



创建学生选课管理数据库 SCM,数据库中至少包含以下张关系表:
课程关系:Course(Cno,Cname, Ccredit,Teacher)



create database scm;    /*创建数据库scm*/
use scm;  /*使用数据库scm*/


CREATE TABLE student (           
  sno char(9) NOT NULL,
  sname char(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  ssex char(2) DEFAULT NULL,
  sage smallint DEFAULT NULL,
  sdept char(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (sno),
  UNIQUE KEY sname_UNIQUE (sname)
) ;

INSERT INTO student VALUES ('201215121','李勇','男',20,'cs'),

  cno char(4) NOT NULL,
  cname char(40) DEFAULT NULL,
  ccredit smallint DEFAULT NULL,
  teacher char(20) DEFAULT NULL,

INSERT INTO course VALUES ('1','数据库',4,'杨老师'),

  sno char(9) NOT NULL,
  cno char(4) NOT NULL,
  grade smallint DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (sno,cno),
  KEY fk2_idx (cno),
  CONSTRAINT fk1 FOREIGN KEY (sno) REFERENCES student (sno),
) ;

INSERT INTO sc VALUES ('201215121','1',92),

ALTER TABLE student ADD s_entrance date;

alter table student modify column sage int;

alter table course add unique(cname);

ALTER TABLE `scm`.`course` 
ADD COLUMN `cpno` CHAR(4) NULL AFTER `teacher`;

UPDATE `scm`.`course` SET `cpno` = '5' WHERE (`cno` = '1');
UPDATE `scm`.`course` SET `cpno` = '1' WHERE (`cno` = '3');
UPDATE `scm`.`course` SET `cpno` = '6' WHERE (`cno` = '4');
UPDATE `scm`.`course` SET `cpno` = '7' WHERE (`cno` = '5');
UPDATE `scm`.`course` SET `cpno` = '6' WHERE (`cno` = '7');


drop table sc;
drop table student;
drop table course;


select * from student;

select sname,sdept from student;

select sname,2020-sage as 出生年份 from student;

select distinct sno from sc;

select sname from student where sdept='cs';

select sno,sname,sage from student where sdept='cs' and sage<20 and ssex='女';

/* 查询年龄在18-19岁(包括18岁和19 岁)之间的学生的姓名、系别和年龄*/
select sname,sdept,sage from student where sage between 18 and 19;

select sname,sno,ssex from student where sname like '刘%';

/*查询没有先行课的课程名称(即Cpno 为NULL)*/
select cname from course where cpno is null;

select sno,grade from sc where cno='3' order by grade desc;

select count(*) from student;

/* 查询选修1号课程的学生最高分数(用MaxGrade命名)和最低分(用MinGrade命名)*/ 
select max(grade) as MaxGrade, min(grade) as MinGrade from sc where cno='1';

select ssex,avg(sage) as  平均年龄 from student group by ssex;

select sno,avg(grade) as 平均成绩 from sc group by sno having avg(grade)>=90;

select student.*,sc.* from student,sc where student.sno=sc.sno;

select student.sno,sname from student,sc 
                        where student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno='2' and sc.grade>80;

select first.cname,second.cname from course first,course second
                        where first.cpno=second.cno;

/* 查询每个学生的学号、姓名、选修的课程名及成绩*/
select student.sno,sname,cname,grade from student,course,sc
                where student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=course.cno;

/*查询所有学生及选修课程的情况。 */
select student.*,cno,grade 
from student left outer join sc on 

/* 查询与“刘晨”在同一个系学习的学生学号、姓名、所在系*/
select sno,sname,sdept from student
where sdept in(
    select sdept from student where sname='刘晨');

/*查询选修了课程名为“信息系统”的学生学号和姓名,请分别用以下两种方式表达: */
/*(1)嵌套查询 */
select sno,sname from student
where sno in(select sno from sc where cno in
(select cno from course where cname='信息系统')
/*(2)连接查询  */
select student.sno,sname from student,sc,course
where student.sno=sc.sno 
and sc.cno=course.cno 
and course.cname='信息系统';
select sno,cno,grade from sc x
where grade >=(
select avg(grade) from sc y where y.sno=x.sno);

