
1. RuntimeInit.commonInit()

  • 上层应用都是由Zygote fork孵化出来的,分为system_server进程和普通应用进程
  • 进程创建之初会设置未捕获异常的处理器,当系统抛出未捕获的异常时候都会交给异常处理器
  • RuntimeInit.java的commonInit方法设置UncaughtHandler
  protected static final void commonInit() {
        LoggingHandler loggingHandler = new LoggingHandler();
        Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new KillApplicationHandler(loggingHandler));

    @SystemApi(client = MODULE_LIBRARIES)
    public static void setUncaughtExceptionPreHandler(
            @Nullable Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler uncaughtExceptionHandler) {
    public static void setUncaughtExceptionPreHandler(UncaughtExceptionHandler eh) {
        uncaughtExceptionPreHandler = eh;
//  注意  一个setUncaughtExceptionPreHandler, 一个setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler
    public static void setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(UncaughtExceptionHandler eh) {
        // Android-removed: SecurityManager stubbed out on Android.
        SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
        if (sm != null) {
                new RuntimePermission("setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler")

         defaultUncaughtExceptionHandler = eh;


UncaughtExceptionHandler只定义了一个接口方法 public void uncaughtException(java.lang.Thread t, java.lang.Throwable e)

    private static class LoggingHandler implements Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler {
        public volatile boolean mTriggered = false;

        public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
            mTriggered = true;

            // Don't re-enter if KillApplicationHandler has already run
            //已经在crash 流程中,则已经在处理KillApplicationHandler则不再重复进入
            if (mCrashing) return;

            // mApplicationObject is null for non-zygote java programs (e.g. "am")
            // There are also apps running with the system UID. We don't want the
            // first clause in either of these two cases, only for system_server.
            if (mApplicationObject == null && (Process.SYSTEM_UID == Process.myUid())) {
                // sysyem_server进程
                Clog_e(TAG, "*** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: " + t.getName(), e);
            } else {
                logUncaught(t.getName(), ActivityThread.currentProcessName(), Process.myPid(), e);

    public static void logUncaught(String threadName, String processName, int pid, Throwable e) {
        StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
        // The "FATAL EXCEPTION" string is still used on Android even though
        // apps can set a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler that renders uncaught
        // exceptions non-fatal.
       //这个就是日志经常看到的  TAG是AndroidRuntime,打印
        message.append("FATAL EXCEPTION: ").append(threadName).append("\n");
        if (processName != null) {
            message.append("Process: ").append(processName).append(", ");
        message.append("PID: ").append(pid);
        Clog_e(TAG, message.toString(), e);

当线程因为未捕获的异常停止时,Java 虚拟机会调用 uncaughtException() 函数。

可以看出,uncaughtException() 是在crash 最开始调用的,用以输出crash 开头信息

  • 当 system 进程crash提示 *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: [线程名]
  • 当 app 进程crash 提示三个内容:
    • FATAL EXCEPTION: [线程名]
    • Process: [进程名], PID: [pid]
    • 对于processName 为null,只会提示PID。

1.2 setUncaughtExceptionPreHandler

    @SystemApi(client = MODULE_LIBRARIES)
    public static void setUncaughtExceptionPreHandler(
            @Nullable Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler uncaughtExceptionHandler) {

1.3 KillApplicationHandler

    private static class KillApplicationHandler implements Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler {
        private final LoggingHandler mLoggingHandler;
        public KillApplicationHandler(LoggingHandler loggingHandler) {
            this.mLoggingHandler = Objects.requireNonNull(loggingHandler);

        public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {

KillApplicationHandler 类,以及构造中传入的LoggingHandler,都是实现UncaughtExceptionHandler 接口

2 KillApplicationHandler.uncaughtException()

线程因为未捕获的异常停止时,java虚拟机会调用uncaughtException()函数,即调用KillApplicationHandler 中的 uncaughtException() 函数,下面好好看下uncaughtException() 函数

       public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
            try {
                ensureLogging(t, e);
                if (mCrashing) return;
                mCrashing = true;
                //尝试去停止profiling,因为后面需要kill 进程,内存buffer会丢失,
                //所以尝试停止,来 flush 内存buffer
                if (ActivityThread.currentActivityThread() != null) {
                        mApplicationObject, new ApplicationErrorReport.ParcelableCrashInfo(e));
            } catch (Throwable t2) {
                if (t2 instanceof DeadObjectException) {
                    // System process is dead; ignore
                } else {
                    try {
                        Clog_e(TAG, "Error reporting crash", t2);
                    } catch (Throwable t3) {
                        // Even Clog_e() fails!  Oh well.
            }  finally {

