

You spend time setting up your worksheets exactly the way you want them – the headings are frozen at the top of the screen, gridlines are turned off, and a few other customizations are made. Beautiful!

您花费时间完全按照所需的方式来设置工作表-标题冻结在屏幕顶部,网格线关闭,并且进行了一些其他自定义。 美丽!

冻结窗格在Excel中消失 (Freeze Panes Disappear in Excel)

When you open the file the next day, you appreciate all the effort that you put into setting things up. It's much easier to work with the file this way.

第二天打开文件时,您会非常感谢您为设置文件所做的所有努力。 以这种方式使用文件要容易得多。

A couple of days later, you cheerfully open your file again, and…what happened? All those special settings are gone. Nobody else has touched the file (or so they say), so how could all those settings have disappeared?

几天后,您又高兴地再次打开文件,……发生了什么事? 所有这些特殊设置均已消失。 没有人触摸过该文件(或者说他们说过),那么所有这些设置怎么会消失呢?

This occurred in John's files occasionally, and he asked if I could figure out what was going wrong. Thanks John, for inspiring this blog post and video.

这种情况偶尔会出现在约翰的档案中,他问我是否可以找出问题所在。 感谢John启发了这篇博客文章和视频。

责怪窗户 (Blame the Windows)

If this has happened to your files, you can probably stop grilling your co-workers, to find out who messed with your workbook. The most likely culprit is you – if you opened a second window in the workbook.

如果您的文件发生了这种情况,您可能可以停止烧烤您的同事,以找出谁弄乱了您的工作簿。 如果您在工作簿中打开了第二个窗口,则最有可能是您。


For example, you might open a second window to see the cell formulas in one window, and the formula results in another window. Or you can look at two different sheet in the same workbook, side by side.

例如,您可以打开第二个窗口, 在一个窗口中查看单元格公式 ,而该公式在另一个窗口中显示。 或者,您可以并排查看同一工作簿中的两个不同的工作表。

What you might not notice though, is that the second window doesn't retain the freeze panes, gridlines and other settings that you so carefully applied. It uses the default window settings.

但是,您可能不会注意到的是,第二个窗口没有保留冻结窗格,网格线和您如此仔细应用的其他设置。 它使用默认的窗口设置。

For example, in the screen shot below, the original settings are in the window at the right – FreezePanes.xlsx:1. The new window is at the left, and its window settings are different.

例如,在下面的屏幕截图中,原始设置在右侧窗口中-FreezePanes.xlsx:1。 新窗口位于左侧,并且其窗口设置不同。

  1. Freeze Panes line missing in new window

  2. Gridlines visible in new window


Then, when you're finished with the extra window, you close one of them. And, if you close the original window, instead of the second window, you'll lose your window settings, and be left with the defaults. What a pain! Or should that be "what a pane!"

然后,完成额外的窗口后,关闭其中一个窗口。 而且,如果关闭原始窗口而不是第二个窗口,则会丢失窗口设置,并保留默认设置。 真痛苦! 或者应该是“什么窗格”!

小心关闭Windows (Close Windows Carefully)

If you have opened one or more new windows in a workbook, be careful when you're closing them. You'll see a window number, along with the file name, in each window's title bar.

如果您在工作簿中打开了一个或多个新窗口,则在关闭它们时要小心。 您会在每个窗口的标题栏中看到一个窗口号以及文件名。

Leave the original window (FreezePanes.xlsx:1) open, and close the other windows (FreezePanes.xlsx:2). That should prevent the accidental loss of your freeze panes, and other settings.

保持原始窗口(FreezePanes.xlsx:1)打开,然后关闭其他窗口(FreezePanes.xlsx:2)。 这样可以防止意外丢失冻结窗格和其他设置。

观看窗口设置视频 (Watch the Window Settings Video)

To see the steps for setting and preserving your Excel window settings, watch this short video tutorial.



翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2012/07/05/freeze-panes-disappear-in-excel/

