

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ZK.Common;
using ZK.HardWareSDK;
using ZK.InterfaceServer;

namespace ZK.HardWareBLL
    public class Onbon6K1CardBLL
        public Onbon6K1CardSDK.bx_5k_area_header bx6k1;
        uint m_dwCurHand;
        public byte[] Text;
        public Models.TerminalM HaredWareCommonM = new Models.TerminalM();

        //public Onbon6K1CardBLL()
        //    //HaredWareCommonM = haredWareCommonM;
        //    GetHeader();
        //    //CreateClient();

        public Onbon6K1CardBLL(Models.TerminalM terminalM)
            HaredWareCommonM = terminalM;

            Onbon6K1CardSDK.InitSdk(2, 2);
        /// 获取头部文件
        public void GetHeader()
            // Onbon6K1CardSDK.bx_5k_area_header bx6k1 = new Onbon6K1CardSDK.bx_5k_area_header();
            // bx6k1.DynamicAreaLoc = Convert.ToByte(numericUpDown1.Value);
            bx6k1.AreaType = 0x06;
            bx6k1.AreaX = 0;
            bx6k1.AreaY = 0;
            bx6k1.AreaWidth = 96;
            bx6k1.AreaHeight = 48;

            bx6k1.Lines_sizes = 0;//行间距

            //byte[] RunMode_list = new byte[3];
            //RunMode_list[0] = 0;
            //RunMode_list[1] = 1;
            //RunMode_list[2] = 2;
            //int rl = comboBox3.SelectedIndex;
            bx6k1.RunMode = 0;
            //bx6k1.RunMode = Convert.ToByte(comboBox3.SelectedIndex+1);

            bx6k1.Timeout = Convert.ToInt16(2);

            bx6k1.Reserved1 = 0;
            bx6k1.Reserved2 = 0;
            bx6k1.Reserved3 = 0;
            //byte[] SingleLine_list = new byte[2];
            //SingleLine_list[0] = 0x01;
            //SingleLine_list[1] = 0x02;
            //int sll = comboBox1.SelectedIndex;
            bx6k1.SingleLine = 0x02;
            //bx6k1.SingleLine = Convert.ToByte(comboBox1.SelectedIndex);

            //byte[] NewLine_list = new byte[2];
            //NewLine_list[0] = 0x01;
            //NewLine_list[1] = 0x02;
            //int nl = comboBox2.SelectedIndex;
            bx6k1.NewLine = 0x02;
            //bx6k1.NewLine = Convert.ToByte(comboBox2.SelectedIndex);

            //byte[] DisplayMode_list = new byte[6];
            //DisplayMode_list[0] = 0x01;
            //DisplayMode_list[1] = 0x02;
            //DisplayMode_list[2] = 0x03;
            //DisplayMode_list[3] = 0x04;
            //DisplayMode_list[4] = 0x05;
            //DisplayMode_list[5] = 0x06;
            //int dml = comboBox4.SelectedIndex;
            bx6k1.DisplayMode = 0x01;
            //bx6k1.DisplayMode = Convert.ToByte(comboBox4.SelectedIndex);

            bx6k1.ExitMode = 0x00;

            bx6k1.Speed = (byte)0;

            bx6k1.StayTime = Convert.ToByte(10);
            //AreaTxt = "wohenhao ";
            // return bx6k1;

        /// 初始化客户端
        public void CreateClient()
            byte[] led_ip = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(HaredWareCommonM.ip);
            uint led_port = Convert.ToUInt32("5005");
            uint hand = Onbon6K1CardSDK.CreateClient(led_ip, led_port, Onbon6K1CardSDK.bx_5k_card_type.BX_6K1, 1, 1, null);
            m_dwCurHand = hand;
            if (hand == 0)
                string res = "连接控制器失败 ip:" + HaredWareCommonM.ip + " port:5005";
                WebApiServer.AddHardWareLog(HaredWareCommonM.id, "网络异常", res);

                // MessageBox.Show("连接控制器成功");


        /// 动态区域更新函数
        public void SCREEN_SendDynamicArea(string text)
            // var onbon6K1 = GetHeader();
            // if (i == 0 || i == 1)
            // {
            //SoundArea a = new SoundArea(type);
            // DialogResult ret = a.ShowDialog();