通过 AMS 调用 handleApplicationCrash() 函数进行 crash report,共两个参数

  • 第一个参数为进程对象
  • 第二个参数为ParcelableCrashInfo(父类为 CrashInfo , 实现 Parcelable接口)
  • CrashInfo 类主要是保存 crash 信息:文件名、类名、方法名、对应行号、异常信息等

3 AMS.handleApplicationCrash()

    public void handleApplicationCrash(IBinder app,
            ApplicationErrorReport.ParcelableCrashInfo crashInfo) {
        ProcessRecord r = findAppProcess(app, "Crash");
        final String processName = app == null ? "system_server"
                : (r == null ? "unknown" : r.processName);
        handleApplicationCrashInner("crash", r, processName, crashInfo);


  • 确定进程名;
  • handleApplicationCrashInner() 函数调用;


  • 当参数 app 为null,表示 system_server 进程;
  • 当参数 app不为null,通过findAppProcess() 确认ProcessRecord,进而确认进程名;

3.1 AMS.handleApplicationCrashInner()

    void handleApplicationCrashInner(String eventType, ProcessRecord r, String processName,
            ApplicationErrorReport.CrashInfo crashInfo) {
                UserHandle.getUserId(Binder.getCallingUid()), processName,
                r == null ? -1 : r.info.flags,
                (r != null && r.info != null) ? r.info.packageName : "",
                (r != null && r.info != null) ? (r.info.isInstantApp()
                        ? FrameworkStatsLog.APP_CRASH_OCCURRED__IS_INSTANT_APP__TRUE
                        : FrameworkStatsLog.APP_CRASH_OCCURRED__IS_INSTANT_APP__FALSE)
                        : FrameworkStatsLog.APP_CRASH_OCCURRED__IS_INSTANT_APP__UNAVAILABLE,
                r != null ? (r.isInterestingToUserLocked()
                        ? FrameworkStatsLog.APP_CRASH_OCCURRED__FOREGROUND_STATE__FOREGROUND
                        : FrameworkStatsLog.APP_CRASH_OCCURRED__FOREGROUND_STATE__BACKGROUND)
                        : FrameworkStatsLog.APP_CRASH_OCCURRED__FOREGROUND_STATE__UNKNOWN,
                processName.equals("system_server") ? ServerProtoEnums.SYSTEM_SERVER
                        : (r != null) ? r.getProcessClassEnum()
                                      : ServerProtoEnums.ERROR_SOURCE_UNKNOWN
        final int relaunchReason = r == null ? RELAUNCH_REASON_NONE
                        : r.getWindowProcessController().computeRelaunchReason();
        final String relaunchReasonString = relaunchReasonToString(relaunchReason);
        if (crashInfo.crashTag == null) {
            crashInfo.crashTag = relaunchReasonString;
        } else {
            crashInfo.crashTag = crashInfo.crashTag + " " + relaunchReasonString;
                eventType, r, processName, null, null, null, null, null, null, crashInfo);
        mAppErrors.crashApplication(r, crashInfo);


  • 写event log 类似:

    12-01 16:45:29.663198 1260 3220 I am_crash: [21597,0,com.qualcomm.qti.PresenceApp,550026821,java.lang.NoSuchMethodException,com.qualcomm.qti.PresenceApp.SubsriptionTab. [],Class.java,2363]

  • addErrorToDropBox() 将crash 的信息输出到 /data/system/dropbox/ 下,例如system_server 的dropbox 文件名为 [email protected] (xxx 代表时间戳);

  • crashApplication() 继续处理 crash 流程,发出 SHOW_ERROR_UI_MSG,弹出 crash 对话框;

