

1.  先过脑,再动嘴;

2.  元音要清楚,辅音要温柔;

3.  慢下来,感受音节的跳动;

4.  要多听,多开口,多体会,带着问题学习;

5.  英文是英文,不要用中文去替换和评价。Monday不是“慢day”也不是“忙day”,month不是“慢斯”,也不是“忙斯”。


1.  这就是那个抢银行的人。

That’s the man who robbed the bank!

2.  你能够详细说说吗?

Can you tell exactly what happened?

Can you elaborate on what happened?

Can you tell me in details?

3.  这个案件/这个人很棘手。

The case is handful./The man is handful.

4.  抓这个罪犯如囊中取物。

To have the criminal in the bag.

Bag还可以做动词。You went to the Caskills and you bagged yourself a doctor?

打包了一个医生回来,想表达打包一个男朋友回来就是 I want to bag myself a boyfriend.

5.  你确定他和照片里的人是同一个人吗?

And you’re absolutely sure the man in this photograph is the same man?

Absolutely的替换词有totally,100 percent

6.  谢谢你的配合。

Thank you for your help.

Thank you for your cooperation.


1.  表示这么说太搞笑了。

That’s nuts.

It’s ridiculous.

It’s preposterous.

2.  表示没什么可吃醋的。

There’s nothing for you to be jealous about.

3.  若干表示喜欢的句子。

You are fun to be with.

I think your company much better than his.

I’ll keep you company.

I like who I am when I’m with you.

I’m infatuated with you.神魂颠倒

Your love make me warm, soft and not lonely.



重读 bus does money

非重读 undo


总之,并不是Practice makes perfect, practice makes permanent. 有问题如果别人不指出来,不矫正,会弄巧成拙,把问题固化。所以要听很多遍正确的发音,把他们印在脑海里。还要练习很多遍,最好写下来,以便以后复习诵读。
