after studying this chapter, you should be able to:
Concisely define each of the following key terms: enhanced entity-relationship (eer) model, subtype, supertype, attribute inheritance, generalization, specialization, completeness constraint, total specialization rule, partial specialization rule, disjointness constraint, disjoint rule, overlap rule, subtype discriminator, supertype/ subtype hierarchy, entity cluster, and universal data model.
Recognize when to use supertype/subtype relationships in data modeling.
Use both specialization and generalization as techniques for defining supertype/
subtype relationships.
Specify both completeness constraints and disjointness constraints in modeling supertype/subtype relationships.
Develop a supertype/subtype hierarchy for a realistic business situation.
Develop an entity cluster to simplify presentation of an E-R diagram.
Explain the major features and data modeling structures of a universal (packaged) data model.
Describe the special features of a data modeling project when using a packaged data model.
To cope better with these changes, researchers and consultants have continued to enhance the E-R model so that it can more accurately represent the complex data encountered in today’s business environment. The term enhanced entity-relationship (EER) model is used to identify the model that has resulted from extending the original E-R model with these new modeling constructs.
E-R, and especially EER, diagrams can become large and complex, requiring multiple pages (or very small font) for display. Some commercial databases include hundreds of entities. Many users and managers specifying requirements for or using a database do not need to see all the entities, relationships, and attributes to understand the part of the database with which they are most interested.(为了更好地应对这些变化,研究人员和顾问不断增强E-R模型,使其能够更准确地表示当今商业环境中遇到的复杂数据)
Entity clustering is a way to turn a part of an entity-relationship data model into a more macro-level view of the same data. Entity clustering is a hierarchical decomposition technique (a nesting process of breaking a system into further and further subparts), which can make E-R diagrams easier to read and databases easier to design. By grouping entities and relationships, you can lay out an E-R diagram in such a way that you give attention to the details of the model that matter most in a given data modeling task.
The EER features of supertypes/subtypes are essential to create generalizable data models; additional generalizing constructs, such as typing entities and relationships, are also employed. It has become very important for data modelers to know how to customize a data model pattern or data model for a major software package (e.g., enterprise resource planning or customer relationship management), just as it has become commonplace for information system builders to customize off-the-shelf software packages and software components.
One of the major challenges in data modeling is to recognize and clearly represent entities that are almost the same, that is, entity types that share common properties but also have one or more distinct properties that are of interest to the organization.
Context: An organization has three basic types of employees - hourly employees, salaried employees, and contract consultants.
Common Attributes (for all employee types):
Unique Attributes:
Single Entity Approach:
Separate Entities Approach:
Supertype/Subtype Approach:
In the EER diagram, you would represent this with the EMPLOYEE entity as the supertype connected to three subtypes:
EMPLOYEE (Supertype)
In the diagram, the EMPLOYEE entity would be connected to each subtype with a line. The shared attributes would be listed within the EMPLOYEE entity, and each subtype would list its unique attributes. This structure allows for a clear representation of the relationships and attributes in the database, making it easier to understand, implement, and maintain.
考虑三种实体类型:汽车(CAR)、卡车(TRUCK)和摩托车(MOTORCYCLE)。在初步的E-R图中,它们被分别表示。但是,仔细观察会发现这三个实体类型有许多共同的属性,如车辆ID(Vehicle ID)、车辆名称(Vehicle Name,包括品牌和型号)、价格(Price)和发动机排量(Engine Displacement)。这个事实提示我们,这三种类型实际上可以看作是更泛化实体类型的不同版本。
在泛化后的模型中,我们将创建一个名为VEHICLE的更泛化实体类型,并确定它与子类型的关系。每个子类型,如CAR、TRUCK和MOTORCYCLE,会继承VEHICLE的共同属性,同时保留各自特有的属性,比如CAR可能有乘客数量(No Of Passengers),而TRUCK有载重(Capacity)和驾驶室类型(Cab Type)。
完整性约束涉及到一个问题:一个超类型的实例是否必须也是至少一个子类型的成员。完整性约束有两个可能的规则:完全特化(total specialization)和部分特化(partial specialization)。
完全特化规则 total specialization rule:指定每个超类型的实体实例必须是关系中某个子类型的成员。这通常是用一条双线从超类型实体类型延伸到圆圈来表示。在这种情况下,例如医院中的患者,必须是门诊患者或住院患者,不存在第三种类型。
部分特化规则 Partial specialization rule:指定超类型的实体实例被允许不属于任何子类型。这种情况下,一个实体可以是超类型的实例,但不必然是任何子类型的实例。例如,如果在VEHICLE的数据模型中,摩托车(MOTORCYCLE)是一种车辆,但它没有在数据模型中作为子类型被表示。
A constraint that addresses whether an instance of a supertype may simultaneously be a member of two (or more) subtypes.
A rule that specifies that an instance of a supertype may not simultaneously be a member of two (or more) subtypes.
考虑病人(PATIENT)的例子,一个病人在任何给定的时间要么是门诊病人(OUTPATIENT),要么是住院病人(RESIDENT PATIENT),但不能同时是两者。在超类型和子类型连接的圆圈中标记字母“d”来表示这是一个不相交的规则。需要注意的是,病人的子类(门诊或住院)可能会随时间变化,但在任何特定的时间点上,病人只能是一种类型
A rule that specifies that an instance of a supertype may simultaneously be a member of two (or more) subtypes.