4. AppErrors.crashApplication()

    void crashApplication(ProcessRecord r, ApplicationErrorReport.CrashInfo crashInfo) {
        final int callingPid = Binder.getCallingPid();
        final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
        final long origId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
        try {
            crashApplicationInner(r, crashInfo, callingPid, callingUid);
        } finally {
    private void crashApplicationInner(ProcessRecord r, ApplicationErrorReport.CrashInfo crashInfo,
            int callingPid, int callingUid) {
        AppErrorResult result = new AppErrorResult();
        int taskId;
        synchronized (mService) {
             * If crash is handled by instance of {@link android.app.IActivityController},
             * finish now and don't show the app error dialog.
            if (handleAppCrashInActivityController(r, crashInfo, shortMsg, longMsg, stackTrace,
                    timeMillis, callingPid, callingUid)) {


            // If we can't identify the process or it's already exceeded its crash quota,
            // quit right away without showing a crash dialog.
            if (r == null || !makeAppCrashingLocked(r, shortMsg, longMsg, stackTrace, data)) {

            final Message msg = Message.obtain();
            msg.what = ActivityManagerService.SHOW_ERROR_UI_MSG;

            taskId = data.taskId;
            msg.obj = data;

        int res = result.get();

        Intent appErrorIntent = null;
        MetricsLogger.action(mContext, MetricsProto.MetricsEvent.ACTION_APP_CRASH, res);
        if (res == AppErrorDialog.TIMEOUT || res == AppErrorDialog.CANCEL) {
            res = AppErrorDialog.FORCE_QUIT;
        switch (res) {
            case AppErrorDialog.MUTE:
                synchronized (mBadProcessLock) {
            case AppErrorDialog.RESTART:
                synchronized (mService) {
                    mService.mProcessList.removeProcessLocked(r, false, true,
                            ApplicationExitInfo.REASON_CRASH, "crash");
                if (taskId != INVALID_TASK_ID) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        // Hmm...that didn't work. Task should either be in recents or associated
                        // with a stack.
                        Slog.e(TAG, "Could not restart taskId=" + taskId, e);
            case AppErrorDialog.FORCE_QUIT:
                final long orig = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
                try {
                    // Kill it with fire!
                    if (!r.isPersistent()) {
                        synchronized (mService) {
                            mService.mProcessList.removeProcessLocked(r, false, false,
                                    ApplicationExitInfo.REASON_CRASH, "crash");
                        mService.mAtmInternal.resumeTopActivities(false /* scheduleIdle */);
                } finally {
            case AppErrorDialog.APP_INFO:
                appErrorIntent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS);
                appErrorIntent.setData(Uri.parse("package:" + r.info.packageName));
            case AppErrorDialog.FORCE_QUIT_AND_REPORT:
                synchronized (mProcLock) {
                    appErrorIntent = createAppErrorIntentLOSP(r, timeMillis, crashInfo);

        if (appErrorIntent != null) {
            try {
                mContext.startActivityAsUser(appErrorIntent, new UserHandle(r.userId));
            } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
                Slog.w(TAG, "bug report receiver dissappeared", e);
  • handleAppCrashInActivityController() 如果是 IActivityController 类型该处理的 crash,是不会弹出对话框,通过该函数进入 makeAppCrashingLocked() 流程。
  • makeAppCrashingLocked() 如果无法识别进程,或者进程已经超过crash 额度,将不再弹出对话框,而是直接return到上一级
  • 发出 SHOW_ERROR_UI_MSG 消息,弹出crash 对话框,详细看下面第 6 节;
  • 等待用户选择,根据不同选择做进一步处理

5 makeAppCrashingLocked

    private boolean makeAppCrashingLocked(ProcessRecord app,
            String shortMsg, String longMsg, String stackTrace, AppErrorDialog.Data data) {
        synchronized (mProcLock) {
            final ProcessErrorStateRecord errState = app.mErrorState;
            //封装crash信息到crashingReport对象   generateProcessError  5.1
                    null, shortMsg, longMsg, stackTrace));
            synchronized (mBadProcessLock) {
                return handleAppCrashLSPB(app, "force-crash" /*reason*/, shortMsg, longMsg,
                        stackTrace, data);

5.1 generateProcessError()

