# 参看博客: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45902276/article/details/116454201
模糊推理所处理的事物自身是模糊的,概念本身没有明确的外延, 一个对象是否符合这个概念难以明确地确定模糊推理是对这种不确定性, 即模糊性的表示与处理。
模糊逻辑推理是基于模糊性知识(模糊规则)的一种近似推理, 一般采用Zadeh提出的语言变量、语言值、模糊集和模糊关系合成的方法进行推理。
"污泥越多, 油脂越多, 洗涤时间越长";
"污泥适中, 油脂适中, 洗涤时间适中";
"污泥越少, 油脂越少, 洗涤时间越短"。
1. if (x is SD) and (y is NG) then (z is VS) (1)
2. if (x is SD) and (y is MG) then (z is M) (1)
3. if (x is SD) and (y is LG) then (z is L) (1)
4. if (x is MD) and (y is NG) then (z is S) (1)
5. if (x is MD) and (y is MG) then (z is M) (1)
6. if (x is MD) and (y is LG) then (z is L) (1)
7. if (x is LD) and (y is MG) then (z is M) (1)
8. if (x is LD) and (y is MG) then (z is L) (1)
9. if (x is LD) and (y is LG) then (z is VL) (1)
其中, SD: 污泥少; MD: 污泥中; LD: 污泥多;
NG: 油脂少; MG: 油脂中; LG: 油脂多;
VS: 洗涤时间很短; VL: 洗涤时间很长;
S: 洗涤时间短; M: 洗涤时间中等; L: 洗涤时间长.
控制对象是洗衣机的洗涤时间, 论域: [0, 60];
输入是被洗衣物的污泥和油脂, 论域: [0, 100].
1. 污泥隶属函数
| u_{SD}(x)=(50-x)/50 0 <=x <= 50
| | x/50 0 <= x <= 50
u_{泥}=| u_{MD}(x)=|
| | (100-x)/50 50 < x <= 100
| u_{LD}(x)=(x-50)/50 50 < x <= 100
2. 油脂隶属函数
| u_{NG}(y)=(50-y)/50 0 <= y <= 50
| | y/50 0 <= y <= 50
u_{油}=| u_{MG}(y)=|
| | (100-y)/50 50 < y <= 100
| u_{LG}(y)=(y-50)/50 50 < y <= 100
3. 洗涤时间隶属函数
| u_{VS}(z)=(10-z)/10 0 <= z <= 10
| | z/10 0 <= z <= 10
u_{洗}=| u_{S}(z)= |
| | (25-z)/15 10 < z <= 25
| | (z-10)/15 10 < z <= 25
| u_{M}(z)= |
| | (40-z)/15 25 < z <= 40
| | (z-25)/15 10 < z <= 25
| u_{L}(z)= |
| | (60-z)/20 40 < z <= 60
| u_{VL}(z)=(z-40)/20 40 <= z <= 60
4. 规则表
污泥度\油脂度 NG MG LG
def sludge_membership(x):
sludge=[0, 0, 0]
if x < 0 or x > 100:
return (print("输入值有误."))
elif 0 <= x <= 50:
sludge[0] = (50-x)/50
sludge[1] = x/50
elif 50 < x <= 100:
sludge[1] = (100-x)/50
sludge[2] = (x-50)/50
print("污泥对应的隶属度: ", sludge)
return sludge
def grease_membership(y):
grease = [0, 0, 0]
if y < 0 or y > 100:
return (print("输入值有误."))
