常用的gpt-4 prompt words收集4

1. it poses a certain risk to my work

  • 这对我来说是一个风险点

2. one point to note is that

  • 需要说的一个问题是

3. What is the English phonetic transcription of ‘emoji’?

  • emoji的音标是什么?

4. it would be best if you can insert some proper emoji in the article so that the readers can be interested

  • 如果你能在文章中插入一些适当的emoji就更好了

5. The above answer lacks depth and is too brief. Please ensure at least 1500 words in the main text and delve as deeply as possible.

  • 上面的回答缺乏深度并且篇幅不够请至少回答1500字并尽可能的深入。