//通过该函数创建 ActivityManager.ProcessErrorStateInfo 对象,并保存在 app.crashingReport 对象中
    ActivityManager.ProcessErrorStateInfo generateProcessError(ProcessRecord app,
            int condition, String activity, String shortMsg, String longMsg, String stackTrace) {
        ActivityManager.ProcessErrorStateInfo report = new ActivityManager.ProcessErrorStateInfo();
        report.condition = condition;
        report.processName = app.processName;
        report.pid = app.pid;
        report.uid = app.info.uid;
        report.tag = activity;
        report.shortMsg = shortMsg;
        report.longMsg = longMsg;
        report.stackTrace = stackTrace;
        return report;

5.2 startAppProblemLSP()

    @GuardedBy({"mService", "mProcLock"})
    void startAppProblemLSP() {
        // If this app is not running under the current user, then we can't give it a report button
        // because that would require launching the report UI under a different user.
        mErrorReportReceiver = null;

        for (int userId : mService.mUserController.getCurrentProfileIds()) {
            if (mApp.userId == userId) {
                mErrorReportReceiver = ApplicationErrorReport.getErrorReportReceiver(
                        mService.mContext, mApp.info.packageName, mApp.info.flags);
  • 当crash 的app 是当前user 下,会通过 getErrorReportReceiver() 获取应用的report receiver,该receiver 指定的Intent 的action 为:android.intent.action.APP_ERROR。
  • 如果没有找到则使用prop ro.error.receiver.default 指定的,否则返回null。

5.2.1 getErrorReportReceiver()

    public static ComponentName getErrorReportReceiver(Context context,
            String packageName, int appFlags) {
        //首先global表中需要enable send_action_app_error属性,否则return null
        int enabled = Settings.Global.getInt(context.getContentResolver(),
                Settings.Global.SEND_ACTION_APP_ERROR, 0);
        if (enabled == 0) {
            return null;
        PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
        // look for receiver in the installer package
        String candidate = null;
        ComponentName result = null;
        try {
            candidate = pm.getInstallerPackageName(packageName);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            // the package could already removed
        if (candidate != null) {
            result = getErrorReportReceiver(pm, packageName, candidate);
            if (result != null) {
                return result;
        //第二次获取,使用prop ro.error.receiver.system.apps指定的包名
        if ((appFlags&ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) != 0) {
            candidate = SystemProperties.get(SYSTEM_APPS_ERROR_RECEIVER_PROPERTY);
            result = getErrorReportReceiver(pm, packageName, candidate);
            if (result != null) {
                return result;
        //第三次获取,使用prop ro.error.receiver.default指定的包名
        candidate = SystemProperties.get(DEFAULT_ERROR_RECEIVER_PROPERTY);
        return getErrorReportReceiver(pm, packageName, candidate);

上面最终会调用 getErrorReportReceiver() 的另一个函数,最后的参数为最终的候选包名:

   static ComponentName getErrorReportReceiver(PackageManager pm, String errorPackage,
            String receiverPackage) {
        //候选的包名为null 或为空,返回null
        if (receiverPackage == null || receiverPackage.length() == 0) {
            return null;
        // 如果与crash的应用包名相同
        if (receiverPackage.equals(errorPackage)) {
            return null;
        //action 为android.intent.action.APP_ERROR
        Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_APP_ERROR);
        ResolveInfo info = pm.resolveActivity(intent, 0);
        if (info == null || info.activityInfo == null) {
            return null;
        return new ComponentName(receiverPackage, info.activityInfo.name);

需要注意的是寻找这个report receiver 是为了在此处makeAppCrashingLocked() 函数返回,crash 对话框弹出之后,根据用户的选择做进一步的处理,包括了通过该 receiver 发从 report 信息:

5.2.2 AMS.skipCurrentReceiverLocked()

    void skipCurrentReceiverLocked(ProcessRecord app) {
        for (BroadcastQueue queue : mBroadcastQueues) {
    public void skipCurrentReceiverLocked(ProcessRecord app) {
        BroadcastRecord r = null;
        final BroadcastRecord curActive = mDispatcher.getActiveBroadcastLocked();
        if (curActive != null && curActive.curApp == app) {
            // confirmed: the current active broadcast is to the given app
            r = curActive;
        // If the current active broadcast isn't this BUT we're waiting for
        // mPendingBroadcast to spin up the target app, that's what we use.
        if (r == null && mPendingBroadcast != null && mPendingBroadcast.curApp == app) {
            if (DEBUG_BROADCAST) Slog.v(TAG_BROADCAST,
                    "[" + mQueueName + "] skip & discard pending app " + r);
            r = mPendingBroadcast;
        if (r != null) {
    private void skipReceiverLocked(BroadcastRecord r) {
        finishReceiverLocked(r, r.resultCode, r.resultData,
                r.resultExtras, r.resultAbort, false);