            //if (ret == DialogResult.OK)

            int x;
            //if (a.SoundMode == 0)
            Text = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text);
            bx6k1.DataLen = Text.Length;
            x = Onbon6K1CardSDK.SCREEN_SendDynamicArea(m_dwCurHand, bx6k1, (ushort)bx6k1.DataLen, Text);
            //    x = Onbon6K1CardSDK.SCREEN_SendSoundDynamicArea(m_dwCurHand, a.bx6k1, (ushort)a.bx6k1.DataLen, SoundArea.AreaText, a.SoundMode, a.SoundPerson, a.SoundVolume, a.SoundSpeed, a.SoundDataLen, SoundArea.SoundAreaText);

            if (x == 0)
                // MessageBox.Show("动态区域更新失败");
                Common.Log4.LogManage.WriteErr("动态区域更新失败 ip:" + HaredWareCommonM.ip + " port:" + HaredWareCommonM.port + " err code:" + x);

        public void Destroy(uint m_dwCurHand)

        public void ReleaseSdk()




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace ZK.HardWareSDK

    public class Onbon6K1CardSDK
        public class bx5k_err
            public const int ERR_NO = 0; //No Error 
            public const int ERR_OUTOFGROUP = 1; //Command Group Error 
            public const int ERR_NOCMD = 2; //Command Not Found 
            public const int ERR_BUSY = 3; //The Controller is busy now 
            public const int ERR_MEMORYVOLUME = 4; //Out of the Memory Volume 
            public const int ERR_CHECKSUM = 5; //CRC16 Checksum Error 
            public const int ERR_FILENOTEXIST = 6; //File Not Exist 
            public const int ERR_FLASH = 7;//Flash Access Error 
            public const int ERR_FILE_DOWNLOAD = 8; //File Download Error 
            public const int ERR_FILE_NAME = 9; //Filename Error 
            public const int ERR_FILE_TYPE = 10;//File type Error 
            public const int ERR_FILE_CRC16 = 11;//File CRC16 Error 
            public const int ERR_FONT_NOT_EXIST = 12;//Font Library Not Exist 
            public const int ERR_FIRMWARE_TYPE = 13;//Firmware Type Error (Check the controller type) 
            public const int ERR_DATE_TIME_FORMAT = 14;//Date Time format error 
            public const int ERR_FILE_EXIST = 15;//File Exist for File overwrite 
            public const int ERR_FILE_BLOCK_NUM = 16;//File block number error 
            public const int ERR_COMMUNICATE = 100;//通信失败
            public const int ERR_PROTOCOL = 101;//协议数据不正确
            public const int ERR_TIMEOUT = 102;//通信超时
            public const int ERR_NETCLOSE = 103;//通信断开
            public const int ERR_INVALID_HAND = 104;//无效句柄
            public const int ERR_PARAMETER = 105;//参数错误
            public const int ERR_SHOULDREPEAT = 106;//需要重复上次数据包
            public const int ERR_FILE = 107;//无效文件
        //public static string GetError(int err)
        //    string str = "";
        //    switch (err)
        //    {
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_OUTOFGROUP:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("Command Group Error");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_NOCMD:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("Command Not Found");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_BUSY:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("The Controller is busy now");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_MEMORYVOLUME:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("Out of the Memory Volume");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_CHECKSUM:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("CRC16 Checksum Error");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_FILENOTEXIST:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("File Not Exist");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_FLASH:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("Flash Access Error");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_FILE_DOWNLOAD:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("File Download Error");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_FILE_NAME:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("Filename Error");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_FILE_TYPE:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("File type Error");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_FILE_CRC16:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("File CRC16 Error");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_FONT_NOT_EXIST:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("Font Library Not Exist");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_FIRMWARE_TYPE:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("Firmware Type Error");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_DATE_TIME_FORMAT:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("Date Time format error");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_FILE_EXIST:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("File Exist for File overwrite");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_FILE_BLOCK_NUM:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("File block number error");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_COMMUNICATE:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("Communication failure");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_PROTOCOL:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("The protocol data is incorrect");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_TIMEOUT:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("Communication timeout");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_NETCLOSE:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("Communication disconnection");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_INVALID_HAND:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("Invalid handle");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_PARAMETER:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("Parameter error");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_SHOULDREPEAT:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("need to repeat the last packet");
        //            break;
        //        case bx5k_err.ERR_FILE:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("Invalid file");
        //            break;
        //        default:
        //            str = GobalData.allcatalog.GetString("unknown error");
        //            break;
        //    }
        //    return str;
        public enum serial_stopbits : byte
            COM_ONESTOPBIT = 0,
            COM_ONE5STOPBITS = 1,
            COM_TWOSTOPBITS = 2,
        public enum serial_parity : byte
            COM_NOPARITY = 0,
            COM_ODDPARITY = 1,
            COM_EVENPARITY = 2,
            COM_MARKPARITY = 3,
            COM_SPACEPARITY = 4,
        public enum serial_databits : byte
            COM_4BITS = 4,
            COM_5BITS = 5,
            COM_6BITS = 6,
            COM_7BITS = 7,
            COM_8BITS = 8,
        public enum bx_5k_card_type : byte
            BX_Any = 0xFE,
            BX_5K1 = 0x51,
            BX_5K2 = 0x58,
            BX_5MK2 = 0x53,
            BX_5MK1 = 0x54,
            BX_5K1Q_YY = 0x5c,
            BX_6K1 = 0x61,
            BX_6K2 = 0x62,
            BX_6K3 = 0x63,
            BX_6K1_YY = 0x64,
            BX_6K2_YY = 0x65,
            BX_6K3_YY = 0x66,
        // area header | data |
        [StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1)]
        public struct bx_5k_area_header
            public byte AreaType;
            public ushort AreaX;
            public ushort AreaY;
            public ushort AreaWidth;
            public ushort AreaHeight;
            public byte DynamicAreaLoc;
            public byte Lines_sizes;
            public byte RunMode;
            public short Timeout;
            public byte Reserved1;
            public byte Reserved2;
            public byte Reserved3;
            public byte SingleLine;
            public byte NewLine;
            public byte DisplayMode;
            public byte ExitMode;
            public byte Speed;
            public byte StayTime;
            public int DataLen;
        [StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1)]
        public struct bx_5k_sound
            public byte StoreFlag;
            public byte SoundPerson;//一个字节
            public byte SoundVolum;
            public byte SoundSpeed;
            public byte SoundDataMode;
            public int SoundReplayTimes;
            public int SoundReplayDelay;
            public byte SoundReservedParaLen;
            public int SoundDataLen;
        [StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1)]
        public struct bx_5k_table
            public short CellDataLen0;
            public byte CellDataRow0;//一个字节
            public byte CellDataLine0;
            public byte CellLoc;
            public byte[] Reserved;
            public string CellData;

