On sports technology 2
Consider a longer event.
In 1954, Sir Roger Bannister became the first man to run under four minutes in the mile.
became开始变得; 变成; 适合; 与…相称; 使显得漂亮; 使好看; become的过去式
run跑; 奔跑; 跑步; 做跑步运动; 跑步的时间; 旅程,航程; 一段时光; 一系列
under在…下面; 在…表面下; 由…覆盖着; 少于; 小于; 不足; 比…年轻; 在下面; 在水下; 较年轻; 较低的; 下面的
four四; 四个; 第四四的; 四个一组之物
minutes分钟; 分; 一会儿; 一会儿的工夫; 时刻; 将写进会议记录; minute的第三人称单数和复数
mile英里(= 1 609米或1 760码); 大面积; 长距离; 很多; 远远地
Nowadays, college kids do that every year.
On rare occasions, a high school kid does it.
As of the end of last year, 1,314 men had run under four minutes in the mile, but like Jesse Owens, Sir Roger Bannister ran on soft cinders that stole far more energy from his legs than the synthetic tracks of today.
cinders灰渣; 煤渣; 炉渣; cinder的复数
stole女用披肩; 圣带; 偷; 窃取; 偷偷地移动; steal的过去式
far more许多; 多得多的; 更多的
synthetic英 [sɪnˈθetɪk] 美 [sɪnˈθetɪk] adj. 人造的;(人工)合成的;综合(型)的 n. 合成物;合成纤维(织物);合成剂
So I consulted biomechanics experts to find out how much slower it is to run on cinders than synthetic tracks, and their consensus that it's one and a half percent slower.
consulted咨询; 请教; 商议,商量; 查阅; 查询; 参看; consult的过去分词和过去式
find out发现,找出,查明; 查出…行为不轨
how much多少
slower慢速地; 缓慢地; 缓慢的; 迟缓的; 耗时的; 慢的; 慢速的; 低速的; 迟迟不…; 不乐意; 慢吞吞的; slow的比较级
run on继续
cinders灰渣; 煤渣; 炉渣; cinder的复数
synthetic人造的; 合成的; 综合的; 合成物; 合成纤维; 合成剂
consensus一致的意见; 共识
So if you apply a one and a half percent slowdown conversion to every man who ran his sub-four mile on a synthetic track, this is what happens.
apply申请,请求; 使用; 应用; 涂; 敷; 施
slowdown减速; 减缓
conversion转变; 转换; 转化; 改变; 皈依; 归附; 附加得分
ran跑; 奔跑; 跑步; 做跑步运动; run的过去式
mile英里(= 1 609米或1 760码); 大面积; 长距离; 很多; 远远地
synthetic人造的; 合成的; 综合的; 合成物; 合成纤维; 合成剂
happens发生,出现; 出现,发生; 碰巧; 恰好; happen的第三人称单数
Only 530 are left.
If you look at it from that perspective, fewer than ten new men per decade have joined the sub-four mile club since Sir Roger Bannister.
ps:从这个角度来看,自从罗杰·班尼斯特爵士(Sir Roger Bannister)以来,每十年加入亚四英里俱乐部的新人不到十个。
look at看; 考虑
perspective态度; 观点; 思考方法; 客观判断力; 权衡轻重的能力; 透视法
joined连接; 接合; 联结; 结合; 联合; 汇合; 成为…的一员; 参加; 加入; join的过去分词和过去式
mile英里(= 1 609米或1 760码); 大面积; 长距离; 很多; 远远地
Sir先生; 先生,阁下; 爵士
Roger信息收到,明白; 与某人性交
Now, 530 is a lot more than one, and that's partly because there are many more people training today and they're training more intelligently.
Even college kids are professional in their training compared to Sir Roger Bannister, who trained for 45 minutes at a time while he ditched gynecology lectures in med school.
ps:与罗杰·班尼斯特爵士(Sir Roger Bannister)相比,即使是大学生在培训方面也很专业,他在医学院放弃了妇科讲座,一次培训45分钟。
compared to比拟
Sir先生; 先生,阁下; 爵士
Roger信息收到,明白; 与某人性交
trained训练; 培训; 接受训练; 进行…训练; 进行体育锻炼; 教育; 培养…的能力; train的过去分词和过去式
at a time依次; 每次
ditched摆脱; 抛弃; 丢弃; 使在海上紧急降落; 迫降; ditch的过去分词和过去式
gynecology英 [ˌgaɪnɪˈkɒlədʒi] 美 [ˌgaɪnəˈkɑlədʒi] n. 妇科学;雌畜(兽)医学;个体生态学
lectures讲座,讲课,演讲; 教训,训斥,谴责; 开讲座,讲授,讲课; 指责,训
And that guy who won the 1904 Olympic marathon in three in a half hours, that guy was drinking rat poison and brandy while he ran along the course.
