《开始使用PyQT》 第01章 PyQT入门 03 用户界面介绍

03 用户界面介绍

《开始使用PyQT》 第01章 PyQT入门 03 用户界面介绍

The user interface (UI) has become a key part of our everyday lives, becoming the intermediary between us and our ever-growing number of machines. A UI is designed to facilitate in human-computer interaction. The human needs to operate and control the machine to serve some purpose; meanwhile, the machine needs to simultaneously provide feedback and a means to interact with it in order to aid the human’s decisionmaking process. UIs are everywhere, from the mobile applications on our phones to web browsers, to heavy machinery controls, and even on the appliances in our kitchens. Of course, the ways in which we interact with technology is not merely limited to our hands, as many UIs also allow interaction with our other sensory organs.


A good UI is tasked with helping a person produce a desired result while also allowing for easier, more efficient, and more friendly operation of a machine. Think about the photo editing apps on your phone. Editing the size, color, or exposure is practically effortless as you slide your fingers across the screen and watch the images change almost instantly. The user provides minimal input to achieve the desired output.



For this book, we will be focusing on creating desktop graphical user interfaces (GUI) that take advantage of a computer’s graphics capabilities to create visual applications. Decades ago, users would have to use the command line and text commands to interact with the computer. Tasks such as opening, deleting and moving files, and searching through directories were all done by typing in certain commands. However, these were not very user-friendly or simple-to-use interfaces for the general public. So GUIs were created to allow users to interact with electronic devices using graphical controls, rather than command-line interfaces.


These graphical control elements, or widgets, such as buttons, menus, and windows, make such tasks effortless. Interaction now becomes as simple as moving your mouse or touching the screen depending upon your device and clicking on the widget.



This, first and foremost, is a technical book written to help those of you who want to learn how to create and code your own GUI with PyQt and Python. That being said, if you plan to design any kind of UI that other people will use, then you are no longer creating a UI just to solve your own problems. You must also begin to consider other users of the application as well. Think about what you want them to accomplish, or how the application can help them. Sometimes, when we are trying to solve a problem, we get so caught up in trying to create a product that we forget about the people who actually have to interact with them.

首先,这是一本技术书籍,旨在帮助那些想学习如何使用 PyQt 和 Python 创建和编写自己的图形用户界面的人。尽管如此,如果您打算设计任何类型的用户界面供他人使用,那么您就不再只是为了解决自己的问题而创建用户界面。您还必须开始考虑应用程序的其他用户。想想你想让他们完成什么,或者应用程序能如何帮助他们。有时,当我们试图解决一个问题时,我们会过于专注于创造一个产品,而忘记了真正需要与之交互的人。

The following is a list of concepts to consider when designing your own UI. They are not set rules and by no means a complete list, but rather ideas that you should consider when designing your own applications.


Clarity – Using clear language, hierarchy, and flow with visualelements to avoid ambiguity. One of the ways this can be achieved is by considering visual importance to the human eye, laying out widgets with bigger sizes, darker colors, etc., in such a manner that we can visually understand the UI.


Conciseness – Simplifying the layout to include only what the userneeds to see or interact with at a given time in order to be brief,but also comprehensive. Adding more labels or buttons in yourwindow just to give the user more options is not always better.


Consistency – Design the UI so that there is consistency across theapplication. This helps users to recognize patterns in the visualelements and layout and can be seen in typography that improvesthe navigation and readability of the application, image styles, oreven color schemes.


Efficiency – Utilizing good design and shortcuts to help the userimprove productivity. If a task can be accomplished in two steps,why design your GUI so that the work has to be completed in five?

效率 - 利用良好的设计和快捷方式帮助用户提高工作效率。如果一项任务只需两步就能完成,为什么还要设计图形用户界面,让用户在五步内完成工作呢?

Familiarity – Consider elements that users normally see inother UIs and how they would expect them to perform in yourapplications. For example, think about how weird it would be to have to enter your login information, only to find the password entry field is above the username. It is not wrong, but now you are unnecessarily making users think about their actions and slowing them down.


Responsive – Give the user feedback, for example, a toggle thatchanges color to “on” or “off,” a small message to notify the user iftheir input is correct or incorrect, or even a sound effect to verify acompleted action. The user should never be left wondering if theiraction was successful or not.

响应式 - 给用户反馈,例如,将颜色切换为 "开 "或 "关 "的切换按钮、通知用户输入正确或错误的小信息,甚至是验证操作是否完成的声音效果。用户不应该怀疑自己的操作是否成功。