考虑部件(PART)的例子,有些部件既是制造出来的,也是购买的。这里需要澄清的是,PART的一个实例指的是特定的部件编号(即一种类型的部件),而不是单个部件(由Part No标识符指示)。例如,考虑部件编号4000,当前手头上有250个此类部件,其中100个是制造的,剩下的150个是购买的。在这种情况下,跟踪单个部件并不重要。当跟踪单个部件很重要时,每个部件都会被分配一个序列号标识符,根据该单个部件是否存在,手头上的数量为一或零。
The overlap rule is specified by placing the letter o in the circle, as shown in Figure 3-7b. Notice in this figure that the total specialization rule is also specified, as indicated by the double line. Thus, any part must be either a purchased part or a manufactured part, or it may simultaneously be both of these.
A subtype discriminator is an attribute of a supertype whose values determine the target subtype or subtypes.
A supertype/subtype hierarchy is a hierarchical arrangement of supertypes and subtypes, where each subtype has only one supertype (Elmasri and Navathe, 1994).
an example oF a supertype/subtype hIerarchy Suppose that you are asked to model the human resources in a university. Using specialization (a top-down approach), you might proceed as follows: Starting at the top of a hierarchy, model the most general entity type first. In this case, the most general entity type is PERSON. List and associ- ate all attributes of PERSON. The attributes shown in Figure 3-10 are SSN (identifier), Name, Address, Gender, and Date Of Birth. The entity type at the top of a hierarchy is sometimes called the root.
Next, define all major subtypes of the root. In this example, there are three subtypes of PERSON: EMPLOYEE (persons who work for the university), STUDENT (persons who attend classes), and ALUMNUS (persons who have graduated). Assuming that there are no other types of persons of interest to the university, the total specialization rule applies, as shown in the figure. A person might belong to more than one subtype (e.g., ALUMNUS and EMPLOYEE), so the overlap rule is used. Note that overlap allows for any overlap. (A PERSON may be simultaneously in any pair or in all three subtypes.) If certain combinations are not allowed, a more refined supertype/subtype hierarchy would have to be developed to eliminate the prohibited combinations.
Attributes that apply specifically to each of these subtypes are shown in the figure. Thus, each instance of EMPLOYEE has a value for Date Hired and Salary. Major Dept is an attribute of STUDENT, and Degree (with components Year, Designation, and Date) is a multivalued, composite attribute of ALUMNUS.
After studying this diagram, you might use some questions to help you clarify the meaning of entities and relationships. Three such areas of questions are (see annotations in Figure 3-11 that indicate the source of each question):
Why do some customers not do business in one or more sales territories?
Why do some employees not supervise other employees, and why are they not all supervised by another employee? And, why do some employees not work in a work center?
Why do some vendors not supply raw materials to Pine Valley Furniture?
You may have other questions, but we will concentrate on these three to illustrate
how supertype/subtype relationships can be used to convey a more specific (semantically rich) data model.
After some investigation into these three questions, we discover the following business rules that apply to how Pine Valley Furniture does business:
There are two types of customers: regular and national account. Only regular customers do business in sales territories. A sales territory exists only if it has at least one regular customer associated with it. A national account customer is asso- ciated with an account manager. It is possible for a customer to be both a regular and a national account customer.
Two special types of employees exist: management and union. Only union employees work in work centers, and a management employee supervises union employees. There are other kinds of employees besides management and union. A union employee may be promoted into management, at which time that employee stops being a union employee.
Pine Valley Furniture keeps track of many different vendors, not all of which have ever supplied raw materials to the company. A vendor is associated with a contract number once that vendor becomes an official supplier of raw materials.
Rule 1 means that there is a total, overlapping specialization of CUSTOMER into REGULAR CUSTOMER and NATIONAL ACCOUNT CUSTOMER. A composite attribute of CUSTOMER, Customer Type (with components National and Regular), is used to designate whether a customer instance is a regular customer, a national account, or both. Because only regular customers do business in sales territories, only regular customers are involved in the Does Business In relationship (associative entity).
Rule 2 means that there is a partial, disjoint specialization of EMPLOYEE into MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEE and UNION EMPLOYEE. An attribute of EMPLOYEE, Employee Type, discriminates between the two special types of employees. Specialization is partial because there are other kinds of employees besides these two types. Only union employees are involved in the Works In relationship, but all union employees work in some work center, so the minimum cardinality next to Works In from UNION EMPLOYEE is now mandatory. Because an employee cannot be both management and union at the same time (although he or she can change status over time), the specialization is disjoint.
Rule 3 means that there is a partial specialization of VENDOR into SUPPLIER because only some vendors become suppliers. A supplier, not a vendor, has a contract number. Because there is only one subtype of VENDOR, there is no reason to specify a disjoint or overlap rule. Because all suppliers supply some raw material, the minimum cardinality next to RAW MATERIAL in the Supplies relationship (associative entity in Visio) now is one.
An entity cluster is a set of one or more entity types and associated relationships grouped into a single abstract entity type. Because an entity cluster behaves like an entity type, entity clusters and entity types can be further grouped to form a higher-level entity cluster. Entity clustering is a hierarchical decomposition of a macro-level view of the data model into finer and finer views, eventually resulting in the full, detailed data model.
SELLING UNIT represents the SALESPERSON and SALES TERRITORY entity types and the Serves relationship
CUSTOMER represents the CUSTOMER entity supertype, its subtypes, and the relationship between supertype and subtypes
ITEM SALE represents the ORDER entity type and ORDER LINE associative entity as well as the relationship between them
ITEM represents the PRODUCT LINE and PRODUCT entity types and the Includes relationship
MANUFACTURING represents the WORK CENTER and EMPLOYEE supertype entity and its subtypes as well as the Works In associative entity and Supervises relationships and the relationship between the supertype and its subtypes. (Figure 3-14 shows an explosion of the MANUFACTURING entity cluster into its components.)
MATERIAL represents the RAW MATERIAL and VENDOR entity types, the SUPPLIER subtype, the Supplies associative entity, and the supertype/subtype relationship between VENDOR and SUPPLIER.