Solidity: 032 LoopContinue

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

// Version of the Solidity compiler to be used for compilation

pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

// Contract definition for the ForLoopExampleContinue

contract ForLoopExampleContinue {

    // Mapping to store block numbers with their corresponding index

    mapping (uint => uint) blockNumber;


    // Counter to keep track of the number of block numbers stored

    uint counter;

    // Event to log the block numbers

    event uintNumber(uint);

    // Function to add the current block number to the mapping

    function setNumber() public {

        // Store the current block number in the mapping and increment the counter

        blockNumber[counter++] = block.number;


    // Function to retrieve and emit selected stored block numbers

    function getNumbers() public {

        // Loop through the stored block numbers

        for (uint i = 0; i < counter; i++) {

            // Check if the current index is greater than 5

            if (i > 5) {

                // If the index is greater than 5, skip to the next iteration using 'continue'



            // Emit the block number as an event

            emit uintNumber(blockNumber[i]);





Solidity: 032 LoopContinue_第1张图片
