It is an reading note of UE5 Niagara Advanced Example, related about usage of Simulation Stage, Grid 3D, PBD, SDF and so on.
The article can’t cover all details, it just a reading note. Implementation details are so complex that it is recommended to have a look on original source.
In offical showcase project ContentExample
, you can see detailed comment in Niagara System examples.
level is about basic of Niagara, here we assume readers have read it. This article mostly focus on Niagara_Advanced_Particles
There is also some offical tutorial:
Advanced Niagara Effects Inside Unreal
Niagara System: FIllRenderTarget
If you need custom lifetime hook, that is my personal understanding, or in their way, stack, you should add Simulation Stage
Enable Simulation Stages on a GPU emitter by checking “Enable Simulation Stages” in advanced emitter properties
That is weird, I can’t find Enable Simulation Stages
in emitter properties, even in their example. So I leave it alone.
You can’t create a lifetime for arbitrary usage, UE set Simulation Stage
is a For loop
Think of a simulation stage as an additional “stack” like Particle Update. The difference is it can iterate, meaning run multiple times on a single frame across all the elements in it.Think of it like a “For Loop” in the stack.
It is also unique because its “Iteration source” can be more than just particles. A Simulation Stage can iterate over every grid cell in a Grid 2d collection to create solvers, iterate over every pixel in a render target to write to it, or iterate over every particle.
Then you know:
Simulation Stage
is like Particle Update
, it is called per frame.
It is a basic operation For loop
As for this example, you can see how it iterate all texels of render target, calc UV of render target by iteration index, sample from a texture according to this UV.
Once you know this, you will know the input and output of Simulation Stage
. Input is your Niagara System parameters, and you can expose some build-in anyway. Output is void
. So Simulation Stage
is a function void update(user parameters)
Niagara System: AdvectGrid
This example is mainly about how to sample from 2D Texture and store it into RenderTarget
If you need some cool effect, fill RenderTarget
and change sampling UV or something in Simulation Stage
Considering adverting fluid-like emitter, I guessed it is implementing famous paper Stable Fluid
at the first time. But after I click into the emitter, I found it only have two steps: diffuse and advect. These two module are completely different from what I know from Stable Fluid
. Diffusion is made by simply averaging nearby four grids, advection is made by random UV offset, or in other word, random advection velocity.
When I try to reproduce the work, I find my new variable created in module doesn’t appear in Niagara System Parameters
window. After several tries, I find the reason that new variable must be a pin of Map get
or Map set
, only then it can appear in Niagara System Parameters
I don’t know clearly why. Maybe it is a optimation by UE, that variable which reference = 0 is auto invisible? Anyway, it confused me at first.
Niagarag System: BlurAndSetExternalRT
Variable in Niagara System can be set in external blueprint.
So now many operations on Render Texture now can be done in Niagara System.
Niagarag System: SpawnOnGBuffer
GBuffer is an input variable can be accessed.
And vector4 variables can be packed into matrix, pass into material.
More specifically saying, in the example Niagara System, vector4 depth
, roughness
, metallic
are sampled from GBuffer access, then these vector4 variables are packed into matrix, save into DynamicMaterialParameter
. In Mesh Renderer
module, DynamicMaterialParameter
is bind to DynamicMaterialBinding
. In material, you can unpack your binding of DynamicMaterialParameter
Niagarag System: SkeletalMeshReproductionSystem_Demo_GPU
There already have module to scatter particles along given mesh UserMesh
, making effect that particles seems like reconstructing UserMesh
We find a permanent triangle coordinate for each particle. This is referenced later on to find particles’ rest positions.
Then we store some variable presistent throughout the simulation, to store the influence strength.
So during update, we can update current position of UserMesh
, set it as new rest positions. And we can calculate simulation position of particles, these particle have physical nice motion.
By lerping between the simulation and the rest state we can utilize various forces without worrying about them becoming too intense. The particles will return to their rest states eventually.
Niagarag System: TraverseDistanceField
You can use Distance Field to get base position and motion direction on a mesh surface:
Crawl tangentially to the distance field generates a final position and velocity for each particle. It samples the distance field several times and finds the optimal position for each particle based on its geometry.
Here using Time Based State Machine
to switch particles’ states.
In the example, each particle is an insect. Insect have idle
state and excited
state. In each iteration, for every particle, force and velocity or something in all states are calculated, so using which one is determined by solver. More specifically, there is a mask related with time to lerp the two state.
