
The society’s chief executive, David Field



The society’s chief executive, David Field, said the charity would have to seriously consider every possible saving including its giant panda contract. Mr Field said, “We have done all we can to protect our charity by taking a government loan, letting staff have a holiday where possible, reducing jobs where necessary and starting a fundraising activity. The support that we have received from our members and animal lovers has helped to keep our doors open and we are very grateful.”

The zoo couldn’t apply for the Government’s zoo fund, which was aimed at smaller zoos. Mr Field added, “We have to seriously consider every possible saving and this includes assessing our giant panda contract and the cost of their daily care. At this stage, it is too soon to say what the answer will be. We will be discussing next steps with our colleagues in China over the coming months.”

The Spring Festival is just next month. On the traditional Laba Festival, which fell on January 20, Tmall and Taobao started a one-month-long “2021 Online Chinese New Year’s Goods Festival” to help people across the country easily buy some seasonal specials.
