Name |
Description |
AccessibilityCompliant |
Enables support for Section 508. |
AccessKey |
Gets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the Web server control. (Inherited from WebControl) |
AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory |
Gets or sets the application-relative virtual directory of the System.Web.UI.Page or System.Web.UI.UserControl object that contains this control. (Inherited from Control) |
Attributes |
Gets the collection of arbitrary attributes (for rendering only) that do not correspond to properties on the control. (Inherited from WebControl) |
AutoGenerateColumns |
Gets or sets whether columns are automatically created for all fields in the underlying data source. |
BackColor |
This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and cannot be used directly from your code. |
BackgroundImage |
Gets the web control's background image. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
BindingContainer |
Gets the control that contains this control's data binding. (Inherited from Control) |
Border |
Gets the web control's border settings. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
BorderBottom |
Gets the settings of the web control's bottom border. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
BorderColor |
Gets or sets the border color of the web control. Use the DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.BorderWrapper.BorderColor property instead. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
BorderLeft |
Gets the settings of the web control's left border. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
BorderRight |
Gets the settings of the web control's right border. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
BorderStyle |
Gets or sets the border style of the web control. Use the DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.BorderWrapper.BorderStyle property instead. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
BorderTop |
Gets the settings of the web control's top border. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
BorderWidth |
Gets or sets the border width of the web control. Use the DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.BorderWrapper.BorderWidth property instead. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
Bound |
Gets a value that specifies whether the control is data bound. (Inherited from ASPxDataWebControlBase) |
Caption |
Gets or sets the text to render in an HTML caption element in an ASPxGridView. |
ClientID |
Gets the server control identifier generated by ASP.NET. (Inherited from Control) |
ClientInstanceName |
Gets or sets the ASPxGridView's client programmatic identifier. |
ClientSideEvents |
Gets an object that lists the client-side events specific to the ASPxGridView. |
ClientVisible |
Gets or sets a value that specifies the initial visibility state of a web control on the client. |
Columns |
Provides access to an ASPxGridView's column collection. |
Controls |
Gets the web control's collection of child controls. (Inherited from ASPxWebControlBase) |
ControlStyle |
Gets the style of the Web server control. This property is used primarily by control developers. (Inherited from WebControl) |
ControlStyleCreated |
Gets a value indicating whether a System.Web.UI.WebControls.Style object has been created for the System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl.ControlStyle property. This property is primarily used by control developers. (Inherited from WebControl) |
CssClass |
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class rendered by the Web server control on the client. (Inherited from WebControl) |
CssFilePath |
Gets or sets the path to a CSS file that defines the editor's appearance. |
CssPostfix |
This property is not in effect for the ASPxGridView class. |
Cursor |
Gets or sets the type of cursor to display when the mouse pointer is over the web control. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
DataBoundProxy |
This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and cannot be used directly from your code. |
DataMember |
Gets or sets the name of the list of data that the data-bound control binds to, in instances where the data source contains more than one distinct list of data items. (Inherited from ASPxDataWebControl) |
DataSource |
Gets or sets the object from which the data-bound control retrieves its list of data items. (Inherited from ASPxDataWebControlBase) |
DataSourceForceStandardPaging |
Gets or sets whether the default data source paging is used. |
DataSourceID |
This member overrides the DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.ASPxDataWebControlBase.DataSourceID. (Inherited from ASPxDataWebControl) |
DesignMode |
For internal use only. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
DetailRows |
Gets the ASPxGridView's detail rows. |
DisabledStyle |
This property isn't used. |
EditingRowVisibleIndex |
Gets the index of the data row currently being edited. |
EmptyImage |
Gets an empty image. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
EnableCallbackCompression |
Gets or sets whether callback compression is enabled. |
EnableCallBacks |
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the callback or postback technology is used to manage round trips to the server. |
Enabled |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a web control is enabled, allowing it to respond to end-user interactions. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
EnableDefaultAppearance |
Gets or sets whether the ASPxGridView is displayed with a predefined style or its appearance has to be completely defined by a developer via either css or the appropriate style properties. |
EnableRowsCache |
Gets or sets whether data caching is enabled. |
EnableTheming |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether themes apply to this control. (Inherited from WebControl) |
EnableViewState |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the server control persists its view state, and the view state of any child controls it contains, to the requesting client. (Inherited from Control) |
EncodeHtml |
This property isn't used. |
FilterEnabled |
Gets or sets whether the current filter is enabled. |
FilterExpression |
Gets or sets the filter criterion which is applied to the ASPxGridView. |
FixedColumnCount |
Gets the number of fixed columns currently displayed within the ASPxGridView. |
FocusedRowIndex |
Gets or sets the focused row by its index. |
Font |
Gets the font properties associated with the Web server control. (Inherited from WebControl) |
ForeColor |