Niagarag System: AttributeReaderRing
This example shows how to use Attribute Reader
. I may consider it as a access of other emitter, because when initializing an Attribute Reader
, you assign a name of emitter. Then in your custom module, you can access certain particle property from assigned emitter by given index.
Niagarag System: AttributeReaderFollow
Similar to previous.
Niagarag System: AttributeReaderStreamers
Using Spawn Particles from Other Emitter
and Sample Particles from Other Emitter
Another usage of Attribute Reader
Niagarag System: Chain_SimulationStages
Usage of Attribute Reader
in examples above is reading other emitter, now here is an example of reading self.
What can you do if you can read self property> For example, you can query neighbor particle index i-1, i+1
close to i
, then you can make a constraint like a chain.
Niagarag System: ColorQuery
Grid 3D have many cells, each cell logically responds to a world space.
Element in one cell are named Neighbor
. It may confuse to some extent, neighbor of what? Is it neighbor particle of the cell? No, it is just element of one cell, in case of Grid 3D.
| neighbor1 | neighbor1 |
| neighbor2 | |
| | |
| neighbor1 | neighbor1 |
| | neighbor2 |
| | neighbor3 |
I guess neighbor
is a conventional alias, becuase UE example likes name Grid 3D
as NeighborGrid
. If you have a NeighborGrid
, then you call element of NeighborGrid
as neighbor
naturally. Why call it NeighborGrid
? Still guess its meaning is “Grid used to find Neighbor”, so NeighborGrid
is an abbreviation to address its usage.
Transform martixs have been done by UE, in module Grid 3D Create Unit to World Transform
, so access grid 3d become easier.
This code from module Fill Neighbor Grid 3D
is about writting particle index
into Grid 3D:
transform world position into unit position,
map unit position into grid 3d index,
map grid 3d index into grid linear index,
access particle index
by grid linear index
where writing particle index
is using SetParticleNeighbor
, and particle index
is named Exection index
in module built-in.
Exection index
represent the sequence of particles are exected shading in current frame, so it will change over frame.
AddedToGrid = false;
// Derive the Neighbor Grid Index from the world position
float3 UnitPos;
NeighborGrid.SimulationToUnit(Position, SimulationToUnit, UnitPos);
int3 Index;
NeighborGrid.UnitToIndex(UnitPos, Index.x,Index.y,Index.z);
// Verify that the derived index is valid.
int3 NumCells;
NeighborGrid.GetNumCells(NumCells.x, NumCells.y, NumCells.z);
if (Index.x >= 0 && Index.x < NumCells.x &&
Index.y >= 0 && Index.y < NumCells.y &&
Index.z >= 0 && Index.z < NumCells.z)
int LinearIndex;
NeighborGrid.IndexToLinear(Index.x, Index.y, Index.z, LinearIndex);
// Increment the neighbor count for this cell. This records the number of overlaps
// and can return a higher count than the MaxNeighborsPerCell
int PreviousNeighborCount;
NeighborGrid.SetParticleNeighborCount(LinearIndex, 1, PreviousNeighborCount);
int MaxNeighborsPerCell;
// Limit the number of neighbors added to each cell
if (PreviousNeighborCount < MaxNeighborsPerCell)
AddedToGrid = true;
int NeighborGridLinear;
NeighborGrid.NeighborGridIndexToLinear(Index.x, Index.y, Index.z, PreviousNeighborCount, NeighborGridLinear);
NeighborGrid.SetParticleNeighbor(NeighborGridLinear, ExecIndex, IGNORE);
One thing confused me is NeighborGrid.SetParticleNeighborCount(LinearIndex, 1, PreviousNeighborCount);
contains function that increments the neighbor count, and it is hard to get an intuition about it.
Next module Find Closest Neighbor
is also valuable, it tells about how to read particle index
from Grid 3D.
