流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 3·Part 3·Video 1·The history of our world 1

The history of our world 1

First, a video. 

Yes, it is a scrambled egg. 


scrambled egg 英 [ˈskræmbld eɡ] 美 [ˈskræmbld eɡ] n. (军官军帽上的)金色丝带,金编带

But as you look at it, I hope you'll begin to feel just slightly uneasy. 

Because you may notice that what's actually happening is that the egg is unscrambling itself. 



may也许,可能; 也许; 可以; 山楂花

notice注意; 理会; 察觉; 通告; 布告; 通知; 公告牌; 警示牌; 看到; 注意到; 意识到; 留意

actually的确,真实地,事实上; 居然,竟然; 实际上

happening事件; 发生的事情; 即兴艺术表演; 热闹的; 时髦的; 发生,出现; 出现,发生; 碰巧; 恰好; happen的现在分词

egg蛋; 卵; 禽蛋; 鸡蛋; 卵子; 卵细胞; 怂恿; 鼓励

unscrambling使还原; 译出; 解码; 整理; 清理; 使条理化; unscramble的现在分词


And you'll now see the yolk and the white have separated. 


now现在; 目前; 此刻; 从现在开始; 表示厌烦; 既然; 由于

see看见; 见到; 看出; 看得见; 看; 有视力; 观看; 主教教区; 主教权限; 牧座


white白的; 白色的; 白种人的; 白人的; 脸色苍白的; 白色; 雪白; 乳白; 白种人; 白人; 白葡萄酒; 使变白; 把…漆成白色

have有; 持有; 占有; 由…组成; 显示出,带有; 与过去分词连用构成完成时

separated分居的; 分开,分离; 分割; 划分; 分离,分散; 隔开; 阻隔; separate的过去分词

And now they're going to be poured back into the egg. 

And we all know in our heart of hearts that this is not the way the universe works. 


And和; 与; 同; 又; 而; 加; 加上; 然后; 接着

know知道; 知悉; 了解; 认识到; 懂得; 意识到; 确信; 确知; 肯定

heart心; 心脏; 胸部心脏的部位; 内心; 心肠; 爱心; 鼓励; <非正式>喜欢

hearts心; 心脏; 胸部心脏的部位; 内心; 心肠; 爱心; heart的第三人称单数和复数

not(构成动词be、do和have及情态动词can或must等的否定形式,常缩略为n't)不,没有; 不; (用于hope、expect、believe等动词后,作为否定的回答)不

way方法; 手段; 途径; 方式; 作风; 风度; 样子; 行为方式,生活方式,习俗; 很远; 大量

universe宇宙; 天地万物; 万象; 经验体系

works做体力工作; 劳动; 干活; 受雇于; 从事…工作; 使工作; 使卖力干活; 工作; 职业; 职责;

A scrambled egg is mush, tasty mush , but it's mush. 


scrambled egg金色丝带,金编带

mush软稠的一摊; 糊状物; 玉米粥; 带狗撬在雪上前进粉碎

tasty美味的; 可口的; 好吃的; 风骚的,有味道的,性感的; 可口的东西; 引人入胜的东西

An egg is a beautiful, sophisticated thing that can create even more sophisticated things, such as chickens. 


egg蛋; 卵; 禽蛋; 鸡蛋; 卵子; 卵细胞; 怂恿; 鼓励

beautiful美丽的; 美好的; 很好的; 出色的; 巧妙的

sophisticated见多识广的; 老练的; 见过世面的; 复杂巧妙的; 先进的; 精密的; 水平高的; 在行的

thing东西; 物; 物件; 物品; 事物; 用品,衣服; 用具

create创造; 创作; 创建; 造成,引起,产生; 授予; 册封

even more更

things东西; 物; 物件; 物品; 事物; 用品,衣服; 用具; thing的复数

such as例如; 像; 象…这样; 诸如…之类

chickens鸡; 鸡肉; chicken的第三人称单数和复数

And we know in our heart of hearts that the universe does not travel from mush to complexity. 


know知道; 知悉; 了解; 认识到; 懂得; 意识到; 确信; 确知; 肯定

heart心; 心脏; 胸部心脏的部位; 内心; 心肠; 爱心; 鼓励; <非正式>喜欢

hearts心; 心脏; 胸部心脏的部位; 内心; 心肠; 爱心; heart的第三人称单数和复数

universe宇宙; 天地万物; 万象; 经验体系

does not不; 不是; 否定就用

travel from从…启程去旅行

mush软稠的一摊; 糊状物; 玉米粥; 带狗撬在雪上前进粉碎

complexity复杂性; 难懂; 难题; 难以理解的局势

In fact, this gut instinct is reflected in one of the most fundamental laws of physics, the second law of thermodynamics, or the law of entropy.