Gets or sets the foreground color (typically the color of the text) of the Web server control. (Inherited from WebControl) |
GroupCount |
Gets how many columns are used to group data. |
GroupSummary |
Provides access to group summary items. |
GroupSummarySortInfo |
Enables sorting group rows by their summary values. |
HasAttributes |
Gets a value indicating whether the control has attributes set. (Inherited from WebControl) |
Height |
This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and cannot be used directly from your code. |
ID |
Gets or sets the programmatic identifier assigned to the server control. (Inherited from Control) |
Images |
Provides access to the settings that define images displayed within the ASPxGridView's elements. |
ImagesEditors |
Provides access to the settings that define images displayed within the ASPxGridView's editors. |
ImagesFilterControl |
Provides access to the settings that define images displayed within the Filter Control. |
Initialized |
Gets a value indicating whether the web control has been initialized. (Inherited from ASPxWebControlBase) |
IsAutoFormatPreview |
For internal use only. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
IsCallback |
Gets a value indicating whether the request is the result of a callback sent by the control. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
IsEditing |
Indicates whether the ASPxGridView is in edit mode. |
IsFilterControlVisible |
Indicates whether the Filter Control is displayed. |
IsLockUpdate |
Indicates whether the ASPxGridView is immediately rendered in response to changing its appearance and/or functionality. |
IsNewRowEditing |
Indicates whether a new row is being edited. |
IsRendering |
For internal use only. (Inherited from ASPxWebControlBase) |
JSProperties |
Enables you to supply any server data that can then be parsed on the client. |
KeyFieldName |
Gets or sets the name of the data source key field. |
Loaded |
Indicates whether a web control has been loaded into the Page object. (Inherited from ASPxWebControlBase) |
NamingContainer |
Gets a reference to the server control's naming container, which creates a unique namespace for differentiating between server controls with the same System.Web.UI.Control.ID property value. (Inherited from Control) |
Paddings |
Gets the padding settings of an ASpxGridView control. |
Page |
Gets a reference to the System.Web.UI.Page instance that contains the server control. (Inherited from Control) |
PageCount |
Gets the number of pages displayed within the ASPxGridView. |
PageIndex |
Gets or sets the index of the page currently being selected. |
Parent |
Gets a reference to the server control's parent control in the page control hierarchy. (Inherited from Control) |
ParentImages |
This property is not in effect for the ASPxGridView class. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
ParentSkinOwner |
For internal use only. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
ParentStyles |
This property is not in effect for the ASPxGridView class. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
PreRendered |
For internal use only. (Inherited from ASPxWebControlBase) |
PreviewFieldName |
Gets or sets the name of the data source field whose values are displayed within preview rows. |
Request |
For internal use only. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
Response |
For internal use only. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
ScrollToVisibleIndexOnClient |
Scrolls the view to the specified row. |
Selection |
Gets the ASPxGridView's selection. |
Settings |
Provides access to the ASPxGridView's display options. |
SettingsBehavior |
Provides access to the control's behavior settings. |
SettingsCookies |
Provides access to the control's cookie settings. |
SettingsCustomizationWindow |
Provides access to the Customization Window's settings. |
SettingsDetail |
Provides access to the ASPxGridView's master-detail options. |
SettingsEditing |
Provides access to the ASPxGridView's editing settings. |
SettingsLoadingPanel |
Provides access to the Loading Panel's settings. |
SettingsPager |
Provides access to the Pager's settings. |
SettingsText |
Provides access to the control's text settings. |
ShadowImage |
Gets a shadow image. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
Site |
Gets information about the container that hosts the current control when rendered on a design surface. (Inherited from Control) |
SkinID |
Gets or sets the skin to apply to the control. (Inherited from WebControl) |
SortCount |
Gets the number of columns involved in sorting. |
Style |
Gets a collection of text attributes that will be rendered as a style attribute on the outer tag of the Web server control. (Inherited from WebControl) |
Styles |
Provides access to the style settings that control the appearance of the ASPxGridView elements. |
StylesEditors |
Provides access to style settings used to paint ASPxGridView's editors. |
StylesFilterControl |
Provides access to the style settings used to paint the Filter Control. |
StylesPager |
Provides access to the style settings that control the appearance of the Pager displayed within the ASPxGridView. |
SummaryText |
Gets or sets a value that describes the ASPxGridView's contents. |
TabIndex |
Gets or sets the tab index of the Web server control. (Inherited from WebControl) |
TemplateControl |
Gets or sets a reference to the template that contains this control. (Inherited from Control) |
Templates |
Provides access to the templates used to display the ASPxGridView's elements (cells, rows, etc.). |
TemplateSourceDirectory |
Gets the virtual directory of the System.Web.UI.Page or System.Web.UI.UserControl that contains the current server control. (Inherited from Control) |
ToolTip |
Gets or sets the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the Web server control. (Inherited from WebControl) |
TotalSummary |
Provides access to total summary items. |
UniqueID |
Gets the unique, hierarchically qualified identifier for the server control. (Inherited from Control) |
ViewStateLoading |
For internal use only. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |
Visible |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a server control is rendered as UI on the page. (Inherited from Control) |
VisibleColumns |
Gets a collection of visible columns within the ASPxGridView. |
VisibleRowCount |
Gets the number of visible rows within the ASPxGridView. |
VisibleStartIndex |
Gets the visible index of the first row displayed within the active page. |
Width |
Gets or sets the width of the web server control. (Inherited from ASPxWebControl) |