手,大概,到了战斗的地步?

Secondly, the Bible story makes special note of how slowly Goliath moves, another odd thing to say when you're describing the mightiest warrior known to man at that point.   【填空】  第二,圣经故事特别说明了歌利亚移动的速度有多慢,当你描述当时人类所知道的最强大的战士时,另一件奇怪的事情就是这样说。

And then there's this whole weird thing about how long it takes Goliath to react to the sight of David. 还有一件奇怪的事情是,歌利亚要多久才能对大卫的视线作出反应。

So David's coming down the mountain, and he's clearly not preparing for hand-to-hand combat. 所以大卫下山了,他显然没有准备格斗。

There is nothing about him that says, "I am about to fight you like this." He's not even carrying a sword. 他并没有说:“我要像这样打你。”他连一把剑都没有。

Why does Goliath not react to that? It's as if he's oblivious to what's going on that day. 为什么歌利亚对此没有反应?好像他忘记了那天发生的事情。

And then there's that strange comment he makes to David: "Am I a dog that you should come to me with sticks?"然后有一个奇怪的评论他对大卫说:“我是一只狗,你应该来找我用棍子吗?”

Sticks? David only has one stick.棍子?大卫只有一根棍子。

【选择】-Why does Gladwell focus on examing Goliath's behavior?   -to provide more evidence to support his argument.

【选择】According to Gladwell, if Goliath were a dangerous warrior....   he would be able to move faster.

Well, it turns out that there's been a great deal of speculation within the medical community over the years about whether there is something fundamentally wrong with Goliath, 事实上,在过去的几年里,医学界一直有大量的猜测,关于歌利亚是否存在根本性的错误,

an attempt to make sense of all of those apparent anomalies. 试图使所有这些明显的反常现象变得有意义。

There have been many articles written. The first one was in 1960 in the Indiana Medical Journal,  已经写了很多文章。第一个是1960年在印第安纳医学杂志,

and it started a chain of speculation that starts with an explanation for Goliath's height. 它开始了一系列的猜测,开始对歌利亚身高的解释。

So Goliath is head and shoulders above all of his peers in that era, 因此,在那个时代,歌利亚比他所有的同龄人都要长得高,

and usually when someone is that far out of the norm, there's an explanation for it. 而且通常当有人远离标准时,就有一种解释。

So the most common form of giantism is a condition called acromegaly,   因此,最常见的Giantism形式是一种称为肢端肥大症的疾病,

and acromegaly is caused by a benign tumor on your pituitary gland that causes an overproduction of human growth hormone.肢端肥大症是由脑下垂体的良性肿瘤引起的,导致人类生长激素分泌过多。

And throughout history, many of the most famous giants have all had acromegaly.  【跟读】纵观历史,许多著名的巨人都有过肢端肥大症。

So the tallest person of all time was a guy named Robert Wadlow who was still growing when he died at the age of 24 and he was 8 foot 11. 因此,所有时间里最高的人是一个名叫罗伯特·瓦德洛的人,他在24岁时去世,享年8英尺11岁。

He had acromegaly. 他有肢端肥大症。

Do you remember the wrestler André the Giant? Famous. He had acromegaly. 你还记得那个摔跤手和巨人吗?很有名。他有肢端肥大症。

There's even speculation that Abraham Lincoln had acromegaly. 甚至有人猜测亚伯拉罕林肯有肢端肥大症。

Anyone who's unusually tall, that's the first explanation we come up with. 任何一个异常高的人,这是我们提出的第一个解释。

And acromegaly has a very distinct set of side effects associated with it, principally having to do with vision. 肢端肥大症有一套非常明显的副作用,主要与视觉有关。

The pituitary tumor, as it grows, often starts to compress the visual nerves in your brain, with the result that people with acromegaly have either double vision or they are profoundly nearsighted.  垂体瘤,随着它的生长,常常开始压迫你的大脑中的视觉神经,结果是肢端肥大症的人要么有双重视力,要么是极度近视。

So when people have started to speculate about what might have been wrong with Goliath, they've said, "Wait a minute, he looks and sounds an awful lot like someone who has acromegaly." 因此,当人们开始猜测歌利亚可能出了什么问题时,他们说:“等一下,他看起来很像一个有肢端肥大症的人。”

And that would also explain so much of what was strange about his behavior that day. 这也解释了他那天的行为有多奇怪。

Why does he move so slowly and have to be escorted down into the valley floor by an attendant? 为什么他走得那么慢,还得由一个服务员护送下到谷底?

Because he can't make his way on his own. 因为他不能自己走自己的路。

Why is he so strangely oblivious to David that he doesn't understand that David's not going to fight him until the very last moment?  【填空】 为什么他如此奇怪地忘记了大卫,以至于他不知道大卫不会和他战斗到最后一刻?

Because he can't see him. 因为他看不见他。

When he says, "Come to me that I might feed your flesh to the birds of the heavens and the beasts of the field," the phrase "come to me" is a hint also of his vulnerability. 当他说:“到我这里来,我可以把你的肉喂给天上的飞鸟和田野的走兽,”“到我这里来”这句话也暗示了他的脆弱。

Come to me because I can't see you. And then there's, "Am I a dog that you should come to me with sticks?" 来找我,因为我看不见你。然后,“我是一只狗,你应该用棍子来找我吗?”

He sees two sticks when David has only one. 大卫只有一根棍子,他却看见两根。

So the Israelites up on the mountain ridge looking down on him thought he was this extraordinarily powerful foe.   于是,以色列人在山脊上俯视着他,以为他是一个非常强大的敌人。

What they didn't understand was that the very thing that was the source of his apparent strength was also the source of his greatest weakness.  【跟读】 他们不明白的是,他明显的力量来源,也是他最大弱点的根源。

And there is, I think, in that, a very important lesson for all of us. 我认为,在这一点上,对我们大家来说是一个非常重要的教训。

Giants are not as strong and powerful as they seem. And sometimes the shepherd boy has a sling in his pocket.   巨人并不像看起来那么强大和强大。有时那个牧童的口袋里有一个吊带。

Thank you. 谢谢。

【选择】-What is the main point of Gladwell's presentation?    -If people assume without thinking, they may not see things as they really are.

【选择】-What might have been responsible for Goliath's size?   -A hormone imbalance.

【选择】-What evidences suggest that Goliath had a growth disorder?    -his unusual height and vision problems.

【选择】-Why does Gladwell think the phrase "come to me" suggests Goliath vulnerability?   -It suggests Goliath can't see David when he's far away.

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