        public delegate void CallBackClientClose(uint hand, int err);

        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern void InitSdk(byte minorVer, byte majorVer);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern void ReleaseSdk();
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern uint CreateBroadCast(byte[] broad_ip, uint broad_port, bx_5k_card_type card_type, byte[] barcode, byte Option, int mode);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern uint CreateClient(byte[] led_ip, uint led_port, bx_5k_card_type card_type, int tmout_sec, int mode, CallBackClientClose pCloseFunc);
        //创建TCP Modbus通讯
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern uint CreateTcpModbus(byte[] led_ip, bx_5k_card_type card_type, CallBackClientClose pCloseFunc);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern uint CreateComClient(byte com, uint baudrate, bx_5k_card_type card_type, int mode, ushort ScreenID);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern uint CreateComModbus(byte com, uint baudrate, serial_parity Parity, serial_databits DataBits,
            serial_stopbits StopBits, bx_5k_card_type card_type, ushort ScreenID);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern void Destroy(uint dwHand);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern void SetTimeout(uint dwHand, uint nSec);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int CON_PING(uint dwHand);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int CON_Reset(uint dwHand);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int CON_ControllerStatus(uint dwHand, byte[] pStatus, ref ushort len);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int CON_CheckCurrentFont(uint dwHand, byte[] fontStatus, ref ushort len);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int CON_CheckCurrentCustomer(uint dwHand, byte[] CustomerStatus, ref ushort len);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int CON_ReadScreen(uint dwHand, byte[] ScreenStatus, ref ushort len);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int CON_SytemClockCorrect(uint dwHand);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int CON_CheckCurrentFirmware(uint dwHand, byte[] FirmwareName, byte[] FirmwareVersion, byte[] FirmwareDateTime);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int OFS_SendFirmWareData(uint dwHand, byte overwrite, byte[] pFileName, byte[] FirmWareData, int FirmWareDataLen, CloseFunc pCloseFunc);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int CON_FirmwareActivate(uint dwHand, byte[] FirmwareName);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int CON_SetScreenID(uint dwHand, ushort newScreenID);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int CON_ReadScreenID(uint dwHand, ref ushort pScreenID);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int SCREEN_ForceOnOff(uint dwHand, byte OnOffFlag);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int SCREEN_TimeTurnOnOff(uint dwHand, byte[] pTimer, int nGroup);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int SCREEN_SetBrightness(uint dwHand, byte BrightnessType, byte CurrentBrightness, byte[] BrightnessValue);
        //设置上电等待时间 未使用
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int SCREEN_SetWaitTime(uint dwHand, byte WaitTime);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int SCREEN_LockProgram(uint dwHand, byte LockFlag, byte StoreMode, byte[] ProgramFileName);

