商务英语中, outstanding files 是指什么?

商务英语中, outstanding files 是指什么?

I have deposited all the outstanding files and also replaced the P50 duplicate. Kindly check and let me know if there is need for any corrections.

释义:我已经上传了所有的未完成的文件,并且也更新了重复的P50面值。 请核实,并告知我是否需要订正。

赏析一:Deposit n. 定金;订钱They normally ask you to pay £100 (as a) deposit.


Deposit V. 放下;放置She deposited a pile of books on my desk.


赏析二: Outstanding adj. 优秀的;杰出的

an outstanding player/achievement/success杰出的运动员 / 成绩 / 成就

Outstanding adj. 未支付的;未完成的A lot of work is still outstanding.


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