
1.精气神不足 failing energies

failing industry/health/memory

2.克制自己 refrain from doing

e.g.In order to lose weight, she refrained from eating candies

3.Novel 指长篇小说。 Fiction,更强调虚构、科幻的故事,无论长短。

4.吐露心事 unbosom oneself/bare your soul to

5.不可抵制的冲动 an irresistible urge /impulse

e.g. she felt an irresistible urge to tell him the truth

6.for the sake of

e.g. They stayed together for the sake of the children. 
Don't get married just for the sake of it.不要为了结婚而结婚

7.迁就 顺从accommodate/humour

e.g. He accommodated/humoured her to avoid comflicts


generous remuneration丰厚的薪资

9.不论,无论 be it a, b and c(be she wrong or right)

10.剧痛 severe/sharp pain

11.真情实感向你袭来 true emotions come upon you

12.像一根扎到你心尖上的针like a pin pricking your heart

13.用最真切,最简洁的语言 use the most vivid and succinct language

Keep your answers as succinct as possible.

14.真情实感 genuine feelings