In fact事实上,其实; 准确地说;确切地说

reflected反映; 映出; 反射; 显示,表明,表达; reflect的过去分词和过去式

in one集为一体

most fundamental十分重大的; 根本的; 基础的; 基本的; 不能再分的; fundamental的最高级

laws法律; 法规; law的第三人称单数和复数

physics物理学; 给…吃药; 给…吃泻药; 治愈; 处罚; physic的第三人称单数

law of大数

entropy无序状态测量法; 熵; 无序状态

What that says basically is that the general tendency of the universe is to move from order and structure to lack of order, lack of structure,  in fact, to mush. 


says说; 讲; 告诉; 念; 朗诵; 背诵; 表达,表述; say的第三人称单数

basically大体上; 基本上; 总的说来; 从根本上说

tendency倾向; 偏好; 性情; 趋势; 趋向; 极端派别

universe宇宙; 天地万物; 万象; 经验体系

move from使从…中醒悟过来;从…搬走,离开…

structure结构; 构造; 结构体; 建筑物; 精心组织; 周密安排; 体系; 使形成体系; 系统安排

lack of缺少;缺乏;需要

lack缺乏; 匮乏; 短缺; 没有; 不足

in fact事实上,其实; 准确地说;确切地说

And that's why that video feels a bit strange.

And yet, look around us. 

What we see around us is staggering complexity. 


What什么; …的事物; 无论什么; 凡是…的事物; 多么; 真; 太

staggering令人难以相信的; 摇摇晃晃地走; 蹒跚; 踉跄; 使震惊; 使大吃一惊; 使交错; 使错开; stagger的现在分词

complexity复杂性; 难懂; 难题; 难以理解的局势

Eric Beinhocker estimates that in New York City alone, there are some 10 billion SKUs, or distinct commodities, being traded. 

ps:Eric Beinhocker估计,仅在纽约市,就有大约100亿个库存单位(即不同的商品)在交易。


estimates估计; 估价; 估计的成本; 估算; estimate的第三人称单数和复数

New York City纽约市

alone独自; 独力; 单独; 孤苦伶仃; 无依无靠; 孤独; 寂寞

there are有; 可数名词的复数形式; 许多重要事情要谈

billion十亿; 数以十亿计; 大量; 一万亿

distinct清晰的; 清楚的; 明白的; 明显的; 截然不同的; 有区别的; 不同种类的; 确定无疑的; 确实的; 确切的

commodities商品; 有用的东西; 有使用价值的事物; commodity的复数

being存在; 生存; 生物; 思想感情; 身心; are的现在分词; be的现在分词

traded做买卖; 做生意; 从事贸易; 营业; 营运; 交易,买卖; trade的过去分词和过去式

That's hundreds of times as many species as there are on Earth. 

And they're being traded by a species of almost seven billion individuals, who are linked by trade, travel, and the Internet into a global system of stupendous complexity.


traded做买卖; 做生意; 从事贸易; 营业; 营运; 交易,买卖; trade的过去分词和过去式



billion十亿; 数以十亿计; 大量; 一万亿

individuals个人; 与众不同的人; 有个性的人; 某种类型的人; 古怪的人; individual的复数

linked把连接起来; 联系; 相关联; 说明有联系; link的过去分词和过去式

stupendous极大的; 令人惊叹的; 了不起的

complexity复杂性; 难懂; 难题; 难以理解的局势


1.How does Christian describe the world around us?

 Life is becoming increasingly complex.

2.Which of the following is mush? 

 Mush potato.

3.If someting is stupendous, it is...

amazing or great.

Fill in the blanks:

Commodities are being traded by a species of almost seven billion individuals, who are linked by trade, travel, and the Internet into a global system of stupendous complexity.

Read and repeat the sentences:

1.What we see around us is staggering complexity.

2.We know in our heart of hearts that the universe does not travel from mush to complexity.

3.An egg is a beautiful, sophisticated thing that can create even more sophisticated things, such as chickens.

4.What that says basically is that the general tendency of the universe is to move from order and structure to lack of order, lack of structure.

你可能感兴趣的:(流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 3·Part 3·Video 1·The history of our world 1)