elif 0 <= y <= 50:
grease[0] = (50-y)/50
grease[1] = y/50
elif 50 < y <= 100:
grease[1] = (100-y)/50
grease[2] = (y-50)/50
print("油脂对应的隶属度: ", grease)
return grease
def rules(x, y):
rules_value = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
if x[0] != 0 and y[0] != 0:
rules_value[0] = min(x[0], y[0])
if x[0] != 0 and y[1] != 0:
rules_value[1] = min(x[0], y[1])
if x[0] != 0 and y[2] != 0:
rules_value[2] = min(x[0], y[2])
if x[1] != 0 and y[0] != 0:
rules_value[3] = min(x[1], y[0])
if x[1] != 0 and y[1] != 0:
rules_value[4] = min(x[1], y[1])
if x[1] != 0 and y[2] != 0:
rules_value[5] = min(x[1], y[2])
if x[2] != 0 and y[0] != 0:
rules_value[6] = min(x[2], y[0])
if x[2] != 0 and y[1] != 0:
rules_value[7] = min(x[2], y[1])
if x[2] != 0 and y[2] != 0:
rules_value[8] = min(x[2], y[2])
print("污泥和油脂对应规则的隶属度: ", rules_value)
return rules_value
def inference(z_rule):
time_level = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
time_level[0] = z_rule[0]
time_level[1] = z_rule[3]
if (z_rule[1] != 0 or z_rule[4] != 0 or z_rule[6] != 0):
list_1 = [z_rule[1], z_rule[4], z_rule[6]]
for i in range(len(list_1)-1, -1, -1):
if list_1[i] == 0:
time_level[2] = min(list_1)
if (z_rule[2] != 0 or z_rule[5] != 0 or z_rule[7] != 0):
list_2 = [z_rule[2], z_rule[5], z_rule[7]]
for i in range(len(list_2)-1, -1, -1):
if list_2[i] == 0:
time_level[3] = min(list_2)
time_level[4] = z_rule[8]
print("5个结果的隶属度: ", time_level)
return time_level
def area_gravity(res):
time = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
time[0] = 10 - 10 * res[0]
time[1] = 10 * res[1]
time[2] = 25 - 15 * res[1]
time[3] = 15 * res[2] + 10
time[4] = 40 - 15 * res[2]
time[5] = 15 * res[2] + 10
time[6] = 60 - 20 * res[3]
time[7] = 20 * res[4] + 40
sum_1 = (time[0]*res[0] + time[1]*res[1] + time[2]*res[1] + time[3]*res[2] +
time[4]*res[2] + time[5]*res[3] + time[6]*res[3] + time[7]*res[4])
sum_2 = res[0] + 2*res[1] + 2*res[2] + 2*res[3] + res[4]
result = sum_1/sum_2
print("面积重心法解模糊结果: ", result)
return result
def maximum(z):
if 0<=z<=10:
u1 = (10-z)/10
u2 = z/10
if (u1>u2):
time_level = 'VS'
time_level = 'S'
if 10<z<=25:
u3 = (25-z)/15
u4 = (z-10)/15
if (u3>u4):
time_level = 'S'
time_level = 'M'
if 25<z<=40:
u5 = (40-z)/15
u6 = (z-25)/15
if (u5>u6):
time_level = 'M'
time_level = 'L'
if 40<z<=60:
u7 = (60-z)/20
u8 = (z-40)/20
time_level = 'L'
time_level = 'VL'
print("时间长短划分结果: ", time_level)
return time_level
if __name__ == '__main__':
sludge_value = int(input("输入污泥指数: "))
grease_value = int(input("输入油脂指数: "))
rules_value = rules(sludge_membership(sludge_value), grease_membership(grease_value))
time_level = inference(rules_value)
result_1 = area_gravity(time_level)
result_2 = maximum(result_1)
result_3 = {'VS': '很短', 'S': '短', 'M': '中等', 'L': '长', 'VL': '很长'}
print("模糊推理系统预测洗涤时间{}, 预计洗涤时间{}".format(result_3[result_2], int(result_1+0.5)))
输入污泥指数: 20
输入油脂指数: 15
污泥对应的隶属度: [0.6, 0.4, 0]
油脂对应的隶属度: [0.7, 0.3, 0]
污泥和油脂对应规则的隶属度: [0.6, 0.3, 0, 0.4, 0.3, 0, 0, 0, 0]
5个结果的隶属度: [0.6, 0.4, 0.3, 0, 0]
面积重心法解模糊结果: 13.3
时间长短划分结果: S
模糊推理系统预测洗涤时间短, 预计洗涤时间13