        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int SCREEN_DelDynamicArea(uint dwHand, byte DeleteAreaId);

        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int SCREEN_SendDynamicArea(uint dwHand, bx_5k_area_header header, ushort TextLen, byte[] AreaText);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int SCREEN_SendSound(uint dwHand, bx_5k_sound sound, int TextLen, byte[] AreaText);

        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int SCREEN_SendSoundDynamicArea(uint dwHand, bx_5k_area_header header, ushort TextLen, byte[] AreaText, byte SoundMode, byte SoundPerson, byte SoundVolume, byte SoundSpeed, int sound_len, byte[] sounddata);
        //测试屏幕 未使用
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int SCREEN_Test(uint dwHand, byte TestTime);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int SCREEN_CancelTimeOnOff(uint dwHand);

        #region 设置特殊动态区动态
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int BX5MK_SetSpecialAppDynamic(uint dwHand, ushort AreaX, ushort AreaY, ushort AreaW, ushort AreaH,
            byte DataType, byte Pagetotal, byte RunState, ushort Timeout, byte SingleLine, byte Lines_sizes, byte NewLine, ushort StayTime);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int BX5MK_SendPageData(uint dwHand, byte PageNum, ushort PageDataLen, byte[] PageData);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int BX5MK_SendLatticeMessage(uint dwHand, byte BlockFlag, ushort BlockAddr, byte[] BlockData, ushort BlockDataLen);

        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int BX5MK_DelSpecialAppDynamic(uint dwHand);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int BX5MK_SetIPAddress(uint dwHand, byte ConnnectMode, byte[] ip, byte[] SubnetMask, byte[] Gateway, ushort port,
            byte ServerMode, byte[] ServerIPAddress, ushort ServerPort, byte[] ServerAccessPassword, ushort HeartBeatInterval, byte[] NetID);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int BX5MK_SetMACAddress(uint dwHand, byte[] MAC);

        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int BX5MK_SetSpecialAppDynamic(int dwHand, ushort AreaX, ushort AreaY, ushort AreaW, ushort AreaH, byte DataType, byte Pagetotal,
            byte RunState, ushort Timeout, byte SingleLine, byte Lines_sizes, byte NewLine, ushort StayTime);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int BX5MK_WebSearch(uint dwHand, ref ushort Status, ref ushort Error, byte[] IP,
            byte[] SubNetMask, byte[] Gate, ref ushort Port, byte[] Mac, byte[] NetID);

        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int BX5MK_DelPageData(uint dwHand, byte PageLog);

        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int OFS_Formatting(uint dwHand);

        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int OFS_DeleteFile(uint dwHand, ushort FileNumber, byte[] pFileNameList);

        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int OFS_BeginSendMultiFiles(uint dwHand);

        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int OFS_SendFile(uint dwHand, byte overwrite, byte[] pFilePath);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int OFS_SendFileData(uint dwHand, byte overwrite, byte[] pFileName, ushort DisplayType, byte PlayTimes,
            byte[] ProgramLife, byte ProgramWeek, byte ProgramTime, byte[] Period, byte AreaNum, byte[] AreaDataList, int AreaDataListLen);

        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int OFS_SendScanData(uint dwHand, byte overwrite, byte[] pFileName, byte[] ScanData, int ScanDataLen);

        public delegate void CloseFunc(int total, int sendlen);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int OFS_SendFontData(uint dwHand, byte overwrite, byte[] pFileName, byte FontWidth, byte FontHeight,
            byte[] LibData, int LibData_len, byte FontEncode, CloseFunc pCloseFunc);

        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int OFS_SendScreenData(uint dwHand, byte overwrite, byte[] pFileName, ushort Address, byte Baudrate,
            ushort ScreenWith, ushort ScreenHeight, byte Color, byte MirrorMode, byte OE, byte DA, byte RowOrder, byte FreqPar,
            byte OEAngle, byte CommTimeout, byte TipLanguage, byte LatticeMode);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int OFS_EndSendMultiFiles(uint dwHand);

        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int OFS_SetFontInformation(uint dwHand, byte OverWrite, byte[] ClientMsg);

        public delegate void CallBackCon(uint dwHand, string pid);
        public delegate void CallBackLedClose(uint dwHand, string pid, int err_code);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern bool StartGprsServer(uint port, CallBackCon pCallBackCon, CallBackLedClose pCallBackLedClose);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern void CloseGprsServer();
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern void SetGprsAliveTick(uint dwHand, int time_sec);

        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int OFS_SendTable(uint dwHand, ushort OriginX, ushort OriginY, ushort TableWidth, ushort TableHeight, byte RowNum, byte LineNum, byte CellNum, byte[] TableDataList, int TableDataListLen);