主要是结束 app进程的广播

5.3 stopFreezingActivities()

    public void stopFreezingActivities() {
        synchronized (mAtm.mGlobalLock) {
            int i = mActivities.size();
            while (i > 0) {

//其中的 mActivities 为 ArrayList,停止进程里所有activity。
    void stopFreezingScreenLocked(boolean force) {
        if (force || frozenBeforeDestroy) {
            frozenBeforeDestroy = false;
            if (getParent() == null) {
                        "Clear freezing of %s: visible=%b freezing=%b", appToken,
                                isVisible(), isFreezingScreen());
            stopFreezingScreen(true, force);

最终调用的是 WSM.stopFreezingDisplayLocked() 函数,详细可以查看源码,大致流程:

  • 将冻屏相关的信息remove 掉;
  • 屏幕旋转动画的相关操作;
  • display 冻结时,执行GC 操作;
  • 更新当前的屏幕方向;

5.4 handleAppCrashLocked()

这个crash 后续操作流程的核心处理函数:

    @GuardedBy({"mService", "mProcLock", "mBadProcessLock"})
    private boolean handleAppCrashLSPB(ProcessRecord app, String reason,
            String shortMsg, String longMsg, String stackTrace, AppErrorDialog.Data data) {
        final long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
        final boolean showBackground = Settings.Secure.getIntForUser(mContext.getContentResolver(),
                Settings.Secure.ANR_SHOW_BACKGROUND, 0,
                mService.mUserController.getCurrentUserId()) != 0;

        Long crashTime;
        Long crashTimePersistent;
        final String processName = app.processName;
        final int uid = app.uid;
        final int userId = app.userId;
        final boolean isolated = app.isolated;
        final boolean persistent = app.isPersistent();
        final WindowProcessController proc = app.getWindowProcessController();
        final ProcessErrorStateRecord errState = app.mErrorState;

        if (!app.isolated) {
            crashTime = mProcessCrashTimes.get(processName, uid);
            crashTimePersistent = mProcessCrashTimesPersistent.get(processName, uid);
        } else {
            crashTime = crashTimePersistent = null;

        // Bump up the crash count of any services currently running in the proc.
        boolean tryAgain = app.mServices.incServiceCrashCountLocked(now);

        final boolean quickCrash = crashTime != null
                && now < crashTime + ActivityManagerConstants.MIN_CRASH_INTERVAL;
        if (quickCrash || isProcOverCrashLimitLBp(app, now)) {
            // The process either crashed again very quickly or has been crashing periodically in
            // the last few hours. If it was a bound foreground service, let's try to restart again
            // in a while, otherwise the process loses!
            Slog.w(TAG, "Process " + processName + " has crashed too many times, killing!"
                    + " Reason: " + (quickCrash ? "crashed quickly" : "over process crash limit"));
                    userId, processName, uid);
            if (!persistent) {
                // We don't want to start this process again until the user
                // explicitly does so...  but for persistent process, we really
                // need to keep it running.  If a persistent process is actually
                // repeatedly crashing, then badness for everyone.
                EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.AM_PROC_BAD, userId, uid,
                if (!isolated) {
                    // XXX We don't have a way to mark isolated processes
                    // as bad, since they don't have a persistent identity.
                    markBadProcess(processName, app.uid,
                            new BadProcessInfo(now, shortMsg, longMsg, stackTrace));
                    mProcessCrashTimes.remove(processName, app.uid);
                    mProcessCrashCounts.remove(processName, app.uid);
                final AppStandbyInternal appStandbyInternal =
                if (appStandbyInternal != null) {
                            // Sometimes the processName is the same as the package name, so use
                            // that if we don't have the ApplicationInfo object.
                            // AppStandbyController will just return if it can't find the app.
                            app.info != null ? app.info.packageName : processName,
                            userId, UsageStatsManager.REASON_SUB_FORCED_SYSTEM_FLAG_BUGGY);
                // Don't let services in this process be restarted and potentially
                // annoy the user repeatedly.  Unless it is persistent, since those
                // processes run critical code.
                mService.mProcessList.removeProcessLocked(app, false, tryAgain,
                        ApplicationExitInfo.REASON_CRASH, "crash");
                mService.mAtmInternal.resumeTopActivities(false /* scheduleIdle */);
                if (!showBackground) {
                    return false;
            mService.mAtmInternal.resumeTopActivities(false /* scheduleIdle */);
        } else {
            final int affectedTaskId = mService.mAtmInternal.finishTopCrashedActivities(
                            proc, reason);
            if (data != null) {
                data.taskId = affectedTaskId;
            if (data != null && crashTimePersistent != null
                    && now < crashTimePersistent + ActivityManagerConstants.MIN_CRASH_INTERVAL) {
                data.repeating = true;

