Protein 蛋白质
Mania. n.狂热/'meɪnɪə/
obsession /əb'seʃ(ə)n/ n. 困扰
Are you getting enough protein? The question provides its own answer: if you are worrying about the amount of protein in your diet, then you are almost certainly eating more than enough.
You merely need to visit a western supermarket today to see that many people regard protein as some kind of universal elixir – one food companies are profitably adding to anything they can. “When the Box Says ‘Protein’, Shoppers Say ‘I’ll take it’” was the headline of a 2013 article in the Wall Street Journal.
Universal a.广泛的,普遍的
elixir /ɪ'lɪksə/ n.不老长寿药
今天,你只要去任何一家西方国家的超市,就会看到许多人视蛋白质为某种包治百病的灵丹妙药——食品公司出于利润的考虑,会将这种灵丹妙药加入所有他们能加入的产品中。《只要包装盒上出现“蛋白质”,顾客就会说“我买”》是 2013 年《华尔街日报》上的一个文章标题。
The intensity of our protein obsession can only be understood as part of a wider series of diet battles that go back half a century. If we now thirst for protein as if it were water, it may be because the other two macronutrients – fats and carbohydrates – have each in turn been made to seem toxic in the public mind.
intensity n.强烈,剧烈
carbon 碳
hydrate 水合物
Toxic 有毒的
In the current nutrition wars, protein has emerged as the last macronutrient left standing. David L Katz, an American doctor and public health scholar who is the director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center said: “First they told us to cut fat. But instead of wholegrains and lentils, we ate low-fat junk food.” Then food marketers heard the message about cutting carbs and sold us protein-enriched junk foods instead.
For decades now, there has been a tendency to think about what we eat and drink in terms of nutrients, rather than real whole ingredients in all their complexity. A combination of diet fads and clever marketing has got us here. It doesn’t matter whether we fixate on “low fat” or “low carbs” or “high protein” – we are making the same old mistakes about nutrition in a new form.