        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int SendAndRecvBuff(uint dwHand, byte cmd_group, byte cmd, byte[] cmd_data, ushort data_len, byte[] recv_data, ref short p_recv_len);

        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int SendBuff(uint dwHand, byte cmd_group, byte cmd, byte[] cmd_data, ushort data_len);
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int SCREEN_SendDynamicAreas(uint dwHand, byte AreaNum, ushort TextLen, byte[] AreaText);

        // 网络搜索 
        [DllImport("Led5kSDK.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int BX5MK_WebSearch(uint dwHand, byte[] recv_buff, ushort[] recv_len);

    public class ItemObject
        public string Text = "";
        public uint Value = 0;//可以多个

        public ItemObject(string _text, uint _value)
            Text = _text;
            Value = _value;

    public class Led5kstaticArea
        public Onbon6K1CardSDK.bx_5k_area_header header;
        public string text;
        public byte[] AreaToByteArray()
            Onbon6K1CardSDK.bx_5k_area_header tu = new Onbon6K1CardSDK.bx_5k_area_header();
            int hsz = Marshal.SizeOf(tu);

            text = text.Replace("₩₩F", "\\F");
            List<byte[]> Byte_Area = new List<byte[]>();
            int Byte_t = 0;
            string[] str_Area = text.Trim().Split('\\');
            int font = 0;
            for (int n = 0; n < str_Area.Length; n++)
                if (n > 0 && str_Area[n].Length > 1)
                    if (str_Area[n].Substring(0, 2).Equals("FK"))
                        font = 1;
                        if (str_Area[n].Length > 5)
                            byte[] special_1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str_Area[n].Substring(0, 5));
                            byte[] special = new byte[special_1.Length + 1];
                            special[0] = 0x5c;
                            for (int c = 0; c < special_1.Length; c++)
                                special[c + 1] = special_1[c];
                            Byte_t += special.Length;

                            string Area_str = str_Area[n].Remove(0, 5);
                            byte[] Korean = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(Area_str);
                            for (int k = 0; k < Korean.Length / 2; k++)
                                byte a = Korean[k * 2];
                                Korean[k * 2] = Korean[k * 2 + 1];
                                Korean[k * 2 + 1] = a;
                            Byte_t += Korean.Length;
                            byte[] special_1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str_Area[n]);
                            byte[] special = new byte[special_1.Length + 1];
                            special[0] = 0x5c;
                            for (int c = 0; c < special_1.Length; c++)
                                special[c + 1] = special_1[c];
                            Byte_t += special.Length;
                    else if (str_Area[n].Substring(0, 2).Equals("FE") || str_Area[n].Substring(0, 2).Equals("FO") || str_Area[n].Substring(0, 2).Equals("WF") || str_Area[n].Substring(0, 2).Equals("WC"))
                        font = 0;
                        byte[] special_1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str_Area[n]);
                        byte[] special = new byte[special_1.Length + 1];
                        special[0] = 0x5c;
                        for (int c = 0; c < special_1.Length; c++)
                            special[c + 1] = special_1[c];
                        Byte_t += special.Length;
                    else if (str_Area[n].Substring(0, 1).Equals("C") || str_Area[n].Substring(0, 1).Equals("D") || str_Area[n].Substring(0, 1).Equals("B") || str_Area[n].Substring(0, 1).Equals("T"))
                        if (font == 1)
                            byte[] special_1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str_Area[n].Substring(0, 2));
                            byte[] special = new byte[special_1.Length + 1];
                            special[0] = 0x5c;
                            for (int c = 0; c < special_1.Length; c++)
                                special[c + 1] = special_1[c];
                            Byte_t += special.Length;

                            string Area_str = str_Area[n].Remove(0, 2);
                            byte[] Korean = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(Area_str);
                            for (int k = 0; k < Korean.Length / 2; k++)
                                byte a = Korean[k * 2];
                                Korean[k * 2] = Korean[k * 2 + 1];
                                Korean[k * 2 + 1] = a;
                            Byte_t += Korean.Length;
                            byte[] special_1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str_Area[n]);
                            byte[] special = new byte[special_1.Length + 1];
                            special[0] = 0x5c;
                            for (int c = 0; c < special_1.Length; c++)
                                special[c + 1] = special_1[c];
                            Byte_t += special.Length;
                    else if (str_Area[n].Substring(0, 1).Equals("n"))
                        if (font == 1)
                            byte[] special_1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str_Area[n].Substring(0, 1));
                            byte[] special = new byte[special_1.Length + 1];
                            special[0] = 0x5c;
                            for (int c = 0; c < special_1.Length; c++)
                                special[c + 1] = special_1[c];
                            Byte_t += special.Length;