/*用<  any谓词的子查询*/
select sname,sage from student
where sage < any 
(select sage from student where sdept='cs')
and sdept <> 'cs';
select sname,sage from student
where sage < (select max(sage) from student where sdept = 'cs')
and sdept <> 'cs';

select sname from student
where not exists
(select * from sc where sno=student.sno and cno='1');

/*查询选修了全部课程的学生姓名。 */
select sname from student where not exists 
                            (select * from course where not exists 
                            (select * from sc where sno=student.sno and cno=course.cno)
SELECT Student.Sno,Sname,Course.Cname,Sc.Grade 
from student,sc,course where
student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=course.cno
and cname='数据库' and grade>=90;

/*将一个新学生元组(sno:201215128; sname:陈冬; ssex:男; sage:18)插入到Student表中。 */
insert into student(sno,sname,ssex,sage) values('201215128','陈冬','男',18);

/*插入一条选课记录( '201215128','1 ')到SC表中*/
insert into sc(sno,cno) values('201215128','1');

create table dept_age
        (sdept char(15),
        avg_age smallint);

/*将学生201215128 的年龄改为22岁。 */
update student set sage=22 where sno='201215128';

/*将所有学生的年龄增加1岁。 */
update student set sage=sage+1;

/*将CS系全体学生的成绩置0分。 */
update sc set grade = 0
    where sno in (select sno from student where sdept ='cs');

/*从Student表中找出漏填了数据的学生信息; */
select * from student 
        where sname is null 
        or ssex is null 
        or sage is null 
        or sdept is null;
/*查询选修了课程但是缺考(成绩为空null)的选课记录; */
select * from sc where grade is null;

delete from sc where sno in (select sno from student where sdept='cs');

/*删除SC表中所有的学生选课记录。 */
delete from sc;

/* 删除学号为‘201215128’的学生记录。 */
delete from student where sno='201215128';


/* 建立信息系(IS系)学生的视图IS_Student*/
create view is_student as select * from student where sdept='is';
create view is_student1 as select sno,sname,sage from student where sdept='is';

/* 建立IS系选修了1号课程的学生的视图(包括学号、姓名、成绩)IS_S1; */
create view is_s1(sno,sname,grade) as
select student.sno,sname,grade from student,sc
where sdept='is' and sc.cno='1';

/* 建立信息系选修了1号课程且成绩在90分以上的学生的视图IS_S2; */
create view is_s2 as select sno,sname,grade from is_s1 where grade>=90;

/*定义一个反映学生出生年份的视图BT_S; */
create view bt_s(sno,sname,sbirth) as select sno,sname,2023-sage from student;

/*删除视图BT_S和IS_S1; */
drop view bt_s;
drop view is_s1 cascade;

/*通过视图IS_Student找出信息系年龄小于20岁的学生; */
select sno,sage from is_student where sage<20;

/*通过视图IS_Student查询选修了1号课程的信息系学生。 */
select is_student.sno,sname from is_student,sc where is_student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno='1';

/* 通过视图IS_Student将信息系学生学号”201215122”的学生姓名改为”刘辰” */
update is_student set sname='张莉' where sno='201215125';

/*通过视图IS_Student插入一个新的学生记录,其中学号为”201215129”,姓名为”赵新”,年龄为20岁 */
insert into is_student1 values('201215129','赵新',20);

/* 通过视图IS_Student删除信息系学生学号为”201215129”的记录。 */
delete from is_student where sno='201215129';


create user 'zhangsan'@'localhost' identified by '123';

create user 'lisi'@'localhost','wangwu'@'localhost','zhaoliu'@'localhost';

/*查看用户表   表的结构*/
use mysql;
desc user;
select * from mysql.user;
select host,user from mysql.user;
show databases;

flush privileges;

