from flask import Flask,request,jsonify,Response from flask.views import MethodView import arcpy import psycopg2 from flask_cors import CORS#跨域请求伪造 import geopandas as gpd import json import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd @app.route('/mohupj') def mohupj(): # 读取数据集 readfile = pd.read_excel(r"D:\junior_year_2\Webgis开发小组\data\上海站点\上海站点\shanghai0202.xlsx") lists = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ##获取各个站点的行数据 jiancedianname = [] for n1 in lists: jiance_ = readfile.iloc[n1 - 1, 1] ##获取城市名称 jiancedianname.append(jiance_) print(jiancedianname) ##监测点名称 print("监测点数量:") print(len(jiancedianname)) # 环境空气质量等级及对应的污染物项目浓度限值 dataparameters = [[15, 35, 75, 120], [40, 70, 140, 210], [20, 60, 100, 140], [20, 40, 60, 80], [100, 160, 220, 280], [2, 4, 6, 8]] parameters = pd.DataFrame(dataparameters, index=["PM2.5", "PM10", "SO2", "NO2", "O3", "CO"], columns=[0, 1, 2, 3]) # print(parameters.iloc[1,0]) #parameters.iloc[i,j]获得第i行第j列的数据 '''#建立隶属度函数 采用降半阶梯形隶属度函数''' def lishudu(pollution): V = pd.DataFrame({}, index=["PM2.5", "PM10", "SO2", "NO2", "O3", "CO"], columns=[0, 1, 2, 3]) colu = 0 while colu <= 3: if colu == 0: # 对于第1污染等级 row = 0 while row <= 5: if (pollution.iloc[row, 0] <= parameters.iloc[row, colu]): V.iloc[row, colu] = 1 if (pollution.iloc[row, 0] < parameters.iloc[row, colu + 1] and pollution.iloc[row, 0] > parameters.iloc[row, colu]): V.iloc[row, colu] = ((parameters.iloc[row, colu + 1]) - (pollution.iloc[row, 0])) / ( (parameters.iloc[row, colu + 1]) - (parameters.iloc[row, colu])) if (pollution.iloc[row, 0] >= parameters.iloc[row, colu + 1]): V.iloc[row, colu] = 0 row = row + 1 if colu == 1 or colu == 2: # 对于2 3等级 row = 0 while row <= 5: if (pollution.iloc[row, 0] >= parameters.iloc[row, colu + 1] or pollution.iloc[row, 0] < parameters.iloc[row, colu - 1]): V.iloc[row, colu] = 0 if (parameters.iloc[row, colu] < pollution.iloc[row, 0] and pollution.iloc[row, 0] < parameters.iloc[row, colu + 1]): V.iloc[row, colu] = ((parameters.iloc[row, colu + 1]) - (pollution.iloc[row, 0])) / ( (parameters.iloc[row, colu + 1]) - (parameters.iloc[row, colu])) if (parameters.iloc[row, colu - 1] <= pollution.iloc[row, 0] and pollution.iloc[row, 0] <= parameters.iloc[row, colu]): V.iloc[row, colu] = ((pollution.iloc[row, 0] - parameters.iloc[row, colu - 1])) / ( (parameters.iloc[row, colu] - parameters.iloc[row, colu - 1])) row = row + 1 if colu == 3: # 对于4等级 row = 0 while row <= 5: if (pollution.iloc[row, 0] >= parameters.iloc[row, colu]): V.iloc[row, colu] = 1 if (pollution.iloc[row, 0] <= parameters.iloc[row, colu - 1]): V.iloc[row, colu] = 0 if (parameters.iloc[row, colu - 1] < pollution.iloc[row, 0] and pollution.iloc[row, 0] < parameters.iloc[row, colu]): V.iloc[row, colu] = ((pollution.iloc[row, 0]) - (parameters.iloc[row, colu - 