                            string Area_str = str_Area[n].Remove(0, 1);
                            byte[] Korean = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(Area_str);
                            for (int k = 0; k < Korean.Length / 2; k++)
                                byte a = Korean[k * 2];
                                Korean[k * 2] = Korean[k * 2 + 1];
                                Korean[k * 2 + 1] = a;
                            Byte_t += Korean.Length;
                            byte[] special_1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str_Area[n]);
                            byte[] special = new byte[special_1.Length + 1];
                            special[0] = 0x5c;
                            for (int c = 0; c < special_1.Length; c++)
                                special[c + 1] = special_1[c];
                            Byte_t += special.Length;
                    if (n > 0)
                        byte[] special_1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str_Area[n]);
                        byte[] special = new byte[special_1.Length + 1];
                        special[0] = 0x5c;
                        for (int c = 0; c < special_1.Length; c++)
                            special[c + 1] = special_1[c];
                        Byte_t += special.Length;
                        byte[] special = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str_Area[n]);
                        Byte_t += special.Length;
            byte[] tmp = new byte[Byte_t];
            int g = 0;
            for (int n = 0; n < Byte_Area.Count(); n++)
                if (n > 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < Byte_Area[n].Length; j++)
                        tmp[g + j] = Byte_Area[n][j];
                    g += Byte_Area[n].Length;
                    for (int j = 0; j < Byte_Area[n].Length; j++)
                        tmp[j] = Byte_Area[n][j];
                    g += Byte_Area[n].Length;
            int len = tmp.Length + hsz + 4;
            header.DataLen = tmp.Length;
            //先copy len
            byte[] bt = new byte[len];
            //byte[] lenToByte = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(len);
            byte[] lenToByte = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(len);
            lenToByte.CopyTo(bt, 0);
            int index = lenToByte.Length;

            //再copy header
            IntPtr structPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(hsz);
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(header, structPtr, false);

            Marshal.Copy(structPtr, bt, index, hsz);
            //copy text
            tmp.CopyTo(bt, index + hsz);
            return bt;
        public int getAreaLen()
            Onbon6K1CardSDK.bx_5k_area_header tu = new Onbon6K1CardSDK.bx_5k_area_header();
            int hsz = Marshal.SizeOf(tu);
            text = text.Replace("₩₩F", "\\F");
            List<byte[]> Byte_Area = new List<byte[]>();
            int Byte_t = 0;
            string[] str_Area = text.Trim().Split('\\');
            int font = 0;
            for (int n = 0; n < str_Area.Length; n++)
                if (n > 0 && str_Area[n].Length > 1)
                    if (str_Area[n].Substring(0, 2).Equals("FK"))
                        font = 1;
                        if (str_Area[n].Length > 5)
                            byte[] special_1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str_Area[n].Substring(0, 5));
                            byte[] special = new byte[special_1.Length + 1];
                            special[0] = 0x5c;
                            for (int c = 0; c < special_1.Length; c++)
                                special[c + 1] = special_1[c];
                            Byte_t += special.Length;

                            string Area_str = str_Area[n].Remove(0, 5);
                            byte[] Korean = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(Area_str);
                            for (int k = 0; k < Korean.Length / 2; k++)
                                byte a = Korean[k * 2];
                                Korean[k * 2] = Korean[k * 2 + 1];
                                Korean[k * 2 + 1] = a;
                            Byte_t += Korean.Length;
                            byte[] special_1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str_Area[n]);
                            byte[] special = new byte[special_1.Length + 1];
                            special[0] = 0x5c;
                            for (int c = 0; c < special_1.Length; c++)
                                special[c + 1] = special_1[c];
                            Byte_t += special.Length;
                    else if (str_Area[n].Substring(0, 2).Equals("FE") || str_Area[n].Substring(0, 2).Equals("FO") || str_Area[n].Substring(0, 2).Equals("WF") || str_Area[n].Substring(0, 2).Equals("WC"))
                        font = 0;
                        byte[] special_1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str_Area[n]);
                        byte[] special = new byte[special_1.Length + 1];
                        special[0] = 0x5c;
                        for (int c = 0; c < special_1.Length; c++)
                            special[c + 1] = special_1[c];
                        Byte_t += special.Length;
                    else if (str_Area[n].Substring(0, 1).Equals("C") || str_Area[n].Substring(0, 1).Equals("D") || str_Area[n].Substring(0, 1).Equals("B") || str_Area[n].Substring(0, 1).Equals("T"))
                        if (font == 1)
                            byte[] special_1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str_Area[n].Substring(0, 2));
                            byte[] special = new byte[special_1.Length + 1];
                            special[0] = 0x5c;
                            for (int c = 0; c < special_1.Length; c++)
                                special[c + 1] = special_1[c];
                            Byte_t += special.Length;