/* 创建连接本地主机localhost的用户“zhangsan”,密码为“123”*/
create user 'zhangsan'@'localhost' identified by '123';

create user 'lisi'@'localhost','wangwu'@'localhost','zhaoliu'@'localhost';

/* 把查询Student表权限授给用户zhangsan*/
grant select on table scm.student to 'zhangsan'@'localhost';

/* 把查询Student表和修改学生姓名的权限授给用户lisi*/
grant update(sname),select on table student to 'lisi'@'localhost';

grant all privileges on table student to 'wangwu'@'localhost';

/*分别查看用户zhangsan、lisi、wangwu、zhaoliu的授权表如下信息列: db,table_name,table_priv,column_priv。*/
select db,user,table_name,table_priv,column_priv from mysql.tables_priv 
where user='zahngsan' or user='lisi' or user='wangwu' or user='zhaoliu';

/*把用户lisi修改学生姓名的权限收回。 */
revoke update(sname) on table student from 'lisi'@'localhost';

revoke all privileges on table student FROM 'wangwu'@'localhost';

drop user 'zhaoliu'@'localhost';


create database scm;    /*创建数据库*/

use scm;       /*使用该数据库*/

/*1、 分别用两种方法将Student表中的Sno属性定义为码: */
/*(1) 在列级定义主码 */
create table student
        (sno char(9) primary key,
        sname char(20) not null,
        ssex char(2),
        sage smallint,
        sdept char(20)
/*(2) 在表级定义主码 */
create table student1
        (sno char(9),
        sname char(20) not null,
        ssex char(2),
        sage smallint,
        sdept char(20),
        primary key (sno)

drop table student1;

/*2、 分别用两种方法将Course表中的Cno属性定义为码: */
/*(1) 在列级定义主码 */
create table course
        (cno char(4) primary key,
        cname char(40),
        cpno char(4),
        ccredit smallint
/*(2) 在表级定义主码 */
create table course1
        (cno char(4),
        cname char(40),
        cpno char(4),
        ccredit smallint,
        primary key (cno)

drop table course1;

/*在表级定义SC表的实体完整性(定义主码)和参照完整性(定义外码)。 */
create table sc
        (sno char(9) not null,
         cno char(9) not null,
         grade smallint,
         primary key(sno,cno),
         foreign key(sno) references student(sno),
         foreign key(cno) references course(cno)

drop table sc;

4、 定义SC表参照完整性的违约处理: 
 (1) 删除或更新Student中相关元组时级联删除或更新SC表中相关元组; 
  (2) 删除Course中相关元组造成SC表中不一致时拒绝删除,
        当更新course表中的 cno 时,级联更新SC表中相关的元组。
create table sc
        (sno char(9) not null,
        cno char(4) not null,
        grade smallint,
        primary key(sno,cno),
        foreign key (sno) references student(sno)
        on delete cascade 
        on update cascade,
        foreign key(cno) references course(cno)
        on delete no action
        on update cascade

        员工登记表:Employee(No, Name, Sex, Age, Deptno) 
        部门表DEPT: (Deptno , Dname) 
create database ed;
use ed;

/*1、 建立部门表DEPT,要求部门名称Dname列取值唯一,部门编号Deptno列为主码。 */
create table dept
        (deptno char(20) primary key,
        deptname char(50) not null,
        mname char(50)
/*2、 建立员工登记表Employee,要求工号No在90000~99999之间,姓名不能取空值,
create table employee
        (no numeric(6) constraint c1 check (no between 90000 and 99999),
        name char(20) constraint c2 check (name is not null),
        age numeric(3) constraint c3 check (age<30),
        sex char(2) constraint c4 check (sex in ('男','女')),
        constraint empkey primary key(no)
show databases;
use information_schema;

show tables;

select * from TABLE_CONSTRAINTS;

select * from TABLE_CONSTRAINTS where table_name='employee';

/*3、 去掉Employee表中对年龄的限制。 */
use ed;
alter table employee drop constraint c3;

alter table employee add constraint c3 check (age<40);
