要使用多值索引,先通过select version()看一下版本是否支持。
create table demo_user
name varchar(64),
tag json,
extInfo json
insert into demo_user(name, tag, extInfo) values ('小明', '["t1","t2"]', '{"age": 20, "address": "a1"}');
insert into demo_user(name, tag, extInfo) values ('小红', '["t1","t2"]', '{"age": 20, "address": 20}');
insert into demo_user(name, tag, extInfo) values ('小李', '["t1","t2"]', '{"age": "aaa", "address": "a1"}');
insert into demo_user(name, tag, extInfo) values ('小花', '{"age": "aaa", "address": "a1"}', '{"age": "aaa", "address": "a1"}');
select * from demo_user;
|name |tag |extInfo |
|小明 |["t1", "t2"] |{"age": 20, "address": "a1"} |
|小红 |["t1", "t2"] |{"age": 20, "address": 20} |
|小李 |["t1", "t2"] |{"age": "aaa", "address": "a1"}|
|小花 |{"age": "aaa", "address": "a1"}|{"age": "aaa", "address": "a1"}|
explain select * from demo_user where json_contains(tag, '"t1"');
|id|select_type|table |partitions|type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|filtered|Extra |
|1 |SIMPLE |demo_user|null |ALL |null |null|null |null|4 |100 |Using where|
explain select * from demo_user where json_contains(extInfo->'$.age', '20');
|id|select_type|table |partitions|type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|filtered|Extra |
|1 |SIMPLE |demo_user|null |ALL |null |null|null |null|4 |100 |Using where|
explain select * from demo_user where json_contains(extInfo->'$.address', '"a1"');
|id|select_type|table |partitions|type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|filtered|Extra |
|1 |SIMPLE |demo_user|null |ALL |null |null|null |null|4 |100 |Using where|
添加多值索引的方式和添加普通索引类似,可以通过create table、alter table或create index添加索引,唯一的区别是对索引列的描述有差别。json是一个schemaless,在创建索引的时候要明确要为哪个key建立索引,并且告知列是什么类型。
通过cast(expr AS type [ARRAY])的方式将json转成指定类型的ARRAY,column是需要加索引的json列,type是json里key的类型。
-- 将tag里的值转成字符类型
alter table demo_user add index tag( (cast(tag as char(64) array)) );
-- 将extInfo里的age转成无符号整形
alter table demo_user add index age( (cast(extInfo->'$.age' as unsigned array)) );
-- 将extInfo里的address转成字符类型
alter table demo_user add index address( (cast(extInfo->'$.address' as char(255) array)) );
例如,在给tag添加索引时,因为有第四条记录的tag值是{"age": "aaa", "address": "a1"},所以提示JSON Object类型无法转成array类型。
alter table demo_user add index tag( (cast(tag as char(64) array)) );
[42000][1235] This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'CAST-ing JSON OBJECT type to array'
alter table demo_user add index age( (cast(extInfo->'$.age' as unsigned array)) );
[22001][3903] Data truncation: Invalid JSON value for CAST for functional index 'age'.
explain select * from demo_user where json_contains(tag, '"t1"');
|id|select_type|table |partitions|type |possible_keys|key|key_len|ref |rows|filtered|Extra |
|1 |SIMPLE |demo_user|null |range|tag |tag|259 |null|4 |100 |Using where|
explain select * from demo_user where json_contains(extInfo->'$.age', '20');
|id|select_type|table |partitions|type |possible_keys|key|key_len|ref |rows|filtered|Extra |
|1 |SIMPLE |demo_user|null |range|age |age|9 |null|2 |100 |Using where|
explain select * from demo_user where json_contains(extInfo->'$.address', '"a1"');
|id|select_type|table |partitions|type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|filtered|Extra |
|1 |SIMPLE |demo_user|null |range|address |address|1023 |null|3 |100 |Using where|
除了json_contains能走索引,member of()和json_overlaps()也能用到索引,但是这几个函数的功能是不一样的,具体要查询文档说明。
explain select * from demo_user where 't1' member of (tag);
|id|select_type|table |partitions|type|possible_keys|key|key_len|ref |rows|filtered|Extra |
|1 |SIMPLE |demo_user|null |ref |tag |tag|259 |const|4 |100 |Using where|
explain select * from demo_user where JSON_OVERLAPS(tag, '"t1"');
|id|select_type|table |partitions|type |possible_keys|key|key_len|ref |rows|filtered|Extra |
|1 |SIMPLE |demo_user|null |range|tag |tag|259 |null|4 |100 |Using where|
JSON类型文档:MySQL :: MySQL 8.3 Reference Manual :: 11.5 The JSON Data Type
多值索引文档:MySQL :: MySQL 8.3 Reference Manual :: 13.1.15 CREATE INDEX Statement
cast函数文档:MySQL :: MySQL 8.3 Reference Manual :: 12.10 Cast Functions and Operators