每日一词 toughen

我们熟悉“tough”的意思是“艰难的” “(政策或行动)强硬的”,和很多形容词一样,它可以通过添加词缀变成动词 toughen,表示“加强”。

当我们想表达“make something more strict”的时候,就可以用更简洁的 toughen 来表示。比如,中国已经加强了对虚拟货币交易的控制:

Chinese authorities have toughened their control of cryptocurrency trading.

toughen 也经常用作 toughen up,上面例句中的 toughen 都可以换成 toughen up。比如我们想说,新法规加强了对酒驾者的处罚和限制,就可以说成:

The new law toughens up penalties and restrictions for DUI offenders. (DUI 是 Driving under the influence 的缩写,就是我们常说的“酒驾”)


The government has gradually toughened the penalties on online car-hailing.


The college has toughened punishments on the act of academic papers cheating .

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