guy男人; 小伙子; 家伙; 一群男人; 伙计们; 兄弟们; 盖伊模拟像(英国每年11月5日庆祝篝火之夜焚烧的身着古装的人体模型); 牵拉; 固定; 开…的玩笑; 取笑[俚语]逃亡; 逃走; 乱演某角色
Olympic奥林匹克运动会的; 奥林匹克运动会比赛项目
marathon马拉松赛跑(距离约42公里,合26英里); 马拉松式的活动; 需要极大持久力的
a half二分之一
drinking喝酒; 饮酒; 喝; 饮; 酗酒; drink的现在分词
brandy白兰地; 一杯白兰地; 把…在白兰地酒中浸泡
ran跑; 奔跑; 跑步; 做跑步运动; run的过去式
along沿着; 顺着; 靠着…边; 沿着…的某处; 向前; 一道,一起; 越来越
That was his idea of a performance-enhancing drug.
enhancing 英 [ɪnˈhɑːnsɪŋ] 美 [ɪnˈhænsɪŋ] v. 提高;增强;增进
1. Why is Roger Bannister significant in athletics?
he was the first person to run a mile in less than 4 minutes.
2.What is the biggest difference between cinder and synthetic tracks?
Running on cinder tracks is more difficult.
3.What do performance-enhancing drugs do?
they help athletes gets stronger.
4.How has the significance of Roger Bannister's accomplishment changed over time?
Although he was the first to run a 4-minute mile, it is no longer rare.
5.If a group reaches a consensus it means...
everyone involved agrees with an opinion.
6.According to Epstein what might be a reason for more people joining the sub-four mile club?
There are more people training and they are training more intelligently.
Fill in the blanks :
Even college kids are professional in their training compared to Sir Roger Bannister, who trained for 45 minutes at a time while he ditched gynecology lectures in med school.
Clearly, athletes have gotten more savvy about performance-enhancing drugs as well, and that's made a difference in some sports at some times, but technology has made a difference in all sports, from faster skis to lighter shoes.
athletes运动员; 田径运动员; 擅长运动的人; 健儿; athlete的复数
gotten得到; 美国英语中get的过去分词
savvy 英 [ˈsævi] 美 [ˈsævi] n. 实际知识;见识;了解 adj. 有见识的;懂实际知识的;通情达理的 v. 知晓;懂 第三人称单数: savvies现在分词: savvying过去式: savvied过去分词: savvied
as well也;还
and that而且,并且
some times几次; 好几次; 数次
in all非常; 总计
skis滑雪板; 滑雪; ski的第三人称单数和复数
lighter打火机; 驳船; 轻地; 清楚地; 轻便地; 充满亮光的; 明亮的; 有自然光的; 浅
Take a look at the record for the 100-meter freestyle swim.
The record is always trending downward, but it's punctuated by these steep cliffs.
record记录; 记载; 唱片; 纪录; 录制; 录; 演奏音乐供录制; 灌
always总是; 每次都是; 一直; 一贯; 永远
downward下降的; 向下的
punctuated不时打断; 给…加标点符号; punctuate的过去分词和过去式
these这些,他们; 这些; 一些
steep陡的; 陡峭的; 突然的; 急剧的; 大起大落的; 过高的; 过分的; 不合理的; 泡; 浸; 使…充满
cliffs悬崖,峭壁; cliff的复数
This first cliff, in 1956, is the introduction of the flip turn.
first第一; 最重要的; 首要的; 最优秀的; 首先; 最初; 第一次; 首次; 第一个人; 空前的成就; 前所未有的事情; 一挡,最低挡
introduction初次投入使用; 采用; 引进; 推行; 新采用的事物; 介绍,引见
flip turn翻腾转体,前滚翻转身
Rather than stopping and turning around, athletes could somersault under the water and get going right away in the opposite direction.
Rather than而不
stopping停止,停下; 中断,停止; 结束,终止; stop的现在分词
turning around掉头
athletes运动员; 田径运动员; 擅长运动的人; 健儿; athlete的复数
could用于can的过去时; 能,可以; 能; 把装罐保存; 让…卷铺盖走人; 炒…的鱿鱼; can的过去分词和过去式
somersault英 [ˈsʌməsɔːlt] 美 [ˈsʌmərsɔːlt] n. 滚翻;空翻;筋斗 v. 做滚翻;做空翻
get going开始做,出发
right away立刻
opposite direction反向; 相反的方向
This second cliff, the introduction of gutters on the side of the pool that allows water to splash off, rather than becoming turbulence that impedes the swimmers as they race.
introduction初次投入使用; 采用; 引进; 推行; 新采用的事物; 介绍,引见
gutters 英 [ˈɡʌtəz] 美 [ˈɡʌtərz] n. 檐沟;天沟;路旁排水沟;阴沟;恶劣的社会环境;道德沦落的社会最低阶层 v. 忽明忽暗;摇曳不定 gutter的第三人称单数和复数
on the side of站在…一边,赞助
splash泼洒; 哗啦哗啦地溅; 噼里啪啦地落; 把泼在…上,溅在…上; 朝…上泼; 溅着水花行走,拍打着水游; 落水声; 溅泼声; 溅上的液体; 溅洒后留下的污渍; 色块; 光斑
rather than而不
becoming相配的; 合身的; 合适的; 与…相称的; 开始变得; 变成; 适合; 与…相称; 使显得漂亮; 使好看; become的现在分词
turbulence 英 [ˈtɜːbjələns] 美 [ˈtɜːrbjələns] n. 骚乱;动乱;动荡;混乱;(空气和水的)湍流,涡流,紊流
impedes 英 [ɪmˈpiːdz] 美 [ɪmˈpiːdz] v. 阻碍;阻止 impede的第三人称单数
swimmers会游泳者; 游泳者; swimmer的复数
This final cliff, the introduction of full-body and low-friction swimsuits.
