

“Be aware of how the balance of control is shifting”


NB: This article was first published in 2012 and was copied here in 2020.


For as long as humans have been inventing new technologies, we have tried to use these technologies to create automatons in our image. In other words, robots that we can talk to.

只要人类一直在发明新技术,我们就试图使用这些技术在我们的形象中创造自动机。 换句话说,我们可以交谈的机器人。

Our oldest myths include robots made from clay. With the advent of metalworking, Hephaestus, blacksmith to the ancient greek gods, built handmaidens out of gold. With the spread of mechanics, René I-think-therefore-I-am Descartes is said to have built a daughter out of metal and sprockets. Following the industrial revolution, steam and then electrical robots proliferated including a (fictional) Thomas-Edison-like inventor introducing the term “android” in The Future Eve.

我们最古老的神话包括用粘土制成的机器人。 随着金属加工的出现,赫菲斯托斯(Hephaestus),古代希腊神的铁匠用黄金建造了女仆。 随着机械学的传播,据说勒内·我(RenéI-Think-I-am Descartes)用金属和链轮打造了一个女儿。 在工业革命之后,蒸汽机和电动机器人激增,其中包括一个(虚构的)托马斯·爱迪生式发明家,在“未来平安夜 ”中引入了“机器人”一词。

People have been predicting that talking robots are just 5 years away … for about 50 years now. Our expectations have exceeded the complexity that is necessary to make this a reality. A good example is from 2001: A Space Odyssey:

人们一直在预测,说话的机器人距离现在只有5年……大约50年了。 我们的期望超出了实现这一目标所必需的复杂性。 一个很好的例子是2001年的《太空漫游》

“I’m sorry, Frank, I think you missed it … “


In 1968 — a year before the moon landing — audiences balked at the idea that a computer would be competitive with a human in chess by 2001, but no one batted an eyelid that the computer was carrying on a conversation in English at the same time. Not only was the English flawless, the computer had mastered the art of subtle condescension. The condescension was more than linguistic expertise — it signaled that perhaps the robot was not the willing servant and that is possessed a hidden agenda that gave it more power than its human counterparts realized.

1968年,也就是月亮登月的前一年,听众对计算机在2001年之前可以与国际象棋竞争的想法感到震惊,但没人敢说,该计算机同时在进行英语对话。 英语不仅完美无缺,而且计算机还掌握了微妙的屈尊的艺术。 谦逊不仅仅是语言专业知识-它表明机器人可能不是自愿的仆人,并且拥有隐藏的议程,赋予了它比人类同行所意识到的更大的力量。

What was the name of the robot in 2001: A Space Odyssey? To test your knowledge, answers for this robot (#1) and 19 others below are at the end of the article.

2001年该机器人的名字是:太空漫游。 为了测试您的知识,本文结尾处提供了该机器人(#1)和下面其他19个机器人的答案。

Aristotle suggested in Politics (322 BCE) that automatons could bring the abolition of slavery. The term “robot” didn’t come until relatively recently in Čapek’s Rossum’s Universal Robots, published in 1920. Echoing Aristotle, “robot” is derived from the Czech word “rab”, which means “slave”. The tension has remained: are robots our servants and should we fear that they will rise up to control us?

亚里士多德在《 政治学》 (公元前322年)中提出,自动机可以废除奴隶制。 直到1920年Čapek的Rossum的Universal Robots中才出现“机器人”一词。呼应亚里斯多德的说法,“机器人”源自捷克语“ rab”,意思是“奴隶”。 紧张仍然存在:机器人是我们的仆人,我们是否应该担心机器人会崛起来控制我们?

Robot #2 2号机器人

So where is your talking robot? And should you be worried about it rising up to control you? You may not be having a conversation with a robot every day, but you are interacting with artificial intelligence which is understanding your communications and making decisions that are changing your life in profound ways. They cannot produce flawless sentences, but they can understand language at a scale beyond that of any one person. These robots are working with you to make