                            string Area_str = str_Area[n].Remove(0, 2);
                            byte[] Korean = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(Area_str);
                            for (int k = 0; k < Korean.Length / 2; k++)
                                byte a = Korean[k * 2];
                                Korean[k * 2] = Korean[k * 2 + 1];
                                Korean[k * 2 + 1] = a;
                            Byte_t += Korean.Length;
                            byte[] special_1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str_Area[n]);
                            byte[] special = new byte[special_1.Length + 1];
                            special[0] = 0x5c;
                            for (int c = 0; c < special_1.Length; c++)
                                special[c + 1] = special_1[c];
                            Byte_t += special.Length;
                    else if (str_Area[n].Substring(0, 1).Equals("n"))
                        if (font == 1)
                            byte[] special_1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str_Area[n].Substring(0, 1));
                            byte[] special = new byte[special_1.Length + 1];
                            special[0] = 0x5c;
                            for (int c = 0; c < special_1.Length; c++)
                                special[c + 1] = special_1[c];
                            Byte_t += special.Length;

                            string Area_str = str_Area[n].Remove(0, 1);
                            byte[] Korean = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(Area_str);
                            for (int k = 0; k < Korean.Length / 2; k++)
                                byte a = Korean[k * 2];
                                Korean[k * 2] = Korean[k * 2 + 1];
                                Korean[k * 2 + 1] = a;
                            Byte_t += Korean.Length;
                            byte[] special_1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str_Area[n]);
                            byte[] special = new byte[special_1.Length + 1];
                            special[0] = 0x5c;
                            for (int c = 0; c < special_1.Length; c++)
                                special[c + 1] = special_1[c];
                            Byte_t += special.Length;
                    if (n > 0)
                        byte[] special_1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str_Area[n]);
                        byte[] special = new byte[special_1.Length + 1];
                        special[0] = 0x5c;
                        for (int c = 0; c < special_1.Length; c++)
                            special[c + 1] = special_1[c];
                        Byte_t += special.Length;
                        byte[] special = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str_Area[n]);
                        Byte_t += special.Length;
            byte[] tmp = new byte[Byte_t];
            int g = 0;
            for (int n = 0; n < Byte_Area.Count(); n++)
                if (n > 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < Byte_Area[n].Length; j++)
                        tmp[g + j] = Byte_Area[n][j];
                    g += Byte_Area[n].Length;
                    for (int j = 0; j < Byte_Area[n].Length; j++)
                        tmp[j] = Byte_Area[n][j];
                    g += Byte_Area[n].Length;
            int len = tmp.Length + hsz + 4;
            return len;
    public class Led5kProgram
        public string name;
        public bool overwrite;

        public ushort DisplayType;
        public byte PlayTimes;

        public bool IsValidAlways;
        public ushort StartYear;
        public byte StartMonth;
        public byte StartDay;
        public ushort EndYear;
        public byte EndMonth;
        public byte EndDay;

        public byte ProgramWeek;

        public bool IsPlayOnTime;
        public byte StartHour;
        public byte StartMinute;
        public byte StartSecond;
        public byte EndHour;
        public byte EndMinute;
        public byte EndSecond;
        public byte AreaNum;
        public List<Led5kstaticArea> m_arealist = new List<Led5kstaticArea>();

        public static byte byte2bcd(byte num)
            int i = num;
            return (byte)(i / 10 * 16 + i % 10);
        public static byte bcd2byte(byte num)
            int i = num;
            return (byte)(i / 16 * 10 + i % 16);
        public static byte[] short2bcd(ushort num)
            int i = num;
            byte high = (byte)(i / 100);
            byte low = (byte)(i % 100);
            byte[] tmp = new byte[2];
            tmp[0] = byte2bcd(low);
            tmp[1] = byte2bcd(high);
            return tmp;

        public int SendProgram(uint hand)
            byte[] ppFileName;
            byte[] ProgramLife;
            byte PlayPeriodGrpNum;
            byte[] Period;
            byte[] AreaDataList;
            int AreaDataListLen;

            int sum = 0;
            foreach (Led5kstaticArea s in m_arealist)
                sum += s.getAreaLen();
            AreaDataList = new byte[sum];
            int index = 0;
            foreach (Led5kstaticArea s in m_arealist)
                byte[] bt = s.AreaToByteArray();
                bt.CopyTo(AreaDataList, index);
                index += bt.Length;
            AreaDataListLen = sum;
            if (IsValidAlways == true)
                ProgramLife = new byte[8];
                ProgramLife[0] = 0xff;
                ProgramLife[1] = 0xff;
                ProgramLife[2] = 0xff;
                ProgramLife[3] = 0xff;
                ProgramLife[4] = 0xff;
                ProgramLife[5] = 0xff;
                ProgramLife[6] = 0xff;
                ProgramLife[7] = 0xff;