1])) / ( (parameters.iloc[row, colu]) - (parameters.iloc[row, colu - 1])) row = row + 1 colu = colu + 1 return V lishududangeresult = [] ##输入每个监测点的隶属度 jiancepollution = [] # 监测点中各个污染物的数据 for n1 in lists: a = (readfile.iloc[(n1 - 1):n1, [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]]) # #读取每个因素的值 datapollution = [int(a.iloc[0, 0]), int(a.iloc[0, 1]), int(a.iloc[0, 2]), int(a.iloc[0, 3]), int(a.iloc[0, 4]), int(a.iloc[0, 5])] pollution = pd.DataFrame(datapollution, index=["PM2.5", "PM10", "SO2", "NO2", "O3", "CO"], columns=[0]) jiancepollution.append(pollution) ###获得整体所有的污染物数据 result = lishudu(pollution) lishududangeresult.append(result) print("各个监测点隶属度结果:") print(lishududangeresult) print("第二个监测点隶属度结果:") print(lishududangeresult[1]) pingjiaave = [] ##存储所有评价因子的平均值 '''求每个评价因子浓度限差平均值''' for pjitem in dataparameters: ##pjitemave为每个类型评价因子对应的各个等级的限差 pjitemave = sum(pjitem) / len(pjitem) pingjiaave.append(pjitemave) ##将各个评价因子的平均值存入列表 quanzhongall = [] ##存储所有监测点污染物权重值 print("所有评价因子的平均值") print(pingjiaave) for item in jiancepollution: '''求权重系数分母''' for n in range(len(pingjiaave)): quanzhongFMsum = [] ##做为中间量存储单个监测点污染物权重值 m = len(item) ####评价因子的个数为 6 for p in range(m): quanzhongFZ = item[0][p] / pingjiaave[n] quanzhongFMsum.append(quanzhongFZ) ####将全部的分子结果存入列表中 p = p + 1 FM = sum(quanzhongFMsum) ##得到权重计算的分母 quanzhongtemp = [] ##得到单个监测点的权重 for i in range(m): result1 = (item[0][i] / pingjiaave[n]) / FM quanzhongtemp.append(result1) ###将单个监测点权重存入列表 quanzhongall.append(quanzhongtemp) break ###跳出当前循环 continue ###跳出当前循环 n = n + 1 print("全部权重集:") print(quanzhongall) #####获得9个监测点的污染物权重集 print("全部权重集长度:") print(len(quanzhongall)) print("第二个测站点权重集:") print(quanzhongall[1]) mohupjresultall_value = [] ##存储所有监测点模糊评价结果 数值 mohupjresultall_index = [] ##存储所有监测点模糊评价结果 等级 '''对每个监测点进行模糊评价''' for num in range(len(jiancedianname)): mohupjresult = [] ##存储单个监测点的评价结果 quanzhongdg = quanzhongall[num] ##单个监测点权重集 lishududg = lishududangeresult[num] ##单个监测点隶属度集 mohupjresult =, lishududg) # 矩阵乘法 得到复合运算结果 print("单个监测点模糊评价初步结果") print(mohupjresult) '''根据最大隶属度原则找到对应的等级以及其数值''' max_value = max(mohupjresult) max_index = np.where(mohupjresult == max_value) mohupjresultall_index.append(max_index[0][0]) # mohupjresultfinal.append(max_index) mohupjresultall_value.append(max_value) num = num + 1 print("各个站点最终模糊评价结果:") print("对应等级:") print(mohupjresultall_index) print("结果数值") print(mohupjresultall_value) ##创建包含int64类型的数据数组 mohupjresultall_index_=np.array(mohupjresultall_index,dtype=np.int64) #将int64类型的数据转换为int类型 mohupjresultall_index_2=mohupjresultall_index_.astype(int).tolist() data = [] for value, level, name in zip(mohupjresultall_value,mohupjresultall_index_2, jiancedianname): entry = { "value": value, "level": level, "name": name } data.append(entry) json_result = json.dumps(data, indent=4) return json_result |