        if (data != null && tryAgain) {
            data.isRestartableForService = true;

        // If the crashing process is what we consider to be the "home process" and it has been
        // replaced by a third-party app, clear the package preferred activities from packages
        // with a home activity running in the process to prevent a repeatedly crashing app
        // from blocking the user to manually clear the list.
        if (proc.isHomeProcess() && proc.hasActivities() && (app.info.flags & FLAG_SYSTEM) == 0) {

        if (!isolated) {
            // XXX Can't keep track of crash times for isolated processes,
            // because they don't have a persistent identity.
            mProcessCrashTimes.put(processName, uid, now);
            mProcessCrashTimesPersistent.put(processName, uid, now);
            updateProcessCrashCountLBp(processName, uid, now);

        if (errState.getCrashHandler() != null) {
        return true;


makeAppCrashingLocked() 返回true 时,会通过 AMS.mUiHandler发送 SHOW_ERROR_UI_MSG 消息:

        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            switch (msg.what) {
                case SHOW_ERROR_UI_MSG: {
                } break;

最终是调用 mAppErrors.handleShowAppErrorUi(),代码逻辑不是很复杂,这里暂时不做剖析。

正常情况在发生 crash 时,默认系统会弹出提示 crash 的对话框,并阻塞等待用户的选择。

7. killProcess()

crash 的处理流程大致剖析完成,回到第 2 节 KillApplicationHandler.uncaughtException() 最后的finally:

       public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable t2) {
            } finally {

8. 避开uncaught exception

java 端提供了一个接口:

    private volatile UncaughtExceptionHandler uncaughtExceptionHandler;
    public void setUncaughtExceptionHandler(UncaughtExceptionHandler eh) {
        uncaughtExceptionHandler = eh;

在app 出现 crash 的时候,需要确定当线程中是否设置了 uncaughtExceptionHandler,那么原来的 defaultUncaughtExceptionHandler 将不会被调用,即如果设置了 uncaughtExceptionHandler,最终调用的是 uncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException()。

利用这种方式可以避开 uncaught exception 而引起的 app 被kill。例如:

        if (true) {
            //create thread
            Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    String str = null;
            thread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
                public void uncaughtException(@NonNull Thread t, @NonNull Throwable e) {

上面是个简单的示例,只要通过 setUncaughtExceptionHandler() 设置一个新的UncaughtExceptionHandler, 就可以避开上述问题。

9 总结

9.1 调用栈

  1. KillApplicationHandler.uncaughtException()
    1. stopProfiling
    2. AMS.handleApplicationCrash()
      1. handleApplicationCrashInner
    3. AppErrors.crashApplication()
    4. makeAppCrashingLocked
      1. generateProcessError()
      2. startAppProblemLSP()
        1. getErrorReportReceiver
        2. AMS.skipCurrentReceiverLocked()
      3. stopFreezingActivities()
      4. handleAppCrashLocked

9.2 handleAppCrashLocked

当同一进程 1 分钟之内连续两次 crash,则执行:

  • mService.mAtmInternal.onHandleAppCrash()
  • 对于非 persistent 进程:
    • ·mService.mProcessList.removeProcessLocked()
    • mService.mAtmInternal.resumeTopActivities()
  • 对于 persistent 进程:
    • mService.mAtmInternal.resumeTopActivities()
  • 没有在1分钟频繁 crash,则执行
    • mService.mAtmInternal.finishTopCrashedActivities()