                ProgramLife = new byte[8];
                byte[] tmp = Led5kProgram.short2bcd(StartYear);
                ProgramLife[0] = tmp[0];
                ProgramLife[1] = tmp[1];
                ProgramLife[2] = byte2bcd(StartMonth);
                ProgramLife[3] = byte2bcd(StartDay);

                byte[] tmp1 = Led5kProgram.short2bcd(EndYear);

                ProgramLife[4] = tmp1[0];
                ProgramLife[5] = tmp1[1];
                ProgramLife[6] = byte2bcd(EndMonth);
                ProgramLife[7] = byte2bcd(EndDay);

            ppFileName = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(name);

            if (IsPlayOnTime == true)
                Period = new byte[7];
                Period[0] = byte2bcd(StartHour);
                Period[1] = byte2bcd(StartMinute);
                Period[2] = byte2bcd(StartSecond);
                Period[3] = byte2bcd(EndHour);
                Period[4] = byte2bcd(EndMinute);
                Period[5] = byte2bcd(EndSecond);
                Period[6] = 0;

                Period = null;

            PlayPeriodGrpNum = Convert.ToByte(IsPlayOnTime ? 1 : 0);

            return Onbon6K1CardSDK.OFS_SendFileData(hand, 1, ppFileName, DisplayType, PlayTimes, ProgramLife,
                ProgramWeek, PlayPeriodGrpNum, Period, AreaNum, AreaDataList, AreaDataListLen);
    public class Led5kDynamics
        public List<LedstaticArea> m_arealist = new List<LedstaticArea>();

        public static byte byte2bcd(byte num)
            int i = num;
            return (byte)(i / 10 * 16 + i % 10);
        public static byte bcd2byte(byte num)
            int i = num;
            return (byte)(i / 16 * 10 + i % 16);
        public static byte[] short2bcd(ushort num)
            int i = num;
            byte high = (byte)(i / 100);
            byte low = (byte)(i % 100);
            byte[] tmp = new byte[2];
            tmp[0] = byte2bcd(low);
            tmp[1] = byte2bcd(high);
            return tmp;

        public int SendAreas(uint hand)
            byte[] AreaText;
            int TextLen;
            byte AreaNum = 0;

            int sum = 0;
            foreach (LedstaticArea s in m_arealist)
                sum += s.getAreaLen();
            AreaText = new byte[sum];
            int index = 0;
            foreach (LedstaticArea s in m_arealist)
                byte[] bt = s.AreaToByteArray();
                bt.CopyTo(AreaText, index);
                index += bt.Length;
            TextLen = sum;
            return Onbon6K1CardSDK.SCREEN_SendDynamicAreas(hand, AreaNum, (ushort)TextLen, AreaText);

    public class LedstaticArea
        public Onbon6K1CardSDK.bx_5k_area_header header;
        public string text;
        public byte[] AreaToByteArray()
            Onbon6K1CardSDK.bx_5k_area_header tu = new Onbon6K1CardSDK.bx_5k_area_header();
            int hsz = Marshal.SizeOf(tu);

            byte[] tmp = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text);
            int len = tmp.Length + hsz + 2;
            header.DataLen = tmp.Length;
            //先copy len
            byte[] bt = new byte[len];
            //byte[] lenToByte = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(len);
            short Len = (short)(len - 2);
            byte[] lenToByte = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(Len);
            lenToByte.CopyTo(bt, 0);
            int index = lenToByte.Length;

            //再copy header
            IntPtr structPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(hsz);
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(header, structPtr, false);

            Marshal.Copy(structPtr, bt, index, hsz);
            //copy text
            tmp.CopyTo(bt, index + hsz);
            return bt;
        public int getAreaLen()
            Onbon6K1CardSDK.bx_5k_area_header tu = new Onbon6K1CardSDK.bx_5k_area_header();
            int hsz = Marshal.SizeOf(tu);

            byte[] tmp = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(text);
            int len = tmp.Length + hsz + 2;
            return len;


  public HardWareBLL.Onbon6K1CardBLL onbon6K1CardBLL;
   onbon6K1CardBLL = new HardWareBLL.Onbon6K1CardBLL();
