
beau monde (法)上流社会;时髦界
tender 看管人;小船;偿付;清偿
go in for sth. 参加(竞争),酷爱
【例句:To their consternation,the hotel manager,known for accepting art as payment,didn’t go in for the portfolios they offered as tender.
sangria 桑格利亚汽酒
boozy 酩酊的;嗜酒的
barfly 常赴酒吧的人,酒鬼
aloe 芦荟,龙舌兰
cod croquette 鳕鱼饼
aioli 蒜泥蛋黄酱(一种用蒜泥、蛋黄、橄榄油和柠檬汁配制的调味汁)
garlic chips 蒜片
pine nut 松子,松仁
jumbo shrimp 大虾
towelette 小毛巾;湿餐巾纸
mussel 贻贝;蚌
cockle 鸟蛤
gig 临时工作
dark teal 深蓝绿(teal n.短颈野鸭;水鸭)
get the better of sb. (嫉妒、好奇心、愤怒等感情)使不能自制
【例句:Her weight, her hormones, her minor addictions to sex and alcohol and marijuana, her brain’s requirement that her body assume the pose for twenty minutes and go as quiet as possible, her desire to punch men’s faces when they
pissed her off—any one of these things might get the better of her.
dickhead (俚)白痴;笨蛋
flub 弄糟;做得不佳;瞎搞
adage 格言;谚语
depauperate v.使贫穷;衰弱 adj. 发育不全的,萎缩的
checkout girl 收银员(checkout 结账台)
jet-black 黑玉色的,墨黑的
finish off 结束(某事);<非正> 杀死;毁掉
【例句:Would it finish off her so-called career?
patter 轻快脚步声;急速拍打声
It was not lost on me. 它不会逃过我的眼睛的。
【例句:It was not lost on her that Anna had been pregnant when she began to distance herself.
tonsillectomy 扁桃体切除术
softball 垒球运动
koala 树袋熊;无尾熊
sleepaway camp 住宿营;外出宿营
filament n.(电灯泡的)灯丝; 丝极; 细丝; 丝状物
cusp n.(黄道十二宫的)两宫会切的时辰; (两曲线相交的)尖点
idyll n.(尤指乡下的)愉快恬静的地方(或事情、经历); 描述恬静愉快情景的短诗(或短文); 田园诗