final最终的; 最后的; 决定性的; 不可改变的; 决赛; 大学毕业考试; 期终结业考试; 期终考试
introduction初次投入使用; 采用; 引进; 推行; 新采用的事物; 介绍,引见
swimsuits游泳衣; swimsuit的复数
Throughout sports, technology has changed the face of performance.
In 1972, Eddy Merckx set the record for the longest distance cycled in one hour at 30 miles, 3,774 feet.
ps:1972年,Eddy Merckx创造了一小时内以3774英尺30英里的速度骑车最长距离的纪录。
Eddy旋涡,涡流; 起旋涡; 旋转
set放; 置; 使处于; 使处于某种状况; 使开始; 把故事情节安排在; 以…为…设置背景; 一套,一副,一组; 一组; 一伙人; 阶层; 团伙; 位于…的; 安排好的; 确定的; 固定的; 顽固的; 固执的
record记录; 记载; 唱片; 纪录; 录制; 录; 演奏音乐供录制; 灌
longest长期地; 长久地; 很久地; 用于名词后强调某事发生在某整段时间; 长的; 长; 长时间的; 长久的; 长期的; long的最高级
distance距离; 间距; 遥远; 久远,间隔; 远方; 远处; 拉开距离; 与…疏远
cycled骑自行车; 骑自行车旅行; cycle的过去分词和过去式
in one集为一体
miles英里(= 1 609米或1 760码); 大面积; 长距离; 很多; 远远地; mile的复数
feetfoot 的复数
Now that record improved as bicycles improved and became more aerodynamic, all the way until 1996, when it was set at 35 miles, 1,531 feet, nearly five miles farther than Eddy Merckx cycled in 1972.
Now that由于
bicycles自行车; 脚踏车; 骑自行车; bicycle的第三人称单数和复数
became开始变得; 变成; 适合; 与…相称; 使显得漂亮; 使好看; become的过去式
all the way一路; 自始至终;一直
nearly几乎; 差不多; 将近
farther更远,较远; 更远的,较远的; far的比较级
Eddy旋涡,涡流; 起旋涡; 旋转
cycled骑自行车; 骑自行车旅行; cycle的过去分词和过去式
But then in 2000, the International Cycling Union decreed that anyone who wanted to hold that record had to do so with essentially the same equipment that Eddy Merckx used in 1972.
Cycling骑自行车运动; 骑自行车; 骑自行车旅行; cycle的现在分词
Union协会; 联合会; 会社; 俱乐部; 同盟; 联盟; 联邦; 美利坚合众国,美国
decreed裁定; 判决; 颁布; decree的过去分词和过去式
anyone(用于否定句、疑问句,也用于if或whether之后,或紧接prevent、forbid、avoid等动词,代替someone)任何人; 随便哪个人; 重要人物
wanted受通缉的; 要; 想要; 希望; 需要; 需要…在场; want的过去分词和过去式
essentially本质上; 根本上; 基本上
Eddy旋涡,涡流; 起旋涡; 旋转
Where does the record stand today?
30 miles, 4,657 feet, a grand total of 883 feet farther than Eddy Merckx cycled more than four decades ago.
miles英里(= 1 609米或1 760码); 大面积; 长距离; 很多; 远远地; mile的复数
feetfoot 的复数
total总的; 总计的; 全体的; 全部的; 彻底的; 完全的; 总数; 总额; 合计; 总计; 总数达; 共计; 把…加起来; 计算…的总和; 彻底毁坏
farther更远,较远; 更远的,较远的; far的比较级
Eddy旋涡,涡流; 起旋涡; 旋转
cycled骑自行车; 骑自行车旅行; cycle的过去分词和过去式
more than比…更;比…更重要; 超出需要;超乎寻常
four decades四十年
Essentially the entire improvement in this record was due to technology.
1.What technological innovations have been made in professional swimming since the 1950s?
the development of low friction swimsuits.
2.To decree means to
officially decide or order something.
3.According to Epstein,
improvements in sports are mainly due to better technology.
4.Why has technology been more impactful in athletics than performance-enhancing drugs?
Technology changes the entire dynamic of the sport, not just the athlete.
5.Epstein suggests swimmers have achieved faster times due to...
technological advancements.
6.What technological innovations have been made in professional swimming since the 1950s?
the development of low friction swimsuits
7.To be savvy about something means to
know a lot and be able to make good judgments about it.
Fill in the blanks:
Throughout sports, technology has changed the face of performance. In 1972, Eddy Merckx set the record for the longest distance cycled in one hour at 30 miles, 3,774 feet.
Repeat and read the sentences:
1.essentially the entire improvement in this record was due to technology.