NeighborIndex = -1;
bool Valid;
// Derive the Neighbor Grid Index from the world position
float3 UnitPos;
NeighborGrid.SimulationToUnit(Position, SimulationToUnit, UnitPos);
int3 Index;
NeighborGrid.UnitToIndex(UnitPos, Index.x,Index.y,Index.z);
// Initialize the closest distance to a really large number
float neighbordist = 3.4e+38;
// loop over all neighbors in this cell
int MaxNeighborsPerCell;
for (int i = 0; i < MaxNeighborsPerCell; ++i)
// Find the ExecIndex for the current neighbor particle
int NeighborLinearIndex;
NeighborGrid.NeighborGridIndexToLinear(Index.x, Index.y, Index.z, i, NeighborLinearIndex);
int CurrNeighborIdx;
NeighborGrid.GetParticleNeighbor(NeighborLinearIndex, CurrNeighborIdx);
// Only proceed if the returned index is valid. This is most often triggered
// by there being fewer neighbors in the cell than the MaxNeighborsPerCell limit.
if (CurrNeighborIdx != -1)
// Use the Attribute Reader to query the position of the neighbor particle
float3 NeighborPos;
AttributeReader.GetVectorByIndex(CurrNeighborIdx, Valid, NeighborPos);
// Compare the distance found maintaining the closest
const float3 delta = Position - NeighborPos;
const float dist = length(delta);
if( dist < neighbordist )
neighbordist = dist;
NeighborIndex = CurrNeighborIdx;
Assume that you have grid cell A, grid index of A is known, so NeighborGrid.NeighborGridIndexToLinear(Index.x, Index.y, Index.z, i, NeighborLinearIndex);
gets i-th neighbor of grid cell A.
The neighbor is represented as grid linear index, so NeighborGrid.GetParticleNeighbor(NeighborLinearIndex, CurrNeighborIdx);
is querying particle index
Grid 3D according to this grid linear index.
Finally you get particle index CurrNeighborIdx
, using Attribute Reader
, you can access property of certain particle.
Niagarag System: DynamicGridTransforms
Here Initialize Neighbor Grid
module is a combination of setting resolution and calcuating transform martixs.
The example is used to debug, it transform particle position by WorldToGridUnit
, pass it into material, in material, if position is within 0~1, keep red, else mask by green.
Niagarag System: PropagateNeighbors
One grid cell has maxium count of elements, if injection to grid cell is fail, it will be black, else it is white.
The reason some particle is black, is becuase if injection fails, the shading will early terminate.
So this example shows the importance of max element count of grid cell.
Niagarag System: PropagateNeighbors
Usage of querying neighbor particles.
The example store PropagateValue
for each particle. When blending two particles’ color, PropagateValue
determine the weight. One with higher PropagateValue
gets higher weight.
There is a parameter CellRadius
, it determine neighbor searching radius.
Niagara System: FollowTheLeaders
Another usage of querying neighbor particles.
There is a parameter CellRadius
, it determine neighbor searching radius.
After finding neighbor particles, blending the two particles’ velocity and color.
Niagara System: PBD
Store Exection index
into Grid 3D is packed as Populate Neighbor Grid
PBD collision is packed into PBD Particle Collision
The bounce velocity is calcuate according to particle mass, collision normal, and two colliders’ Unyielding
Niagara System: Plexus
PBD part is the same, this example is about how to find most fit three neighbor particles.
Niagara System: StructuralSupport
First emitter spawn particles following PBD, and all particles are Unyielding
. It means all particle closen to each other and fixed in space.
Second emitter copy all particles position from first emitter, sort all particle, make parent-child relationship.
The connection building can refer to Plexus
example, but here is more concern: parent-child references should be non-circular.
In third emitter, at the begining, all particles are Unyielding
. But as time goes, all particles have chance to be yielding
. When particles change to be yielding
, its velocity will be calculate under gravity.
In second emitter, we establish parent-child relationship. Here we use it to make sure if parent is yielding
, all its children are also yielding
Niagara System: Boids
Force to avoid mesh surface using SDF
Force to close to center
Velocity Matching
Niagara System: ComponentRendererExample
Now you can use other Niagara System as particle, or using skel mesh component as renderer.
Niagara System: ExportParticleData_System
Niagara System itself can store blueprint handle, and export data to blueprint.
Niagara System: BindCurvesToMaterials
You can create curve in Niagara System and then bind to material
Niagara System: ParticleUpdateCollisions
, SimStageCollisions
Place Collision
module in Particle Update
or Simulation Stage
Niagara System: DynamicDistanceField
For each grid particles, find closet vertex among three triangle vertex.
I guess it may want to show that, each grid particle knows closet vertex, is equal to you have a distance field.
Because source of these vertex position is up to user, so it can be dynamic. For example, you can move the triangle arbitrarily.