OTA PIM 被动互调失真 (三_测试)


  • 3GPP 37.808 Passive Intermodulation (PIM) handling for Base Stations(多制式互调测试

Directory Listing /ftp/Specs/archive/37_series/37.808/

Conducted conformance testing(传导测试)

3GPP 38.141-1 6.7 Transmitter intermodulation


 Radiated conformance testing (辐射测试也就是OTA)

3GPP 38.141-2 6.8 OTA transmitter intermodulation



经典setup from 37.808

OTA PIM 被动互调失真 (三_测试)_第1张图片

干扰信号(-30dB相对于载波信号幅度)和5G 基站载波配置,定义了载波信号类型和功率幅度(最大载波功率)测试的结果必须符合6.6.3 ACLR、6.6.4 OBUE和6.65 杂散要求。




Wanted signal type

NR single carrier, or multi-carrier, or multiple intra-band contiguously or non-contiguously aggregated carriers, with NB-IoT operation in NR in-band if supported.

Interfering signal type

NR signal, the minimum BS channel bandwidth (BWChannel) with 15 kHz SCS of the band defined in clause 5.3.5 of TS 38.104 [2].

Interfering signal level

Rated total output power (Prated,t,AC) in the operating band – 30 dB

Interfering signal centre frequency offset from the lower/upper edge of the wanted signal or edge of sub-block inside a sub-block gap

NOTE 1: Interfering signal positions that are partially or completely outside of any downlink operating band of the BS are excluded from the requirement, unless the interfering signal positions fall within the frequency range of adjacent downlink operating bands in the same geographical area.

NOTE 2: In Japan, NOTE 1 is not applied in Band n77, n78, n79.

OTA 互调的limit

  1. 按照接受性能要求定义了最严的测试limit
  2. 测试DUT不发功(测试OTA PIM的目的不是验证天线性能,更关注的是DUT本身的非线性,由于外部能量辐射到DUT后产生的互调)

OTA PIM 被动互调失真 (三_测试)_第2张图片

To demonstrate a simple example calculation of possible PIM impact on reference sensitivity, we consider the following assumptions which apply to a Wide Area (WA) BS deployment:

  • Carrier power 2 × 43 dBm UTRA carriers
  • Receiver Noise figure: 5 dB
  • A conversion factor of 2.1 dB to convert the CW to UTRA modulation.
    The conversion factor is a conservative average value based on empirical studies [2].
  • Third order PIM performance of e.g. antenna: -150 dBc @ 2 × 43 dBm CW

Note that the conversion factor is an assumption used to derive the requirements and once the requirements are settled, the conversion factor in itself would have no further relevance. There would then be an agreed requirement that defines the PIM performance.

Based on the assumptions, the power of third order PIM products is 43-150= -107 dBm CW while the power of UTRA modulated PIM product would be -107 dBm + 2.1 dB (conversion factor) = -104.9 dBm /UTRA carrier BW.

Considering the noise floor of -103 dBm and the PIM level of -104.9 dBm (both normalized over a UTRA channel), the sensitivity degradation would be on the order of ~2 dB.
